Uses of Class

Packages that use Point2D

Uses of Point2D in RTC

Fields in RTC declared as Point2D
 Point2D LineFeature.end
 Point2D PointFeature.position
 Point2D Pose2D.position
 Point2D CameraInfo.principalPoint
 Point2D LineFeature.start
 Point2D Point2DHolder.value

Methods in RTC that return Point2D
static Point2D Point2DHelper.extract(org.omg.CORBA.Any a)
static Point2D istream)

Methods in RTC with parameters of type Point2D
static void Point2DHelper.insert(org.omg.CORBA.Any a, Point2D that)
static void Point2DHelper.write(org.omg.CORBA.portable.OutputStream ostream, Point2D value)

Constructors in RTC with parameters of type Point2D
CameraInfo(Vector2D _focalLength, Point2D _principalPoint, double _k1, double _k2, double _p1, double _p2)
LineFeature(double _probability, double _rho, double _alpha, PointCovariance2D _covariance, Point2D _start, Point2D _end, boolean _startSighted, boolean _endSighted)
Point2DHolder(Point2D initialValue)
PointFeature(double _probability, Point2D _position, PointCovariance2D _covariance)
Pose2D(Point2D _position, double _heading)
TimedPoint2D(Time _tm, Point2D _data)