Uses of Interface

Packages that use RTObject

Uses of RTObject in jp.go.aist.rtm.RTC

Fields in jp.go.aist.rtm.RTC declared as RTObject
protected  RTObject RTObject_impl.m_objref
           Object reference

Methods in jp.go.aist.rtm.RTC that return RTObject
 RTObject ManagerServant.create_component(java.lang.String module_name)
           Creating an RT-Component
 RTObject[] ManagerServant.get_components()
           Getting RT-Component list running on this manager
 RTObject RTObject_impl.getObjRef()
           [local interface] Get the object reference

Methods in jp.go.aist.rtm.RTC with parameters of type RTObject
 void RTObject_impl.setObjRef(RTObject rtobj)
           [local interface] Set the object reference

Uses of RTObject in jp.go.aist.rtm.RTC.executionContext

Fields in jp.go.aist.rtm.RTC.executionContext declared as RTObject
 RTObject PeriodicECOrganization.Member.rtobj_

Constructors in jp.go.aist.rtm.RTC.executionContext with parameters of type RTObject
PeriodicECOrganization.Member(RTObject rtobj)

Uses of RTObject in jp.go.aist.rtm.RTC.port

Methods in jp.go.aist.rtm.RTC.port with parameters of type RTObject
 void PortBase.setOwner(RTObject owner)
           Set the owner RTObject of the Port

Uses of RTObject in jp.go.aist.rtm.RTC.util

Methods in jp.go.aist.rtm.RTC.util with parameters of type RTObject
static void CORBA_SeqUtil.push_back(RTCListHolder seq, RTObject elem)
           Adds RTObject at the end of CORBA sequence.

Uses of RTObject in OpenRTM

Subinterfaces of RTObject in OpenRTM
 interface DataFlowComponent
          OpenRTM/ .

Classes in OpenRTM that implement RTObject
 class _DataFlowComponentStub
          OpenRTM/ .

Uses of RTObject in RTC

Classes in RTC that implement RTObject
 class _RTObjectStub
          RTC/ .

Fields in RTC declared as RTObject
 RTObject PortProfile.owner
 RTObject ExecutionContextProfile.owner
 RTObject ComponentProfile.parent
 RTObject[] ExecutionContextProfile.participants
 RTObject RTObjectHolder.value
 RTObject[] RTCListHolder.value

Methods in RTC that return RTObject
 RTObject RTObjectPOA._this()
 RTObject RTObjectPOA._this(org.omg.CORBA.ORB orb)
static RTObject RTObjectHelper.extract(org.omg.CORBA.Any a)
static RTObject[] RTCListHelper.extract(org.omg.CORBA.Any a)
static RTObject RTObjectHelper.narrow(org.omg.CORBA.Object obj)
static RTObject istream)
static RTObject[] istream)
static RTObject RTObjectHelper.unchecked_narrow(org.omg.CORBA.Object obj)

Methods in RTC with parameters of type RTObject
static void RTObjectHelper.insert(org.omg.CORBA.Any a, RTObject that)
static void RTCListHelper.insert(org.omg.CORBA.Any a, RTObject[] that)
static void RTObjectHelper.write(org.omg.CORBA.portable.OutputStream ostream, RTObject value)
static void RTCListHelper.write(org.omg.CORBA.portable.OutputStream ostream, RTObject[] value)

Constructors in RTC with parameters of type RTObject
ComponentProfile(java.lang.String _instance_name, java.lang.String _type_name, java.lang.String _description, java.lang.String _version, java.lang.String _vendor, java.lang.String _category, PortProfile[] _port_profiles, RTObject _parent, NameValue[] _properties)
ExecutionContextProfile(ExecutionKind _kind, double _rate, RTObject _owner, RTObject[] _participants, NameValue[] _properties)
ExecutionContextProfile(ExecutionKind _kind, double _rate, RTObject _owner, RTObject[] _participants, NameValue[] _properties)
PortProfile(java.lang.String _name, PortInterfaceProfile[] _interfaces, PortService _port_ref, ConnectorProfile[] _connector_profiles, RTObject _owner, NameValue[] _properties)
RTCListHolder(RTObject[] initialValue)
RTObjectHolder(RTObject initialValue)

Uses of RTObject in RTM

Methods in RTM that return RTObject
 RTObject _ManagerStub.create_component(java.lang.String module_name)
 RTObject ManagerOperations.create_component(java.lang.String module_name)
 RTObject[] _ManagerStub.get_components()
 RTObject[] ManagerOperations.get_components()