OpenCVCamera/CameraViewer and Simple OpenCV Sample RTCs

This sample is included with OpenRTM-aist C ++ Windows version. Note that OpenRTM-aist is not included in the C ++ version and you need to build and install them on Linux by using OpenCV Sample Code Build Procedure. It is not included in the Python version or the Java version.


By starting OpenCVCamera and CameraViewer, the image of the USB camera is displayed on the monitor. You can connect the OpenCV image processing sample RTC component and apply effects.

Start Screen

Example of executing OpenCVCamera component and CameraViewer component

OpenCVCamera execution example (RTSystemEditor)

CameraViewer execution example (monitor)

How to use

OpenCVCamera is a sample that acquires image data of a USB camera and displays it on a monitor with the CameraViewer component. You can also connect an Image processing OpenCV sample RT component between them to apply effects to image data.

  • Procedure
    • Start RTSystemEditor and open a new SystemEditor. See RTSystemEditor for details on how to use RTSystemEditor.
    • Start both OpenCVCamera (openCVCamera.bat) and CameraViewer (CameraViewer.bat) components.
      • To use the sample OpenCV image processing RT component, after installation, from Start> OpenRTM-aist 1.2.1 x86_64> C ++ _ OpenCV-Examples (Start in a 32bit environment> OpenRTM-aist 1.2.1 x86> Start from C ++ _ OpenCV-Examples).
    • Since these components appear in the Name Service View of RTSystemEditor, drag both of them to SystemEditor.
    • Connect the corresponding ports of both components. (Refer to RTSystemEditor execution example above)
    • Right-click either component and select [Activate Systems].
  • Use OpenCV's Flip
    • Start the Flip component from Start> OpenRTM-aist 1.2.1 x86_64> C ++ _ OpenCV-Examples (in a 32-bit environment, start from Start> OpenRTM-aist 1.2.1 x86> C ++ _ OpenCV-Examples).
    • Drag it onto the SystemEditor to display it, connect to both the OpenCVCamera and CameraViewer components and activate it. (See "Example of Flip execution (RTSystemEditor)" below)
    • Flip can change the output data by changing the value of Configure “flip_mode”. (Refer to "Change flip_mode (RTSystemEditor and monitor)" below.)
      • Click here for the detailed usage and the explanation of Flip RT component.
        Example of Flip execution (RTSystemEditor)

Change flip_mode (RTSystemEditor and monitor)

Other OpenCV Samples

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Sepia.bat Separates images Sepia color satulation / hue
Translate.bat Performs two-dimensional translation of images Moving direction


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