Uses of Interface

Packages that use operatorFunc

Uses of operatorFunc in jp.go.aist.rtm.RTC

Classes in jp.go.aist.rtm.RTC that implement operatorFunc
(package private)  class RTObject_impl.deactivate_comps
           Functor to deactivate RTC
(package private)  class RTObject_impl.ec_copy
           Functor to copy ExecutionContext

Uses of operatorFunc in jp.go.aist.rtm.RTC.port

Classes in jp.go.aist.rtm.RTC.port that implement operatorFunc
protected  class PortBase.connect_func
protected  class PortBase.disconnect_all_func
protected  class PortBase.disconnect_func

Uses of operatorFunc in jp.go.aist.rtm.RTC.util

Classes in jp.go.aist.rtm.RTC.util that implement operatorFunc
(package private) static class NVUtil.to_prop
           Helper class that makes Properties object based on content of specified NameValue object

Methods in jp.go.aist.rtm.RTC.util that return operatorFunc
static operatorFunc CORBA_SeqUtil.for_each(ConnectorProfileListHolder seq, operatorFunc func)
           Apply the functor to all CORBA sequence elements
static operatorFunc CORBA_SeqUtil.for_each(ExecutionContextServiceListHolder seq, operatorFunc func)
           Apply the functor to all CORBA sequence elements
static operatorFunc CORBA_SeqUtil.for_each(NVListHolder seq, operatorFunc func)
           Apply the functor to all CORBA sequence elements
static operatorFunc CORBA_SeqUtil.for_each(PortServiceListHolder seq, operatorFunc func)
           Apply the functor to all CORBA sequence elements

Methods in jp.go.aist.rtm.RTC.util with parameters of type operatorFunc
static operatorFunc CORBA_SeqUtil.for_each(ConnectorProfileListHolder seq, operatorFunc func)
           Apply the functor to all CORBA sequence elements
static operatorFunc CORBA_SeqUtil.for_each(ExecutionContextServiceListHolder seq, operatorFunc func)
           Apply the functor to all CORBA sequence elements
static operatorFunc CORBA_SeqUtil.for_each(NVListHolder seq, operatorFunc func)
           Apply the functor to all CORBA sequence elements
static operatorFunc CORBA_SeqUtil.for_each(PortServiceListHolder seq, operatorFunc func)
           Apply the functor to all CORBA sequence elements