×Testing the Sample Programs and the Component Template_python, 1.0.0

When the installation completed successfully, you can test it on the sample application example/SimpleIO.

 > cd OpenRTM/examples/SimpleIO/
 (If you install using the package, the source files for the sample is available in the directory $PYTHONPATH/OpenRTM/example/.)
 Note: Please modify $PYTHONPATH to the values which were set in the environment variable PYTHONPATH.
 > python run.py

At first, 2 terminal windows will appear, then after a few seconds, another one will appear. You must wait until the third window appears. You can then type a number in the window diplayed as text "Please input number:". It should fit in a long int structure. The number typed in will simultaneously be displayed in the other window, along with the time (the format for the time is sec:nsec). Reaching this stage indicates that the build and installation of OpenRTM-aist-Python was successful.

Testing the Component Template

Let's prepare to use rtc-template as procedure below.

When OpenRTM-aist for C++ has already been installed

Please copy $PYTHONPATH/OpenRTM/rtc-template/python_gen.py to /usr/lib or /usr/local/lib /OpenRTM-aist/py_helper.

 > su
 # cp $PYTHONPATH/OpenRTM/rtc-template/python_gen.py /usr/lib/OpenRTM-aist/py_helper/

When OpenRTM-aist for C++ is not installed

Please give the executable attribute to "$PYTHONPATH/OpenRTM/rtc-template/rtc-template.py", and copy "rtc-template.py" as rtc-template under "/usr/bin/".

 > su
 # cd $PYTHONPATH/OpenRTM/rtc-template
 # chmod +x rtc-template.py
 # cp rtc-template.py /usr/bin/rtc-template

Next, you will test for generating the skeleton of a component by passing its specifications as arguments to rtc-template. You will use the template generator (rtc-template). After making the directory where you will generate the component (any directory will do), you will generate the component.

 > cd 
 > mkdir SampleComponent
 > cd SampleComponent

Let's take a look at the help.

 > rtc-template --help
 Usage: rtc-template [OPTIONS]
     [-h]                                  Print short help.
     [--help]                              Print details help.
     [--backend[=backend] or -b]           Specify template code  generator.
     [--module-name[=name]]                Your module name.
     [--module-desc[=description]]         Module description.
     [--module-version[=version]]          Module version.
     [--module-vendor[=vendor]]            Module vendor.
     [--module-category[=category]]        Module category.
     [--module-comp-type[=component_type]] Component type.
     [--module-act-type[=activity_type]]   Component's activity type.
     [--module-max-inst[=max_instance]]    Number of maximum instance.
     [--module-lang[=language]]            Language.
     [--config[=ParamName:Type:Default]]   Configuration variable.
     [--inport[=PortName:Type]]            InPort's name and type.
     [--outport[=PortName:Type]]           OutPort's name and type
     [--service[=PortName:Name:Type]]      Service Provider Port
     [--service-idl[=IDL_file]]            IDL file name for service
     [--consumer[=PortName:Name:Type]]     Service Consumer Port
     [--consumer-idl[=IDL_file]]           IDL file name for consumer
     [--idl-include=[path]]                Search path for IDL compile
     rtc-template -bcxx      --module-name=Sample --module-desc='Sample component'      --module-version=0.1 --module-vendor=AIST --module-category=Generic      --module-comp-type=DataFlowComponent --module-act-type=SPORADIC      --module-max-inst=10       --config=int_param0:int:0 --config=int_param1:int:1      --config=double_param0:double:3.14 --config=double_param1:double:9.99      --config="str_param0:std::string:hoge"      --config="str_param1:std::string:foo"      --inport=Ref:TimedFloat --inport=Sens:TimedFloat      --outport=Ctrl:TimedDouble --outport=Monitor:TimedShort      --service=MySvcPort:myservice0:MyService      --consumer=YourSvcPort:yourservice0:YourService      --service-idl=MyService.idl --consumer-idl=YourService.idl

By passing the settings of the component we want to build as arguments to rtc-template, the skeleton of the component will automatically be generated. Here, we will try the Example: provided at the end of the help section.

In this Example, the options for using MyService as a service provider and YourService as a service consumer are provided, and these IDL files need to be put in the current directory for them. Here, we will create simple IDL files as follows:

  • MyService.idl
     interface MyService 
       void echo();
  • YourService.idl
     interface YourService
        void echo();

After putting these files, we copy and paste "Example" as the input commands.

Note: Since sample displayed by --help is for generating C++ codes, when you generate the source code for Python, please modify "- bcxx" to "- bpython".

 > rtc-template -bpython      --module-name=Sample --module-desc='Sample component'      --module-version=0.1 --module-vendor=AIST --module-category=Generic      --module-comp-type=DataFlowComponent --module-act-type=SPORADIC      --module-max-inst=10       --config=int_param0:int:0 --config=int_param1:int:1      --config=double_param0:double:3.14 --config=double_param1:double:9.99      --config="str_param0:std::string:hoge"      --config="str_param1:std::string:foo"      --inport=Ref:TimedFloat --inport=Sens:TimedFloat      --outport=Ctrl:TimedDouble --outport=Monitor:TimedShort      --service=MySvcPort:myservice0:MyService      --consumer=YourSvcPort:yourservice0:YourService      --service-idl=MyService.idl --consumer-idl=YourService.idl
  File "MyService_idl_example.py" was generated.
  File "Sample.py" was generated.
  File "README.Sample" was generated.
 > ls
 MyService.idl     MyService_idl_example.py  Sample.py        YourService_idl.py  _GlobalIDL__POA/
 MyService_idl.py  README.Sample             YourService.idl  _GlobalIDL/

Python code and service implementation code have then be generated.

The executable version (Sample.py) of the component was generated. Let's try to run the executable version of the component. A configuration file (usually named rtc.conf) must be provided when executing a component. Here, we will create a very simple one in the current directory.

  • rtc.conf
     corba.nameservers:  Name Server's name : Port number
     naming.formats: %n.rtc
     logger.log_level: PARANOID

In this example, we will set hostname to localhost and the port number to default.

  • rtc.conf
     corba.nameservers: localhost
     naming.formats: %n.rtc
     logger.log_level: PARANOID

Next, we start the CORBA Naming Service. The CORBA Naming Service can be started by inputting the following command. Please start it by specifying port number in rtc.conf:

 > python $PYTHONPATH/OpenRTM/rtm-naming/rtm-naming.py [Port number]

If the port number is not specified, its default will be used.

 > python $PYTHONPATH/OpenRTM/rtm-naming/rtm-naming.py
 Starting omniORB omniNames:  localhost : 2809
 Starting omniNames for the first time.
 Wrote initial log file.
 Read log file successfully.
 Root context is IOR:010000002b00000049444c3a6f6d672e6f72672f436f734e616d696e672f4e616d696e67436f6e746578744578743a312e300000010000000000000060000000010102000e0000003135302e32392e39362e31363700f90a0b0000004e616d6553657276696365000200000000000000080000000100000000545441010000001c00000001000000010001000100000001000105090101000100000009010100
 Checkpointing Phase 1: Prepare.
 Checkpointing Phase 2: Commit.
 Checkpointing completed.

Next, we will start the component.

 > python Sample.py -f rtc.conf
 > python Sample.py (Read rtc.conf in the current directory by default)

The component can be started. OpenRTM-aist-Python-0.4.1 is properly installed, if the component with the following specifications is shown on RtcLink:
  • 2 InPorts
  • 2 OutPorts
  • 2 Service ports
  • 6 Configurations

For more details on developing components, please refer to the manual.


最新バージョン : 2.0.1-RELESE













