Uses of Interface

Packages that use SDOService

Uses of SDOService in _SDOPackage

Classes in _SDOPackage that implement SDOService
 class _SDOServiceStub
          _SDOPackage/ .

Fields in _SDOPackage declared as SDOService
 SDOService ServiceProfile.service
 SDOService SDOServiceHolder.value

Methods in _SDOPackage that return SDOService
 SDOService SDOServicePOA._this()
 SDOService SDOServicePOA._this(org.omg.CORBA.ORB orb)
static SDOService SDOServiceHelper.extract(org.omg.CORBA.Any a)
 SDOService SDOOperations.get_sdo_service(java.lang.String id)
 SDOService _SDOStub.get_sdo_service(java.lang.String id)
static SDOService SDOServiceHelper.narrow(org.omg.CORBA.Object obj)
static SDOService istream)
static SDOService SDOServiceHelper.unchecked_narrow(org.omg.CORBA.Object obj)

Methods in _SDOPackage with parameters of type SDOService
static void SDOServiceHelper.insert(org.omg.CORBA.Any a, SDOService that)
static void SDOServiceHelper.write(org.omg.CORBA.portable.OutputStream ostream, SDOService value)

Constructors in _SDOPackage with parameters of type SDOService
SDOServiceHolder(SDOService initialValue)
ServiceProfile(java.lang.String _id, java.lang.String _interface_type, NameValue[] _properties, SDOService _service)

Uses of SDOService in jp.go.aist.rtm.RTC

Methods in jp.go.aist.rtm.RTC that return SDOService
 SDOService RTObject_impl.get_sdo_service(java.lang.String id)
           [SDO interface] Get specified SDO Service's reference

Uses of SDOService in OpenRTM

Subinterfaces of SDOService in OpenRTM
 interface ExtTrigExecutionContextService
          OpenRTM/ .

Classes in OpenRTM that implement SDOService
 class _ExtTrigExecutionContextServiceStub
          OpenRTM/ .

Methods in OpenRTM that return SDOService
 SDOService _DataFlowComponentStub.get_sdo_service(java.lang.String id)

Uses of SDOService in RTC

Subinterfaces of SDOService in RTC
 interface ExecutionContextService
          RTC/ .
 interface FsmService
          RTC/ .
 interface PortService
          RTC/ .

Classes in RTC that implement SDOService
 class _ExecutionContextServiceStub
          RTC/ .
 class _FsmServiceStub
          RTC/ .
 class _PortServiceStub
          RTC/ .

Methods in RTC that return SDOService
 SDOService _RTObjectStub.get_sdo_service(java.lang.String id)