RTC::Acceleration2D | Accelerations in 2D cartesian space |
RTC::Acceleration3D | Accelerations in 3D cartesian space |
RTC::ActArrayActuatorCurrent | Stores the current draw of a single actuator |
RTC::ActArrayActuatorGeometry | Describes the geometry of an individual actuator |
RTC::ActArrayActuatorPos | Stores the position of a single actuator |
RTC::ActArrayActuatorSpeed | Stores the speed of a single actuator |
RTC::ActArrayGeometry | Geometry of an actuator array |
RTC::ActArrayState | State of all actuators in an array |
RTC::Actuator | State information of a single actuator |
SDOPackage::AllowedValues | |
RTC::AngularAcceleration3D | Angular accelerations in 3D cartesian space |
RTC::AngularVelocity3D | Angular velocities in 3D cartesian space |
RTC::BumperArrayGeometry | Geometry of an array of bump sensors |
RTC::BumperGeometry | Geometry of a single bumper |
RTC::CameraImage | Stores an image from a camera or camera-like device |
RTC::CameraInfo | Information about an image-producing device |
RTC::Carlike | Control specification for a car-like robot |
RTC::ComponentAction | ComponentAction |
RTC::ComponentProfile | ComponentProfile |
SDOPackage::Configuration | |
SDOPackage::ConfigurationSet | |
RTC::ConnectorProfile | ConnectorProfile |
RTC::Covariance2D | Covariance matrix for a 2D pose |
RTC::Covariance3D | Covariance matrix for a 3D pose |
OpenRTM::DataFlowComponent | |
RTC::DataFlowComponent | DataFlowComponent |
RTC::DataFlowComponentAction | DataFlowComponentAction |
SDOPackage::DeviceProfile | |
SDOPackage::EnumerationType | |
RTC::ExecutionContext | ExecutionContext |
RTC::ExecutionContextProfile | |
RTC::ExecutionContextService | ExecutionContextService |
OpenRTM::ExtTrigExecutionContextService | |
RTC::Features | |
RTC::FiducialFOV | Field of view of a fiducial tracker |
RTC::FiducialInfo | Information about a single fiducial |
RTC::Fiducials | Time-stamped list of detected fiducials |
RTC::Fsm | Fsm |
RTC::FsmBehaviorProfile | FsmBehaviorProfile |
RTC::FsmObject | FsmObject |
RTC::FsmParticipant | |
RTC::FsmParticipantAction | FsmParticipantAction |
RTC::FsmProfile | FsmProfile |
RTC::FsmService | FsmService |
Geoemtry3D | Geometry information for a device in 3D cartesian space |
RTC::Geometry2D | Geometry information for a device in 2D cartesian space |
RTC::Geometry3D | |
RTC::GPSData | Data as returned by a common GPS device |
RTC::GPSTime | Time since epoch as reported by a GPS device |
RTC::GripperGeometry | Geometry of a gripper, including both the outside and inside sizes |
RTC::GripperState | State of a gripper |
RTC::Hypotheses2D | Time-stamped list of localisation hypotheses in 2D space |
RTC::Hypotheses3D | Time-stamped list of localisation hypotheses in 3D space |
RTC::Hypothesis2D | A pose hypothesis in 2D space |
RTC::Hypothesis3D | A pose hypothesis in 3D space |
OpenRTM::InPortCdr | |
RTC::INSData | Data returned by an inertial navigation system |
RTC::IntensityData | Intensity readings from a range sensor |
SDOPackage::IntervalType | |
RTC::LightweightRTObject | LightweightRTObject |
RTC::LimbState | Time-stamped state of a limb |
RTC::LineFeature | A line feature |
RTM::Manager | |
RTM::ManagerProfile | |
RTC::Mode | Mode |
RTC::ModeCapable | ModeCapable |
RTM::ModuleProfile | |
SDOPackage::Monitoring | |
RTC::MulticameraGeometry | Geometry of a multi-camera system, such as a stereo camera |
MulticameraImages | Images from a set of cameras |
RTC::MultiCameraImages | |
RTC::MultiModeComponentAction | MultiModeComponentAction |
RTC::MultiModeObject | |
SDOPackage::NameValue | |
SDOPackage::Numeric | |
RTC::OAP | Orientation, approach and position vectors |
RTC::OGMapConfig | Configuration of a occupancy-grip map |
RTC::OGMapTile | A tile from an occupancy-grid map |
SDOPackage::Organization | |
SDOPackage::OrganizationProperty | |
RTC::Orientation3D | Orientation in 3D cartesian space |
OpenRTM::OutPortCdr | |
RTC::PanTiltAngles | Pan and tilt values of a pan-tilt unit |
RTC::PanTiltState | Status of a pan-tilt unit |
SDOPackage::Parameter | |
RTC::Path2D | A time-stamped path in 2D space |
RTC::Path3D | A time-stamped path in 3D space |
RTC::Point2D | Point in 2D cartesian space |
RTC::Point3D | Point in 3D cartesian space |
RTC::PointCloud | A cloud of points in 3D space |
