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リビジョン 3100

n-ando さんが7年以上前に追加

merged chages from trunk/OpenRTM-aist r2913 during 2017-02:
[compat,->RELENG_1_2] The installation of the rpm package of openrtm-aist-example and openrtm-aist-doc has been changed. refs #3893
[compat,->RELENG_1_2] Links of rtmCamera and rtmManipulator have been added to OpenRTMConfig.cmake. refs #3889
[compat,bugfix,->RELENG_1_2] Fixed r2914. refs #3889
[compat,format,->RELENG_1_2] Indent modified.
[incompat,new func,->RELENG_1_2] Logging system now supports logstream loadable modules. refs #3567
[incompat,new func,->RELENG_1_2] A function to convert from URL parameter to map has been added.
[compat,format,->RELENG_1_2] Newline added.
[incompat,new func,->RELENG_1_2] fluent-bit logger stream has been added. refs #3567
[incompat,new func,->RELENG_1_2] fluent-bit logger stream has been added. refs #3567
[compat,->RELENG_1_2] Types have been changed because of compilation warning. refs #3902
[compat,->RELENG_1_2] Some pragmas have been added to suppress warnings. refs #3901
[compat,->RELENG_1_2] Some pragmas have been added to suppress warnings. refs #3900
[build,->RELENG_1_2] Monky include path has been added.
[prop,->RELENG_1_2] ignore Makefile.in Makefile.
[compat,->RELENG_1_2] C style cast convrted to static_cast. refs #3902
[comapt,conf_file,->RELENG_1_2] fluent-bit log stream configuration example has been added rtc.conf.sample
[compat,build,->RELENG_1_2] CXXFLAGS incuding Wall -fPIC -O2 has been removed in openrtm-aist.pc. refs #3714
>RELENG_1_2] ClockManager.cpp was not properly included dist package.
[comapt,build,dist,->RELENG_1_2] logger ext lib is now included in dist package.
[compat,->RELENG_1_2] refs #3881
[incompat,bugfix,EC,->RELENG_1_2]Modified for OpenHRPExecutionContext. #3579

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