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リビジョン 3101

n-ando さんが7年以上前に追加

merged changes from trunk/OpenRTM-aist r2956, r2968, r2977 during 2017-03:
[build,->RELENG_1_2] Add lacked include path for fluentbit_stream. refs #3974
[build,->RELENG_1_2] Add lacked include path for fluentbit_stream. refs #3974
[build,->RELENG_1_2] Add lacked library path for fluentbit_stream. refs #3979
[compat,build,->RELENG_1_2] vc15 (vc2017) has been supported.
[compat,build,->RELENG_1_2] vc15 (vc2017) has been supported.
[compat,->RELENG_1_2] Links of rtmCamera and rtmManipulator have been added to OpenRTMConfig.cmake. refs #3889
[compat,bugfix,->RELENG_1_2] Dependency on the library has been changed due to a build error in vc 2008.
[compat,bugfix,->RELENG_1_2] Fixed r2962.
[compat,bugfix,->RELENG_1_2] Modified slntool.py
[compat,bugfix,->RELENG_1_2] Modified librtmCamera.vcproj.yaml and librtmManipulator.vcproj.yaml.
[compat,bugfix,->RELENG_1_2] Modified librtmCamera.vcproj.yaml and librtmManipulator.vcproj.yaml.
[compat,bugfix,->RELENG_1_2] Modified cmakeconfgen.py
[compat,bugfix,->RELENG_1_2] Modified librtmCamera.vcproj.yaml and librtmManipulator.vcproj.yaml.
[compat,bugfix,->RELENG_1_2] Modified librtmCamera.vcproj.yaml and librtmManipulator.vcproj.yaml.
[compat,bugfix,->RELENG_1_2] Modified cmakeconfgen.py
[build,->RELENG_1_2] Update mbedtls include path (2.4.1->2.4.2)

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