Error message

  • Warning: file_put_contents(temporary://file03f47U): failed to open stream: "DrupalTemporaryStreamWrapper::stream_open" call failed in file_unmanaged_save_data() (line 2024 of includes/
  • The file could not be created.
  • Warning: file_put_contents(temporary://file2Z58cX): failed to open stream: "DrupalTemporaryStreamWrapper::stream_open" call failed in file_unmanaged_save_data() (line 2024 of includes/
  • The file could not be created.

Screen structure and functions (RTprofile editor version)

This section describes the RT profile editor.

RT profile editor

The RT profile editor consists of the following pages.

RT profile editor configuration

screen element name description
Basic profile input page Enter the basic information of the component, such as RT component profile information.
Activity profile Specify activity information etc. supported by the RT component.
Data port profile Enter the data port profile that comes with the RT component.
Service port profile Enter the service port that comes with the RT component and the service interface profile attached to the service port.
configuration Enter user-defined configuration parameter information and system configuration information to be set for the RT component.
Document generation Enter various document information to be added to the RT component to be generated.
Language/environment Enter information on execution environment such as code selection and OS to generate.
RTC.xml It displays/edits RtcProfile generated based on the set information in XML format.

(G)Basic profile input page

This page is for entering basic information on components such as RT component profile information.

Basic profile entry page

Each input item will be explained below.

Basic profile input page item description

Item Description Required
RT-Component Basic Profile
Module name The name that identifies the RT component. Required input items. This name is used as the name of the component in the generated source code. Only alphameric characters can be entered.
Module overview A brief summary description of the RT component.
Version Version of the RT component. Enter the version number in a format like principle x.y.z.
Vendor name The vendor name that developed the RT component.
Module category It is a category of RT components.
Component type Type of RT component. You can specify from the following options.
・STATIC:It is a statically existing RTC type. Dynamic creation and deletion are not performed.
・UNIQUE:Although it can generate/delete dynamically, each component holds a unique state inside, and it is a type of RTC which is not necessarily exchangeable.
・COMMUTATIVE:It is an RTC of the type in which generated components can be exchanged because it can be generated and deleted dynamically and has no internal state.
Activity type The activity type of the RT component. You can specify from the following options.
・PERIODIC :Activity type that executes RTC action at regular intervals
・SPORADIC :Activity types that perform RTC actions irregularly
・EVENT_DRIVEN :Activity type where RTC action is event driven
Component type The type of execution form of the RT component. You can choose from the following options. (Multiple choices can be combined)
・DataFlow : Execution form for periodically executing actions
・FSM : A form in which an action is executed by an external event
・MultiMode : Execution form with multiple operation modes
Maximum number of instances Maximum number of RT component instances. Please enter a natural number.
Execution type Type of ExecutionContext. You can choose from the following.
・PeriodicExecutionContext : ExecutionContext for performing periodic execution
・ExtTrigExecutionContext : ExecutionContex which executes by external trigger
Execution cycle ExecutionContext execution cycle. A positive double type number can be input (unit Hz).
Overview A description of the RT component.
RTC Type Specify this when it is necessary to distinguish RT components that realize specific functions.

(G)Activity Profile Input Page

This page is where you enter information on the activities supported by the RT component you are generating.

activity/profile input page

The content of the Documentation section is set for each activity. In the Documentation section, contents corresponding to the selected activity are displayed.
Each input item will be explained below.

Activity/Profile Input Page Item Description

Item Description Required
Activity Profile
onInitialize It is initialization processing. It is only called once at the beginning of the component lifecycle.
onFinalize It is termination processing. It is only called once at the end of the component lifecycle.
onStartup It is only called once when the ExecutionContext starts execution.
onShutdown Called only once when ExecutionContext stops execution.
onActivated It is only called once when activated from an inactive state.
onDeactivated It is only called once when deactivated from the active state.
onAborting It is only called once before entering the ERROR state.
onError Called while in the ERROR state.
onReset It is only called once when transitioning from the ERROR state to the inactive state.
onExecute It is called periodically during active state.
onStateUpdate It is called each time after on_execute.
onRateChanged Called when ExecutionContext's rate is changed.
onAction It is called to perform actions according to the corresponding state.
onModeChanged It is called when the mode is changed.
Activity Name Displays the name of the currently selected activity.
Outline of operation Describe a summary description of the actions performed by the target activity.
Pre-conditions Describe the preconditions to be met before executing the target activity.
Postcondition Describe postconditions that will be established after executing the target activity. However, if the target activity is executed with the precondition not being satisfied, the establishment of the postcondition is not guaranteed.

