OpenRTM-aist Python 1.2.1-RELEASE


(G) Please refer to the following page for the installation procedure.


Windows Installer

The msi file is over 900MB in size. Use a high-speed line (50Mbps or more) to download in minutes.

For 64bit

Installer for Windows
(including OpenRTM-aist, C ++, Python,
Java version and OpenRTP,
RTShell (4.2.2))
(Visual Studio 2010, 2012,
2013, 2015, 2017 , 2019))
MD5: be6b346d61768435d812cc032bc7a529
November 25, 2019
Python-2.7 python-2.7.16.amd64.msi
Python-3.6 python-3.6.8-amd64.exe
Python-3.7 python-3.7.5-amd64.exe [
CMake cmake-3.15.5-win64-x64.msi cmake
Doxygen doxygen-1.9.2-setup.exe doxygen
  • * Install Python version "3.7", "3.6", or "2.7".
  • The above download link may be broken when the latest version of Doxygen is released. In that case, please go to the download page of doxygen: http and download and install the latest "doxygen-X.X.X-setup.exe".

For 32bit

Windows installer
(including OpenRTM-aist, C ++, Python,
Java version and OpenRTP,
RTShell (4.2.2))
(Visual Studio 2010, 2012,
2013, 2015, 2017, 2019 Common)
MD5: a9186d409cafc039432a0e1c6e7e02ef
November 25, 2019
Python-2.7 python-2.7.16.msi
Python-3.6 python-3.6.8.exe
Python-3.7 python-3.7.5.exe
CMake cmake-3.15.5-win32-x86.msi cmake
Doxygen doxygen-1.9.2-setup.exe doxygen
  • * Install Python version "3.7", "3.6", or "2.7".
  • The above download link may be broken when the latest version of Doxygen is released. In that case, please go to the download page of doxygen: http and download and install the latest "doxygen-X.X.X-setup.exe".

For installation, Start OpenRTM-aist in 10 minutes! page for instructions.

Linux package

We currently offer packages in the following distribution versions. You can use the installation script distributed below to install the required packages at once.

Distribution version Bulk installation script (right click to get URL)
Ubuntu 16.04 (xenial) i386 / amd64
Ubuntu 18.04 (bionic) amd64
Raspbian Buster armhf

By specifying options, you can now install packages that meet your needs. Please refer to Bulk installation script for installation method, options and package types.

If you have already installed 1.2.0-RELEASE, you can update it.

For Ubuntu / Debian

$ sudo apt-get update  $ sudo apt-get upgrade

See OpenRTM-aist (Python version) 1.2 system installation for download and installation methods.

Source code

Python version source code OpenRTM-aist-Python-1.2.1.tar.gz: https
MD5: 88c83d2b3dfc70b8eb0b3377be3d51f9
Python source code (Win32)
MD5: 84ad916e98e2eeb7b65450c57e15a0d1

Build from source

For details on how to build from source, see Building from source (Windows) or Building from source (Linux) .

Create deb / rpm package

From 1.1, the creation of deb packages for Ubuntu and Debian and rpm packages for Fedora from the above source code is officially supported.
You can create a package by following the steps below. When creating a package, use the Bulk installation script (pkg_install _ ***. Sh) to install the necessary packages in advance.

 $ tar xvzf OpenRTM-aist-Python-1.2.1.tar.gz  $ cd OpenRTM-aist-Python-1.2.1/packages  $ make

Packages are created in the pacakges directory.

* Install tools such as "dpkg-dev build-essential debhelper devscripts" when creating deb packages on Ubuntu and Debian, and "rpm-build createrepo" before creating rpm packages on Fedora. Must be kept. These can be installed by executing Bulk nstallation script with the -c option.

Release notes

OpenRTM-aist Official Website can use source code, Windows installer, Linux package, etc. in dual license system which can be selected from LGPL license or individual contract with AIST.

Supported (build verified) OS

      • Ubuntu 16.04 i386, amd64
      • Ubuntu 18.04 amd64
      • Raspian Buster armhf
      • Windows 10 (32 / 64bit)


latest Releases : 2.0.0-RELESE

2.0.0-RELESE Download page

Number of Projects


Motion editor/Dynamics simulator


Dynamics simulator


Integrated Development Platform

AIST RTC collection

RT-Components collection by AIST


Tokyo Opensource Robotics Association


Middleware for DAQ (Data Aquisition) by KEK