RTC::PointCloudPoint | A point in a point cloud |
RTC::PointCovariance2D | Covariance matrix for a 2D point |
RTC::PointFeature | A size-less point feature |
RTC::PortInterfaceProfile | PortInterfaceProfile |
RTC::PortProfile | PortProfile |
RTC::PortService | PortService |
RTC::Pose2D | Pose in 2D cartesian space |
RTC::Pose3D | Pose in 3D cartesian space |
RTC::PoseFeature | A size-less point feature with orientation |
RTC::PoseVel2D | Pose and velocity in 2D cartesian space |
RTC::PoseVel3D | Pose and velocity in 3D cartesian space |
RTC::Quaternion | Data type for Quaternion |
RTC::RangeData | Range readings from a range sensor |
RTC::RangerConfig | The configuration of a ranger device |
RTC::RangerGeometry | Geometry of a ranger device. A range sensor may be a single device returning multiple ranges (such as a laser scanner), or an array of sensing elements each returning a single range value (such as an array of sonar sensors). If there is only one sensing element in the device, the device should be considered a laser scanner type. If there are multiple elements, the device should be considered an array of single-range-value sensors |
SDOPackage::RangeType | |
RTC::RGBColour | Red/green/blue colour specification, with values between 0.0 for none and 1.0 for full |
RTC::RTObject | RTObject |
SDOPackage::SDO | |
SDOPackage::SDOService | |
SDOPackage::SDOSystemElement | |
SDOPackage::ServiceProfile | |
RTC::Size2D | Size in 2D cartesian space |
RTC::Size3D | Size in 3D cartesian space |
RTC::SpeedHeading2D | Control specification for a robot capable of moving in a given direction in 2D space |
RTC::SpeedHeading3D | Control specification for a robot capable of moving in a given direction in 3D space |
RTC::Time | |
RTC::TimedAcceleration2D | Time-stamped version of Acceleration2D |
RTC::TimedAcceleration3D | Time-stamped version of Acceleration3D |
RTC::TimedAngularAcceleration3D | Time-stamped version of AngularAcceleration3D |
RTC::TimedAngularVelocity3D | Time-stamped version of AngularVelocity3D |
RTC::TimedBoolean | |
RTC::TimedBooleanSeq | |
RTC::TimedCarlike | Time-stamped version of Carlike |
RTC::TimedChar | |
RTC::TimedCharSeq | |
RTC::TimedCovariance2D | Time-stamped version of Covariance2D |
RTC::TimedCovariance3D | Time-stamped version of Covariance3D |
RTC::TimedDouble | |
RTC::TimedDoubleSeq | |
RTC::TimedFloat | |
RTC::TimedFloatSeq | |
RTC::TimedGeometry2D | Time-stamped version of Geometry2D |
RTC::TimedGeometry3D | Time-stamped version of Geometry3D |
RTC::TimedLong | |
RTC::TimedLongSeq | |
RTC::TimedOAP | Time-stamped version of OAP |
RTC::TimedOctet | |
RTC::TimedOctetSeq | |
RTC::TimedOrientation3D | Time-stamped version of Orientation3D |
RTC::TimedPoint2D | Time-stamped version of Point2D |
RTC::TimedPoint3D | Time-stamped version of Point3D |
RTC::TimedPointCovariance2D | Time-stamped version of PointCovariance2D |
RTC::TimedPose2D | Time-stamped version of Pose2D |
RTC::TimedPose3D | Time-stamped version of Pose3D |
RTC::TimedPoseVel2D | Time-stamped version of PoseVel2D |
RTC::TimedPoseVel3D | Time-stamped version of PoseVel3D |
RTC::TimedQuaternion | Timed version data type for Quaternion |
RTC::TimedRGBColour | Time-stamped version of RGBColour |
RTC::TimedShort | |
RTC::TimedShortSeq | |
RTC::TimedSize2D | Time-stamped version of Size2D |
RTC::TimedSize3D | Time-stamped version of Size3D |
RTC::TimedSpeedHeading2D | Time-stamped version of SpeedHeading2D |
RTC::TimedSpeedHeading3D | Time-stamped version of SpeedHeading3D |
RTC::TimedState | |
RTC::TimedString | |
RTC::TimedStringSeq | |
RTC::TimedULong | |
RTC::TimedULongSeq | |
RTC::TimedUShort | |
RTC::TimedUShortSeq | |
RTC::TimedVector2D | Time-stamped version of Vector2D |
RTC::TimedVector3D | Time-stamped version of Vector3D |
RTC::TimedVelocity2D | Time-stamped version of Velocity2D |
RTC::TimedVelocity3D | Time-stamped version of Velocity3D |
RTC::TimedWChar | |
RTC::TimedWCharSeq | |
RTC::TimedWString | |
RTC::TimedWStringSeq | |
RTC::Vector2D | Vector in 2D cartesian space |
RTC::Vector3D | Vector in 3D cartesian space |
RTC::Velocity2D | Velocities in 2D cartesian space |
RTC::Velocity3D | Velocities in 3D cartesian space |
RTC::Waypoint2D | A waypoint in 2D space, including constraints |
RTC::Waypoint3D | A waypoint in 3D space, including constraints |