Uses of Class

Packages that use PortServiceListHolder

Uses of PortServiceListHolder in jp.go.aist.rtm.RTC.port

Methods in jp.go.aist.rtm.RTC.port that return PortServiceListHolder
 PortServiceListHolder PortAdmin.getPortList()
 PortServiceListHolder PortAdmin.getPortServiceList()
           Get PortServiceList

Uses of PortServiceListHolder in jp.go.aist.rtm.RTC.util

Methods in jp.go.aist.rtm.RTC.util that return PortServiceListHolder
static PortServiceListHolder PortListHolderFactory.clone(PortServiceListHolder rhs)
           Creates the clone of PortServiceListHolder
static PortServiceListHolder PortServiceListHolderFactory.clone(PortServiceListHolder rhs)
           Creates the clone of port service list holder
static PortServiceListHolder PortListHolderFactory.create()
           Creates PortServiceListHolder
static PortServiceListHolder PortServiceListHolderFactory.create()
           Creates port service list holder

Methods in jp.go.aist.rtm.RTC.util with parameters of type PortServiceListHolder
static PortServiceListHolder PortListHolderFactory.clone(PortServiceListHolder rhs)
           Creates the clone of PortServiceListHolder
static PortServiceListHolder PortServiceListHolderFactory.clone(PortServiceListHolder rhs)
           Creates the clone of port service list holder
static void CORBA_SeqUtil.erase_if(PortServiceListHolder seq, equalFunctor f)
           Remove an element of a sequence according to a predicate
static void CORBA_SeqUtil.erase(PortServiceListHolder seq, int index)
           Erase the element of the specified index
static int CORBA_SeqUtil.find(PortServiceListHolder seq, equalFunctor func)
           Return the index of CORBA sequence element that functor matches
static operatorFunc CORBA_SeqUtil.for_each(PortServiceListHolder seq, operatorFunc func)
           Apply the functor to all CORBA sequence elements
static void CORBA_SeqUtil.push_back(PortServiceListHolder seq, PortService elem)
           Adds PortService at the end of CORBA sequence.