- 16:07 リビジョン 3111: [compat,bugfix] Unmatched #ifdefs have been corrected.
- 15:39 リビジョン 3110: merged changes from trunk/OpenRTM-aist r3088-3089 during 2017-12:
- [incompat,->RELENG_1_2] Extension module header files have been added to deb package. refs #4368
[incompat,->RELENG_... - 15:37 リビジョン 3109: merged changes from trunk/OpenRTM-aist r3057-3062, 3065, 3070-3074, 3076-3083, 3086-3087 during 2017-11:
- [incompat,->RELENG_1_2] Convert from Shift-JIS to UTF-8-BOM. refs #3269
[incompat,->RELENG_1_2] Shared memory data po... - 15:19 リビジョン 3108: merged changes from trunk/OpenRTM-aist r3051-3053, 3056 during 2017-10:
- [compat,bugfix,->RELENG_1_2] #4199
[build,->RELENG_1_2] Changed to use tag source of fluent-bit. refs #4219
[compat,-... - 15:15 リビジョン 3107: merged changed from trunk/OpenRTM-aist r3037-3038, 3042-3048, 3089 during 2017-09:
- [incompat,->RELENG_1_2] omniORB's shortcut POA is applied to data ports. refs #4176
[incompat,->RELENG_1_2] omniORB's... - 15:12 リビジョン 3106: merged changes from trunk/OpenRTM-aist r3017, 3019, 3025-3026, 3028, 3030, 3032-3033 during 2017-08:
- [compat,->RELENG_1_2] Support for 'stretch' has been added. refs #4164
[compat,->RELENG_1_2] Support for 'stretch' ha... - 15:05 リビジョン 3105: merged changes from trunk/OpenRTM-aist r3007-3009, 3011, 3014-3015 during 2017-07:
- [compat,->RELENG_1_2] Graphviz and nkf have been added in pkg_install_ubuntu.sh. refs #4136
[compat,->RELENG_1_2] lib... - 15:03 リビジョン 3104: merged changes from trunk/OpenRTM-aist r3000-3003 during 2017-06:
- [incompat,Choreonoid,->RELENG_1_2] add SimulatorExecutionContext
[incompat,Choreonoid,->RELENG_1_2] add comment
[comp... - 14:59 リビジョン 3103: merged changes from trunk/OpenRTM-aist 2991-2993 during 2017-05:
- [compat,bugfix,->RELENG_1_2] c_str() has been added to std::string.
[compat,install,->RELENG_1_2] Systemd startup con... - 09:14 リビジョン 3102: merged chages from trunk/OpenRTM-aist r2978-2990 during 2017-04:
- [incompat,newfunc,->RELENG_1_2] CPU affinity functionality in coil implemented.
[incompt,newfunc,->RELENG_1_2] getMan... - 09:12 リビジョン 3101: merged changes from trunk/OpenRTM-aist r2956-2964, r2968-2973, r2977 during 2017-03:
- [build,->RELENG_1_2] Add lacked include path for fluentbit_stream. refs #3974
[build,->RELENG_1_2] Add lacked include... - 09:10 リビジョン 3100: merged chages from trunk/OpenRTM-aist r2913-2955 during 2017-02:
- [compat,->RELENG_1_2] The installation of the rpm package of openrtm-aist-example and openrtm-aist-doc has been chang...
- 09:07 リビジョン 3099: merged chages from trunk/OpenRTM-aist r2892-2912 during 2017-01:
- [compat,bugfix,->RELENG_1_1] fixed bug. refs #3887
[compat,->RELENG_1_2] FindOpenRTM.cmake has been removed from the ... - 09:05 リビジョン 3098: merged changes from trunk/OpenRTM-aist r2807-2812 during 2016-12:
- [compat,bugfix,->RELENG_1_2] Definition of version.h has been modified. refs #3734
[compat,bugfix,->RELENG_1_2] Delet... - 08:48 リビジョン 3097: merged changes from trunk/OpenRTM-aist r2795-2805 during 2016-11
- [incompat,bugfix,EC,->RELENG_1_2] EC activation bug for multiple RTCs when they activated from participants RTCs. ref...
- 08:41 リビジョン 3096: merged changes from trunk r2774-r2782,r2784-r2785,r2791-r2792 during 2016-10.
- 08:19 リビジョン 3095: branch RELENG_1_2 created
- 08:19 リビジョン 3094: folder RELENG_1_2 created
- 08:16 リビジョン 3093: removed
- 07:38 リビジョン 3092: branch RELENG_1_2 created
- 07:38 リビジョン 3091: removed
- 07:36 リビジョン 3090: branch RELENG_1_2 created
- 17:51 整備 #4368 (解決): src/ext 以下の拡張モジュールのヘッダをWindowsインストーラ、debパッケージに含める
- * r3078-3080にて拡張モジュールをdistパッケージへ追加
** OpenRTM-aist-1.2.0-win32.zip
** OpenRTM-aist-1.2.0.tar.bz2
** OpenRTM-aist-1...
- 17:43 機能 #3344: ログメッセージをカラーにする
- Throughputコンポーネントの起動スクリプトdirect.shを改修して、logger.color_enableを与える、又は無指定でManagerのログに対して色が変わるかを確認した。
(directLogColor.sh,... - 16:55 機能 #3344: ログメッセージをカラーにする
- デフォルトをYESからNOへ修正
- 16:02 機能 #3344: ログメッセージをカラーにする
- rtc.conf 設定項目にログのカラーの切り替えをする以下の項目を追加。
logger.color_enable: YES / NO (default: NO)
- 19:02 リビジョン 3087: [incompat,->RELENG_1_2] LogicalTimeTriggeredEC has been added to build under Windows. refs #4368
- 16:11 リビジョン 3086: [incompat,->RELENG_1_2] LogicalTimeTriggeredEC has been added to build under Windows. refs #4368
- 15:49 リビジョン 3085: [compat] Support Windows 10 IoT.
- 17:56 リビジョン 3083: [build] Update fluent-bit's include path. refs #4373
- 15:34 リビジョン 3082: [compat,->RELENG_1_2] bug fix.
- 13:09 リビジョン 3081: [compat,->RELENG_1_2] bug fix.
- 17:53 リビジョン 3080: [incompat,->RELENG_1_2] Extension modules under src/ext have been added to dist packages. refs #4368
- 17:52 リビジョン 3079: [incompat,->RELENG_1_2] Extension modules under src/ext have been added to dist packages. refs #4368
- 17:28 リビジョン 3078: [incompat,->RELENG_1_2] Extension modules under src/ext have been added to dist packages. refs #4368
- 15:34 リビジョン 3077: [incompat,bugfix,->RELENG_1_2] Modified Logger.idl.
- 15:26 リビジョン 3076: [incompat,bugfix,->RELENG_1_2] Modified Logger.idl.
- 19:12 リビジョン 3075: [compat, VxWorks, TAO] fixed bug.
- 17:10 リビジョン 3074: [incompat,bugfix,->RELENG_1_2] '-lrt' option has been added. refs #3269
- 13:23 機能 #3269 (解決): ⑪ 共有メモリ型データポート接続機能
- 10:40 リビジョン 3073: [incompat,bugfix,->RELENG_1_2] '-lrt' option has been added. refs #3269
- 18:05 整備 #4368 (解決): src/ext 以下の拡張モジュールのヘッダをWindowsインストーラ、debパッケージに含める
- src/ext 以下の拡張モジュールのヘッダをWindowsインストーラ、debパッケージに含める
- 14:47 リビジョン 3072: [compat,->RELENG_1_2] bug fix.
他の形式にエクスポート: Atom