(G)Data port/profile input page

This page is for entering information on the data port attached to the RT component.

Data port/profile input page

To add a new port (InPort/OutPort), click the [Add] button for each section. In addition, you can delete the selected port by clicking the [Delete] button of each section. The contents of the document section can be set for each port. In the document section, the contents corresponding to the selected port are displayed. Each input item will be explained below.

Data Port/Profile Input Page Item Description

Item Description Required
DataPort profile
Port name It is the name of DataPort. Only half-width alphanumeric characters can be entered. Port names can not overlap with Data OutPort and Service Port.
Port name Displays the currently selected Data Port in the format of "Port name (InPort/OutPort)".
Data type The data type handled by DataPort.
The data type defined in IDL specified on the setting screen is available.
Variable name Variable name corresponding to DataPort.
Display position The display position of Data InPort in the build view.
Outline explanation Describe the overview of the data port.
Data type Describe the type handled by the data port.
The number of data Describe the number of data, such as when the data becomes an array.
meaning Describe the meaning of the data.
unit Describe the data unit.
Occurrence frequency Describe the data generation frequency and cycle.
Processing speed Describe the data processing speed and processing cycle.

(G)Service port/profile input page

This page is for entering information on the service port attached to the RT component.

Service port/profile input page (service port information input)

Service port/profile input page (service interface information input)

You can add a new service port by selecting "Add Port" in the "RT-Component Service Ports" column on the left side of the screen. With the service port selected in "RT-Component Service Ports" on the left side of the screen, you can add a new service interface by selecting "Add Interface". You can delete the selected port/interface by selecting [Delete] with the service port or service interface selected on "RT - Component Service Ports" on the left side of the screen. Each input item will be explained below.

Service Port/Profile Input Page Item Description (Service Port)

Item Description Required
RT-Component Service Port Profile
Port name Name of service port. Only half-width alphanumeric characters can be entered.
Data InPort, Data Out Port, Service Port name can not be duplicated.
Display position This is the display position of the service port in the build view.
Outline Description Describe an overview description of the service port.
I/F Outline Description Describe the outline of the service interface attached to the service port.

Service Port/Profile Input Page Item Description (Service Port)

Item Description Required
RT-Component Service Port Interface Profile
Interface name Name of the service interface. Only half-width alphanumeric characters can be entered.
Service interface names can not overlap.
direction Type of service interface. You can choose from the following options.
・Provided:Provided interface (for Service Provider)
・Required:Request interface (for Service Consumer)
Instance name The instance name of the service interface. Only half-width alphanumeric characters can be entered.
Variable name The variable name of the service interface. If omitted, use the instance name.
IDL file Specify the IDL file name to be used in the service interface. Click the [Browse ...] button to display the file selection dialog.
Interface type The type of service to be used in the service interface. When IDL file is specified, type information defined in IDL is displayed. Only half-width alphanumeric characters can be entered.
IDL Path It is IDL's search path. When you click the [Browse ...] button, the directory selection dialog is displayed.
Outline explanation Describe an overview of the service interface.
argument Describe the arguments of the service interface.
Return value Describe the return value of the service interface.
exception Describe the exception of the service interface.
Pre-conditions Describe the preconditions that should be satisfied before the operation of the service interface is executed.
Postcondition Describe the posterior condition that satisfies the operation of the service interface after execution.

(G)Configuration profile input page

This page is for entering user-defined configuration parameter information to be set to RT component and other system configuration information.

Configuration profile input page

To add new user-defined configuration parameter information and system configuration information, click the [Add] button in each section. In addition, you can delete the selected configuration information by clicking the [Delete] button of each section.
The contents of Detail section and Documentation section can be set for each user defined configuration parameter. In each section, the contents set for the selected user-defined configuration parameter are displayed.
Each input item will be explained below.

