OpenRTM-aist-Python 2.0.2
OpenRTM_aist.ExecutionContextBase.ExecutionContextBase Class Reference


Inheritance diagram for OpenRTM_aist.ExecutionContextBase.ExecutionContextBase:
OpenRTM_aist.ExecutionContextBase.ExecutionContextFactory OpenRTM_aist.ExtTrigExecutionContext.ExtTrigExecutionContext OpenRTM_aist.OpenHRPExecutionContext.OpenHRPExecutionContext OpenRTM_aist.PeriodicExecutionContext.PeriodicExecutionContext OpenRTM_aist.SimulatorExecutionContext.SimulatorExecutionContext OpenRTM_aist.EventDrivenExecutionContext.EventDrivenExecutionContext OpenRTM_aist.MultilayerCompositeEC.MultilayerCompositeEC

Public Member Functions

 init (self, props)
 exit (self)
 bindComponent (self, rtc)
 isRunning (self)
 start (self)
 stop (self)
 getRate (self)
 setRate (self, rate)
 addComponent (self, comp)
 removeComponent (self, comp)
 activateComponent (self, comp)
 deactivateComponent (self, comp)
 resetComponent (self, comp)
 getComponentState (self, comp)
 getKind (self)
 getProfile (self)
 setObjRef (self, ec_ptr)
 getObjRef (self)
 getKindString (self, kind)
 setKind (self, kind)
 setOwner (self, comp)
 getOwner (self)
 getComponentList (self)
 setProperties (self, props)
 getProperties (self)
 isAllCurrentState (self, state)
 setExecutionRate (self, props)
 setTransitionMode (self, props, key, flag=False)
 setTimeout (self, props, key, timevalue=0.0)

Detailed Description

A base class for ExecutionContext

A base class of ExecutionContext.


Member Function Documentation

◆ activateComponent()

OpenRTM_aist.ExecutionContextBase.ExecutionContextBase.activateComponent ( self,
comp )

Activate an RT-component RTC.ReturnCode_t ExecutionContextBase:: activateComponent(RTC.LightweightRTObject_ptr comp)

◆ addComponent()

OpenRTM_aist.ExecutionContextBase.ExecutionContextBase.addComponent ( self,
comp )

Add an RT-component RTC.ReturnCode_t ExecutionContextBase:: addComponent(RTC.LightweightRTObject_ptr comp)

◆ bindComponent()

OpenRTM_aist.ExecutionContextBase.ExecutionContextBase.bindComponent ( self,
rtc )

Destructor def tick(self): pass

Bind the component.

Bind the component.

Reimplemented in OpenRTM_aist.MultilayerCompositeEC.MultilayerCompositeEC.

◆ deactivateComponent()

OpenRTM_aist.ExecutionContextBase.ExecutionContextBase.deactivateComponent ( self,
comp )

Deactivate an RT-component RTC.ReturnCode_t ExecutionContextBase:: deactivateComponent(RTC.LightweightRTObject_ptr comp)

◆ exit()

◆ getComponentList()

OpenRTM_aist.ExecutionContextBase.ExecutionContextBase.getComponentList ( self)

Getting participant RTC list

This function returns a list of participant RTC of the execution context.

Participants RTC list

const RTC.RTCList& getComponentList() const

◆ getComponentState()

OpenRTM_aist.ExecutionContextBase.ExecutionContextBase.getComponentState ( self,
comp )

Get RT-component's state

This operation shall report the LifeCycleState of the given participant RTC. UNKNOWN_STATE will be returned, if the given RT-Component is not inclued in the participant list.

compThe target RT-Component to get the state
The current state of the target RT-Component(LifeCycleState)

RTC.LifeCycleState ExecutionContextBase:: getComponentState(RTC.LightweightRTObject_ptr comp)

◆ getKind()

OpenRTM_aist.ExecutionContextBase.ExecutionContextBase.getKind ( self)

Get the ExecutionKind

This operation shall report the execution kind of the execution context.


RTC.ExecutionKind ExecutionContextBase.getKind(void) const

◆ getKindString()

OpenRTM_aist.ExecutionContextBase.ExecutionContextBase.getKindString ( self,
kind )

Converting ExecutionKind enum to string

This function converts enumeration (PERIODIC, EVENT_DRIVEN, OTHER) defined in RTC.ExecutionKind to string.

String of ExecutionKind

const char* getKindString(RTC.ExecutionKind kind) const

◆ getObjRef()

OpenRTM_aist.ExecutionContextBase.ExecutionContextBase.getObjRef ( self)

Get the reference to the CORBA object

Get the reference to the CORBA object as ExecutioncontextService of this object.

The reference to CORBA object

◆ getOwner()

OpenRTM_aist.ExecutionContextBase.ExecutionContextBase.getOwner ( self)

Getting a reference of the owner component

This function returns a reference of the owner RT-Component of this execution context

a reference of the owner RT-Component const RTC.RTObject_ptr getOwner() const

◆ getProfile()

OpenRTM_aist.ExecutionContextBase.ExecutionContextBase.getProfile ( self)

Getting Profile

This function gets RTC.ExecutionContextProfile. The ownership of the obtained ExecutionContextProfile is given to caller. The caller should release obtained object when it is unneccessary anymore.


