

Interface to a range sensing device. This includes laser scanners, arrays of sonar sensors and arrays of infra-red sensors. If the element count is 1, the device should be considered to consist of a single range sensor that returns many ranges at once (such as a laser scanner). If the element count is greater than one, the device should be considered an array of sensing elements, each of which returns a single range value.




Port name Purpose Data
Ranges Range data with meta-information. RangeData
Intensities Intensity data with meta-information. IntensityData


Member Type Description
ranges sequence<double> Range values in metres.
geometry RangerGeometry Geometry of the ranger at the time the scan data was measured.
config RangerConfig Configuration of the ranger at the time the scan data was measured.


Member Type Description
intensities sequence<double> Intensity values.
geometry RangerGeometry Geometry of the ranger at the time the scan data was measured.
config RangerConfig Configuration of the ranger at the time the scan data was measured.


Port name Purpose Parameters Return data
GetGeometry Device position and size information. None RangerGeometry
Power Turn the ranger device's power on or off. boolean power None
EnableIntensities Turn on or off the detection and transmission of intensity data. boolean enable None
GetConfig Get the ranger's current configuration. None RangerConfig
SetConfig Set the ranger's configuration. RangerConfig newConfig None


Member Type Description
geometry Geometry3D Overall geometry of the ranger device, such as the centroid of an array of sonar sensors.
elementGeometries sequence<Geometry3D> Geometry of each individual sensing element. The range values should be considered to be measured from each of these.


Member Type Description
minAngle double Minimum scannable angle in radians.
maxAngle double Maximum scannable angle in radians.
angularRes double Angular resolution in radians.
minRange double Minimum scannable range in metres.
maxRange double Maximum scannable range in metres.
rangeRes double Range resolution in metres.
frequency double Scanning frequency in Hertz.


latest Releases : 2.0.0-RELESE

2.0.0-RELESE Download page

Number of Projects


Motion editor/Dynamics simulator


Dynamics simulator


Integrated Development Platform

AIST RTC collection

RT-Components collection by AIST


Tokyo Opensource Robotics Association


Middleware for DAQ (Data Aquisition) by KEK