Operation Check

Run the sample component

After successful installation, you can check the operation with the attached sample component. We have prepared a bat file, so you can start it by double-clicking it.

The bat file is easily accessible by opening the start menu folder from [OpenRTM-aist 2.0.0 x86_64] in the start menu.
There is a bat file under each folder of "C ++_Examples" "C ++_OpenCV-Examples" "Python_Examples" "Java_Examples". For more information, see Let's start OpenRTM-aist in 10 minutes!.

The installation destination of the sample component is as follows.

 C:\Program Files\OpenRTM-aist\2.0.x\Components\C++\Examples
 C:\Program Files\OpenRTM-aist\2.0.x\Components\Python
 C:\Program Files\OpenRTM-aist\2.0.x\Components\Java
 C:\Program Files\OpenRTM-aist\2.0.x\Components\C++\OpenCV

List of sample components

Below is a brief description of the included sample components and a link to a page that explains how to use them.

Included with C ++, Python, and Java

bat file name brief description of the sample component Explanation page
ConsoleIn.bat : Start ConsoleIn component that outputs the number entered from the console from OutPort.
ConsoleOut.bat :Start ConsoleOut component that displays the number entered in the InPort on the console.
SeqIn.bat : Start SeqIn component that outputs random numbers (Short, Long, Float, Double and their sequence types). 
SeqOut.bat : Start SeqOut component that displays the numbers (Short, Long, Float, Double and their sequence types) that will be input to the InPort.
MyServiceProvider.bat : Start MyServiceProvider component that provides a service of type MyService.
MyServiceConsumer.bat : Start MyServiceConsumer component that provides the MyService type service.。
ConfigSample.bat Start ConfigSample component, which is an example of using the Configuration function. This is a sample to understand the behavior of Configuration by changing Configuration from RtcLink. ConfigSample
Composite.bat Start composite component creation sample PeriodicECSharedComponent component. It combines three sub-components, Sensor, Controller, and Motor. It is a good idea to connect to a component such as ConsoleIn and use it. Composite

Included with Python

bat file name brief description of the sample component Explanation page
TkJoystickComp.bat Sample GUI component using Tcl/Tk. Simple joystick component. TkJoyStick
TkMobileRobotSimulator.bat A simple simulator for mobile robots. The speed of the robot is received by InPort, and the position after movement is output from OutPort. TkMobileRobotSimulator
TkMotorComp.bat Sample GUI component using Tcl/Tk. GUI displays how the InPort rotates at the speed of the value received. TkMotorComp
SliderComp.bat Sample GUI component using Tcl/Tk. Output the value specified by Slider from OutPort. SliderComp
TkMotorPosComp.bat Sample GUI component using Tcl/Tk. GUI displays how the value received by InPort moves as the angle of rotation. TkMotorPosComp
TkLRFViewer.bat Sample GUI component using Tcl/Tk. Display the data output from the laser range sensor, etc. tkLRFViewer
AutoControl.bat Output speed with a component for mobile robots. The data of the positioning sensor is received by InPort, the speed of the robot is calculated, and it is output from OutPort. Autocontrol

Included with Python, and Java

bat file name brief description of the sample component Explanation page
ExtConsoleIn.bat : Console controlled by an external trigger Starts a component that outputs the input numerical value from Outport.
ExtConsoleOut.bat : Starts a component that outputs the numerical value input to the Inport controlled by an external trigger to the console.
ExtConnector.bat : Launches a program that sends external triggers to ExtTrigger / ConsoleInComp.class or .py and ExtTrigger / ConsoleOutComp.class or .py.

Included with Java

bat file name brief description of the sample component Explanation page
GUIIn.bat Launch a GUI sample that outputs the slider position from Outport. You can also connect to ConsoleOutComp.class. GUIIn

OpenCV C ++ version

bat file name brief description of the sample component Explanation page
Affine.bat Affine transforms the input image.
BackgroundSubtractionSimple.bat Outputs the change from the image when the key was input in the input image.
Binarization.bat Converts an input image to a binary black and white image.
CameraViewer.bat The image received by ImPort is displayed on the screen. CameraViewer
Chromakey.bat Extracts an object by removing a specific color from the image. Chromakey
DialationErosion.bat Perform dialing / erosion processing
Edge.bat Outputs the first-order derivative image in the X direction, the first-order derivative image in the Y direction, and the Laplacian image (second-order derivative image)
Findcontour.bat Extract the outline and display the outline in the image.
Flip Invert the image. Flip usage example
Histgram.bat Displays changes in histogram while changing brightness / contrast of black and white image
Hough.bat Line extraction by Hough transform
ImageCalibration.bat Calibrate the camera. Automatically start from TkCalibGUI
ImageSubtraction.bat Background image is extracted from the input image, the foreground image part is output as a mask image and the background image is output. ImageSubtraction
ObjectTracking.bat Tracks an object selected on the screen and show the position by a red oval. ObjectTracking
OpenCVCamera.bat Output the captured image of the USB camera from OutPort. OpenCVCamera
Perspective.bat Perspective conversion of image (Convert as viewed from below.
RockPaperScissors.bat Judgment of Goocho kipper in image.
Rotate.bat Rotates and scales images
Scale.bat Processes images for scaling
Sepia.bat Separates images
SubtractCaptureImage.bat Updates the background in real-time using the dynamic background subtraction method. SubtractCaptureImage
Template.bat Template matching
TkCalibGUI.bat GUI for ImageCalibration component that performs camera calibration. TkCalibGUI
Translate.bat Performs two-dimensional translation of images