Testing operation in Linux

Once the installer has completed successfully, OpenRTM-aist can be tested using the included sample components. These are typically stored in one of the following locations:

  • /usr/share/OpenRTM-aist/examples
  • /usr/local/share/OpenRTM-aist/examples
  • /opt/local/share/OpenRTM-aist/examples (When installing in Mac OS X using MacPorts.)

If you built from source, then "make install" will place the components in a share/OpenRTM-aist/examples directory below your install prefix. You can also find them in the source tree, at OpenRTM-aist/examples/<sample component set>

We will use the SimpleIO components to check that OpenRTM-aist has built and installed correctly.

SimpleIO sample component set

This set contains the ConsoleInComp and ConsoleOutComp components. ConsoleInComp receives numbers as input from the console and sends them over an OutPort. ConsoleOutComp receives numbers via an InPort and prints them to the console. They use this very simple I/O to illustrate the basics of RT Components. Connect the OutPort of ConsoleInComp to the InPort of ConsoleOutComp and activate them.

For the sake of simplicity, the explanation will be described assuming that the sample is under /usr/share/openrtm-1.1/example.

Test using the sample components

Start the name server

First, a name server that the components can register on must be started. If omniORB was installed as a package in Linux, it will often add the name server as a system service. You can check if this is the case on your system using the ps command:

 $ ps ax | grep omni
 1550  ?        Sl     0:00 /usr/bin/omniNames -errlog /var/log/omniorb4-nameserver.log
 18418 pts/2    S+     0:00 grep --color=auto omni

If omniNames is not executing, the command will produce something like this (or no output at all):

 $ ps ax | grep omni
 18418 pts/2    S+     0:00 grep --color=auto omni

To start omniNames manually, use the rtm-naming command:

 $ rtm-naming
 Starting omniORB omniNames: ubuntu910:9876
 Thu Dec  3 18:52:14 2009:
 Starting omniNames for the first time.
 Wrote initial log file.
 Read log file successfully.
 Root context is  IOR:010000002b00000049444c3a6f6d672e6f72672f436f734e616d696e672f4e616d696e67436f6e746578744578743a312e30000001000000000000007400000001010200100000003139322e3136382e3130302e31323500942600000b0000004e616d6553657276696365000300000000000000080000000100000000545441010000001c0000000100000001000100010000000100010509010100010000000901010003545441080000004e8a174b01000fef
 Checkpointing Phase 1: Prepare.
 Checkpointing Phase 2: Commit.
 Checkpointing completed.

Create an rtc.conf

An RTC configuration file, rtc.conf, must be created for the test. First, make a suitable working directory. This example will create a directory called RTCwork below the home directory. Change to this directory and create a file called "rtc.conf".

 $ cd ~/RTCwork
 $ vi rtc.conf

Add the following lines to this file. Note that you cannot use the rtc.conf in share/OpenRTM-aist/examples/ for this example.

 corba.nameservers: localhost
 naming.formats: %h.host_cxt/%n.rtc
 logger.enable: NO
 example.ConsoleOut.config_file: consout.conf
 example.ConsoleIn.config_file: consin.conf

If your system is configured to use IPv6, using "localhost" may not function correctly. In that case, use "" instead.

Start ConsoleInComp

Open a new terminal and start ConsoleInComp, making sure it uses the rtc.conf you created.

 $ /usr/share/OpenRTM-aist/examples/ConsoleInComp -f rtc.conf 
 Creating a component: "ConsoleIn"....succeed.
  Component Profile
 InstanceID:     ConsoleIn0
 Implementation: ConsoleIn
 Description:    Console input component
 Version:        1.0
 Maker:          Noriaki Ando, AIST
 Category:       example
   Other properties   
 Port0 (name): out
 - properties -
 port.port_type: DataOutPort
 dataport.data_type: TimedLong
 dataport.subscription_type: flush,new,periodic
 dataport.dataflow_type: push
 dataport.interface_type: corba_cdr
If using the samples directly from a source directory:

 $ <source_dir>/OpenRTM-aist/examples/SimpleIO/ConsoleInComp -f ~/RTCwork/rtc.conf

Start ConsoleOutComp

In the same way, start ConsoleOutComp.

 $ /usr/share/OpenRTM-aist/examps/ConsoleOutComp -f rtc.conf 
  Component Profile
 InstanceID:     ConsoleOut0
 Implementation: ConsoleOut
 Description:    Console output component
 Version:        1.0
 Maker:          Noriaki Ando, AIST
 Category:       example
   Other properties   
 Port0 (name): in
 - properties -
 port.port_type: DataInPort
 dataport.data_type: TimedLong
 dataport.subscription_type: Any
 dataport.dataflow_type: push,pull
 dataport.interface_type: corba_cdr

If using the samples directly from a source directory:

 $ <source_dir>/OpenRTM-aist/examples/SimpleIO/ConsoleOutComp -f ~rtc.conf

Start RTSystemEditor

You can use RTSystemEditor to connect the two components and activate them. Download the all-in-one Eclipse package from here and extract it.

RTSystemEditor requires Java Development Kit 6. Install it according to the instructions below, or use an equivalent such as OpenJDK as provided by your distribution. Refer to this page for details on starting RTSystemEditor.

Browsing the name server

Connect to the name server and browse the registered components. You can connect to a name server using the Name Service View on the left side of RTSystemEditor. Click the plug icon to connect to a name server and enter its address (localhost or localhost:2809) in the dialog box. The default port for omniNames is 2809.

Connecting to a name server

Drag the RT Components registered on the name server into the system editor. In the name service view, select the ConsoleIn0 and ConsoleOut0 items and drag them into the editor in the middle. Now click and drag between the small boxes at the side of each component, dragging from one component to the other and releasing. The connection dialog will appear. Accept it with all defaults to make a connection between the components.

Editing a system with RTSystemEditor

Click the green "Play" button in the toolbar to activate all components in the system editor.

Confirming data transfer

After connecting the ports of ConsoleInComp and ConsoleOutComp, the terminal for ConsoleInComp will display:

 Please input number: 

Enter a number and press enter. This number should fit within a short int. Look at the ConsoleOutComp terminal. The number you entered should have been printed out. If this is the case, OpenRTM-aist is functioning correctly.


最新バージョン : 2.0.1-RELESE