RTC.ExecutionContextProfile* ExecutionContextBase.getProfile(void)

◆ getProperties()

OpenRTM_aist.ExecutionContextBase.ExecutionContextBase.getProperties ( self)

Setting Properties

This function sets by coil.Properties.

propsProperties to be set to

const coil.Properties getProperties() const

◆ getRate()

OpenRTM_aist.ExecutionContextBase.ExecutionContextBase.getRate ( self)

Get execution rate(Hz) of ExecutionContext

This operation shall return the rate (in hertz) at which its Active participating RTCs are being invoked.

Execution cycle(Unit:Hz)

double getRate(void) const

◆ init()

OpenRTM_aist.ExecutionContextBase.ExecutionContextBase.init ( self,
props )

Initialization function of the ExecutionContext

virtual void init(coil.Properties& props);

Reimplemented in OpenRTM_aist.MultilayerCompositeEC.MultilayerCompositeEC, and OpenRTM_aist.PeriodicExecutionContext.PeriodicExecutionContext.

◆ isAllCurrentState()

OpenRTM_aist.ExecutionContextBase.ExecutionContextBase.isAllCurrentState ( self,
state )

Getting Profile

This function gets RTC.ExecutionContextProfile. The ownership of the obtained ExecutionContextProfile is given to caller. The caller should release obtained object when it is unneccessary anymore.


RTC.ExecutionContextProfile* getProfile(void) def getProfile(self): return self._profile.getProfile()

◆ isRunning()

OpenRTM_aist.ExecutionContextBase.ExecutionContextBase.isRunning ( self)

Check for ExecutionContext running state CORBA.Boolean ExecutionContextBase.isRunning()

◆ removeComponent()

OpenRTM_aist.ExecutionContextBase.ExecutionContextBase.removeComponent ( self,
comp )

Remove the RT-Component from participant list RTC.ReturnCode_t ExecutionContextBase:: removeComponent(RTC.LightweightRTObject_ptr comp)

◆ resetComponent()

OpenRTM_aist.ExecutionContextBase.ExecutionContextBase.resetComponent ( self,
comp )

Reset the RT-component RTC.ReturnCode_t ExecutionContextBase:: resetComponent(RTC.LightweightRTObject_ptr comp)

◆ setExecutionRate()

OpenRTM_aist.ExecutionContextBase.ExecutionContextBase.setExecutionRate ( self,
props )

Setting execution rate from given properties. bool ExecutionContextBase.setExecutionRate(coil.Properties& props)

◆ setKind()

OpenRTM_aist.ExecutionContextBase.ExecutionContextBase.setKind ( self,
kind )

Set the ExecutionKind

This operation sets the kind of the execution context.


RTC.ReturnCode_t setKind(RTC.ExecutionKind kind)

◆ setObjRef()

OpenRTM_aist.ExecutionContextBase.ExecutionContextBase.setObjRef ( self,
ec_ptr )

Get the reference to the CORBA object

Get the reference to the CORBA object as ExecutioncontextService of this object.

The reference to CORBA object

void setObjRef(RTC.ExecutionContextService_ptr ec_ptr)

◆ setOwner()

OpenRTM_aist.ExecutionContextBase.ExecutionContextBase.setOwner ( self,
comp )

Setting owner component of the execution context

This function sets an RT-Component to be owner of the execution context.

compan owner RT-Component of this execution context
The return code of ReturnCode_t type RTC.ReturnCode_t setOwner(RTC.LightweightRTObject_ptr comp)

◆ setProperties()

OpenRTM_aist.ExecutionContextBase.ExecutionContextBase.setProperties ( self,
props )

Setting Properties

This function sets by coil.Properties.

propsProperties to be set to

void setProperties(coil.Properties& props)

◆ setRate()

OpenRTM_aist.ExecutionContextBase.ExecutionContextBase.setRate ( self,
rate )

Set execution rate(Hz) of ExecutionContext

This operation shall set the rate (in hertz) at which this context’s Active participating RTCs are being called. If the execution kind of the context is PERIODIC, a rate change shall result in the invocation of on_rate_changed on any RTCs realizing DataFlowComponentAction that are registered with any RTCs participating in the context.

rateExecution cycle(Unit:Hz)
The return code of ReturnCode_t type RTC_OK: Succeed BAD_PARAMETER: Invalid value. The value might be negative.

RTC.ReturnCode_t setRate(double rate)

◆ setTimeout()

OpenRTM_aist.ExecutionContextBase.ExecutionContextBase.setTimeout ( self,
timevalue = 0.0 )

Setting state transition timeout from given properties. bool ExecutionContextBase:: setTimeout(coil.Properties& props, const char* key, coil.TimeValue& timevalue)

◆ setTransitionMode()

OpenRTM_aist.ExecutionContextBase.ExecutionContextBase.setTransitionMode ( self,
flag = False )

Setting state transition mode from given properties. bool ExecutionContextBase:: setTransitionMode(coil.Properties& props, const char* key, bool& flag)

◆ start()

OpenRTM_aist.ExecutionContextBase.ExecutionContextBase.start ( self)

◆ stop()

OpenRTM_aist.ExecutionContextBase.ExecutionContextBase.stop ( self)

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