Package jp.go.aist.rtm.RTC.util

Interface Summary
CallbackFunction {@.en Interface for the callback function started when the timer ends.
equalFunctor General interface used to judge condition agreement
ListenerBase Interface for listener registers in timer
OnActivateSetCallbackFunc Interface of Callback class
OnAddConfigurationAddCallbackFunc Interface of Callback class
OnRemoveConfigurationSetCallbackFunc Interface of Callback class
OnSetConfigurationSetCallbackFunc Interface of Callback class
OnUpdateCallbackFunc Interface of Callback class
OnUpdateParamCallbackFunc Interface of Callback class
operatorFunc Helper interface used together with CORBA_SeqUtil class
ValueHolder Common interface for data holder class

Class Summary
ByteHolder Class for int type data storage
ConnectorProfileFactory Implementation of connector profile factory
CORBA_SeqUtil Utility class to CORBA sequence.
DataRef<T> Class that expresses data reference
DoubleHolder Class for double type data storage
FloatHolder Class for float type data storage
IntegerHolder Class for int type data storage
ListenerObject Class for listener registered in timer
LongHolder Class for long type data storage
NameValueFactory Implementation of NamaValue factory
NVListHolderFactory Implementation of NVListHolder factory
NVUtil Utility for NameValue
NVUtil.nv_find {@.en Helper class to retrieve NameValue.
NVUtil.to_prop Helper class that makes Properties object based on content of specified NameValue object
ORBUtil Class that generates, and manages ORB object
POAUtil Utility class concerning POA
PortInterfaceProfileFactory Implementation of PortInterfaceProfile factory
PortListHolderFactory Implementation of PortListHolder factory
PortProfileFactory Implementation of PortProfile factory
PortServiceListHolderFactory Implementation of port service list holder factory
Properties Property set that consists of key and value
RTCUtil Class to distinguish component type of RT component
ShortHolder Class for short type data storage
StringHolder Class for string type data storage
TimedFloatFactory Implementation of TimedFloat factory
Timer タイマークラスです。
TimeValue Class that expresses time
TypeCast<T> {@.en It is a utility class that converts the type as for various data types/Any type.