configuration profile input page item description

Item Description Required
RT-Component Configuration Parameter Definitions
name It is the name of the user defined configuration parameter. Only half-width alphanumeric characters can be entered.
User defined configuration parameter names can not be duplicated.
Parameter name Displays the currently selected user-defined configuration parameter.
Data type The data type of the user-defined configuration parameter.
The data type defined in IDL specified on the setting screen is available.
Default value Default value for user defined configuration parameter. Any value including double-byte character can be set.
Variable name The variable name of the user-defined configuration parameter. Only half-width alphanumeric characters can be entered.
unit It is a unit of user defined configuration parameter.
Constraint condition Describe constraints on user-defined configuration parameters. Regarding the description method of constraint conditions, Constraint information description method Please refer to.
Widget Specify the control to be used when setting the configuration parameters in the ConfigurationView of RTSystemEditor. You can choose from the following values.
・text:Text box (default setting)
・spin:Spin button
・radio:Radio button
・ordered_list:Ordered list
Step When "slider" is selected as the input control, specify the step width of the slider.
Parameter name Displays the currently selected user-defined configuration parameter.
Data name Describe the name of the user defined configuration parameter.
Default value Describe the default value of the user defined configuration parameter.
Outline explanation Write an overview description of user-defined configuration parameters.
unit Describe the unit of the user defined configuration parameter.
Data range Describe the data range of the user defined configuration parameter.
Constraint condition Describe constraints on user defined configuration parameters.
RT-Component Configuration Parameter
Configuration The name of the configuration to configure. Select from the list.
Default value It is the default value of the configuration target setting. For items for which default values are set in advance, default values are set when name is selected.

(G)Document Information Setting Page

Enter various document information on the RT component to be generated.

Document information input page

The information entered on this page is embedded in the generated code in doxygen format.
Each input item will be explained below.

Document Information Setting Page Item Description

Item Description Required
Component summary
Outline explanation Describe an overview description of the RT component to be generated.
Output Describes a brief description of input/output of RT component.
Algorithm etc. Describe the algorithm etc. used by RT component.
Author/Contact Write information on the creator and contact information of the RT component.
License, terms of use Describe the license information of the RT component and information on the usage conditions.
References Describe bibliographic information.
Version upgrade log
VersionUp Log Write log information on the current change contents.
License, Terms of Use Display log information at past version up.

(G)Language/environment information input page

It is a page to input the language selection of the template · source code to be generated based on the RT component specification you entered, the execution environment such as OS, dependent libraries, etc.

Language/environment information input page

Sections are divided for each language to be generated. Please select the section of the language you want to generate and enter the setting information specific to each language. If you select a section, all other sections are closed. The language template code for the section that was selected when code generation is executed (when clicking the [Generate Code] button on the basic profile input page) is generated. Each input item will be explained below.

Language/environment information input page item description

Item Description Required
language Specify the target language.
Use old build environment. When this check box is on, code similar to the old version (format not using Cmake) is generated.
Version Set the version information of the language implementing RTC to be generated.
OS Set the OS information on which RTC to be generated operates.
OS Version Set the version information of the OS on which RTC to be generated operates.
CPU Set the CPU architecture information on which RTC to be generated operates.
Other OS information For supplemental information other than version information, set up the OS on which RTC to be generated operates.
Other CPU information For supplementary information other than the architecture information for the CPU on which RTC to be generated operates.
Library information
Name Specify the name of the external library used by the target RTC.
Version Specify the version information of the external library used by the target RTC.
Info. Specify supplemental information of the external library used by RTC to be generated.
When you click the [Add] button, item lines are added to the list. When you click on the added line, the file selection dialog will be displayed, so select the target file.

(G)RTC profile XML edit page

This page is for checking and editing the contents of the XML file (RTC.xml) that describes the RT component specification you entered. It is used to check the contents set on other pages and to directly edit the items that can not be input from the GUI screen.

Language/environment information input page

The contents of the displayed RT component specification are created based on the contents set on other pages when switching to this page.
By clicking the [Update] button at the upper right of the screen, you can reflect the settings and changes made on this page to other pages (it will only be reflected on other pages, not writing to the file). In addition, the following screen will be displayed, you can check the change point. Please click [OK] to reflect the correction contents on other page.

XML edit content comparison screen

The contents entered directly on this page are saved only when saving in the state displaying this page. After editing the contents on this page, if you save it with the other page open, the item you entered on the other page takes precedence. When saving the contents of this page, validation is performed according to the schema definition of RTC.xml. If an error is found during validation, the following error message will be displayed. Please correct the corresponding part by referring to the displayed contents.

XML validation error example

(G)Description method of constraint information

The constraints on data ports and user defined configuration parameters are set with the following format.

description method of constraint

Setting contents Setting form
Not specified Blank
100(immediate) 100
100 or more x >= 100
100 or less x <=100
Over 100 x >100
Less than 100 x < 100
100 or more and 200 or less 100 <= x <= 200
100 to less than 200 100 < x < 200
Enumeration type (9600,19200,115200)
Array type x >100, x > 200, x > 300
Hash type {key0: 100 < x < 200, key1: x >= 100}


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