Uses of Class

Packages that use LimbStatus

Uses of LimbStatus in RTC

Fields in RTC declared as LimbStatus
static LimbStatus LimbStatus.LIMB_STATUS_BRAKED
static LimbStatus LimbStatus.LIMB_STATUS_COLLISION
static LimbStatus LimbStatus.LIMB_STATUS_IDLE
static LimbStatus LimbStatus.LIMB_STATUS_MOVING
static LimbStatus LimbStatus.LIMB_STATUS_OOR
 LimbStatus LimbState.status
 LimbStatus LimbStatusHolder.value

Methods in RTC that return LimbStatus
static LimbStatus LimbStatusHelper.extract(org.omg.CORBA.Any a)
static LimbStatus LimbStatus.from_int(int value)
static LimbStatus istream)

Methods in RTC with parameters of type LimbStatus
static void LimbStatusHelper.insert(org.omg.CORBA.Any a, LimbStatus that)
static void LimbStatusHelper.write(org.omg.CORBA.portable.OutputStream ostream, LimbStatus value)

Constructors in RTC with parameters of type LimbStatus
LimbState(Time _tm, OAP _oapMatrix, LimbStatus _status)
LimbStatusHolder(LimbStatus initialValue)