Error message

  • Warning: file_put_contents(temporary://fileS2mrGL): failed to open stream: "DrupalTemporaryStreamWrapper::stream_open" call failed in file_unmanaged_save_data() (line 2024 of includes/
  • The file could not be created.
  • Warning: file_put_contents(temporary://file7UlHvL): failed to open stream: "DrupalTemporaryStreamWrapper::stream_open" call failed in file_unmanaged_save_data() (line 2024 of includes/
  • The file could not be created.

Technology Transfer


Japan's National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) is promoting the transfer of various technologies, know-how and software licenses owned by AIST. If you are interested in technology transfer of OpenRTM-aist and its related technologies, please contact the following person or the Technology License Office of AIST.

Contact Information

 National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
 Industrial CPS Research Center, Software Platform Research Team
 Noriaki Ando
 AIST Tsukuba Central 2, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8568, Japan
 TEL: +81-29-861-5981 FAX: +81-29-861-5971
 email: n-ando <at>

Licensable Software List

Name License Number Date
''OpenRTM-aist-1.1 software
OpenRTM-aist-1.1 H26PRO-1624 H26.02.19
OpenRTM-aist-Java-1.1 H26PRO-1625 H26.02.19
OpenRTM-aist-Python-1.1 H26PRO-1626 H26.02.19
RTCBuilder 1.1 H26PRO-1627 H26.02.19
RTSystemEditor 1.1 H26PRO-1628 H26.02.19
OpenRTM-aist-1.1 C++ test program H29PRO-2127 H29.10.16
OpenRTM-aist-1.1 Python test program H29PRO-2128 H29.10.16
OpenRTM-aist-1.1 installer builder H29PRO-2129 H29.10.16
rtshell 4.0 H28PRO-1977 H28.4.28
OpenRTM-aist-1.0 software
OpenRTM-aist-1.0 H22PRO-1089 H22.02.05
OpenRTM-aist-Java-1.0 H22PRO-1164 H22.07.13
OpenRTM-aist-Python-1.0 H22PRO-1163 H22.07.13
RTCBuilder 1.0 H22PRO-1161 H22.07.13
RTSystemEditor 1.0 H22PRO-1162 H22.07.13
OpenRTM-aist-0.4 software
OpenRTM-aist-0.4.0 for Java H20PRO-819 H20.01.31
RtcTemplate on Eclipse H19PRO-696 H19.05.30
OpenRTM-aist-0.4.0 H19PRO-693 H19.05.09
RtcLink on Eclipse H19PRO-627 H18.12.18
RtcLink on Eclipse 0.3.0 H19PRO-623 H19.01.26

Examples of Technology Transfer


astah* SysML-RTM linkage

The astah* SysML-RTM linkage plug-in generates OpenRTM-aist's RT-Component design specifications (RTCProfile) and system design specifications (RTSProfile) from SysML model designs modeled using the SysML tool ``astah*`` by Change Vision, Inc.

By generating RTCProfile and RTSProfile from the parts existing on the SysML internal block diagram and linking with OpenRTP provided by OpenRTM-aist, it is possible to create a template of the source code of the RT-Component and the robot systems. It realizes the restoration of the components included in and their connection relationships.



RTMSafety is the world's first middleware for robots that has acquired IEC 61508 certification, which is an international standard for functional safety, assuming implementation in robot safety-related systems. For robots that require high reliability and safety, it contributes to the reduction of development cost and shortening of the development period. (From the above web page.)

RTMSafety is an implementation in C language that meets the Lightweight RTC standard among the OMG RTC standards and is a highly reliable implementation that complies with the software development standards set by the functional safety standard IEC61508. There are functional restrictions compared to OpenRTM-aist in order to meet functional safety standards, and there is no direct compatibility with OpenRTM-aist. However, by using a bridge, it is possible to build a system by using RTMSafety for safety-related implementation and OpenRTM-aist for non-safety-related implementation. For complex robot applications that require reliability, it is possible to ensure reliability with RTMSafety and build a highly flexible system with OpenRTM-aist.

Pattern Weaver for RT-Middleware

''Pattern Weaver for RT-Middleware'' is the first UML modeling tool that supports RT-Middleware officially. RT-Components, which are executed on RT-Middleware, can be designed seamlessly through the UML modeling tools. Many features for robot system development are provided.

System design in Pattern Weaver for RTM.

KEK High Energy Accelerator Organization's DAQ system

DAQ-Middleware is a generic framework for networked distributed data acquisition system development. It provides a set of components and a tool chain to realise easy development of data acquisition from sensors, data gathering through networks, data analysis and data visualization.

DAQ-Middleware architecture.

J-PARC (Japan Photon Accelerator Research Complex).


latest Releases : 2.0.0-RELESE

2.0.0-RELESE Download page

Number of Projects


Motion editor/Dynamics simulator


Dynamics simulator


Integrated Development Platform

AIST RTC collection

RT-Components collection by AIST


Tokyo Opensource Robotics Association


Middleware for DAQ (Data Aquisition) by KEK