Uses of Class

Packages that use ReturnCode

Uses of ReturnCode in jp.go.aist.rtm.RTC.buffer

Methods in jp.go.aist.rtm.RTC.buffer that return ReturnCode
 ReturnCode NullBuffer.advanceRptr()
          This function is not implemented.
 ReturnCode RingBuffer.advanceRptr()
           advances the reading pointer.
 ReturnCode BufferBase.advanceRptr()
           Forward n reading pointers.
 ReturnCode NullBuffer.advanceRptr(int n)
          This function is not implemented.
 ReturnCode RingBuffer.advanceRptr(int n)
           advances the reading pointer.
 ReturnCode BufferBase.advanceRptr(int n)
           Forward n reading pointers.
 ReturnCode NullBuffer.advanceWptr()
          This function is not implemented.
 ReturnCode RingBuffer.advanceWptr()
           advances the writing pointer.
 ReturnCode BufferBase.advanceWptr()
           Forward n writing pointers.
 ReturnCode NullBuffer.advanceWptr(int n)
          This function is not implemented.
 ReturnCode RingBuffer.advanceWptr(int n)
           Get the buffer length
 ReturnCode BufferBase.advanceWptr(int n)
           Forward n writing pointers.
 ReturnCode RingBuffer.get(DataRef<DataType> value)
           Write data into the buffer
 ReturnCode BufferBase.get(DataRef<DataType> value)
           Read data from the buffer
 ReturnCode NullBuffer.get(DataType value)
          This function is not implemented.
 ReturnCode NullBuffer.length(int n)
          This function is not implemented.
 ReturnCode RingBuffer.length(int n)
           Get the buffer length
 ReturnCode BufferBase.length(int n)
           Set the buffer length
 ReturnCode NullBuffer.put(DataType data)
           Store data into the buffer
 ReturnCode RingBuffer.put(DataType data)
           Write data into the buffer
 ReturnCode BufferBase.put(DataType data)
           Write data into the buffer
 ReturnCode<DataType> valueRef)
           Readout data from the buffer
 ReturnCode<DataType> valueRef)
           Read data from the buffer
 ReturnCode<DataType> valueRef, int sec)
           Readout data from the buffer
 ReturnCode<DataType> valueRef, int sec, int nsec)
           Readout data from the buffer
 ReturnCode<DataType> valueRef, int sec, int nsec)
           Read data from the buffer
 ReturnCode NullBuffer.reset()
          This function is not implemented.
 ReturnCode RingBuffer.reset()
           Get the buffer length
 ReturnCode BufferBase.reset()
           Reset the buffer status
static ReturnCode ReturnCode.valueOf(java.lang.String name)
          Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
static ReturnCode[] ReturnCode.values()
          Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
 ReturnCode NullBuffer.write(DataType value)
           Write data into the buffer
 ReturnCode RingBuffer.write(DataType value)
           Write data into the buffer
 ReturnCode BufferBase.write(DataType value)
           Write data into the buffer
 ReturnCode RingBuffer.write(DataType value, int sec)
           Write data into the buffer
 ReturnCode RingBuffer.write(DataType value, int sec, int nsec)
           Write data into the buffer
 ReturnCode BufferBase.write(DataType value, int sec, int nsec)
           Write data into the buffer

Uses of ReturnCode in jp.go.aist.rtm.RTC.port

Methods in jp.go.aist.rtm.RTC.port with parameters of type ReturnCode
protected  ReturnCode InPortPushConnector.convertReturn(ReturnCode status)
           Converts buffer.ReturnCode into port.ReturnCode.
protected  PortStatus OutPortCorbaCdrProvider.convertReturn(ReturnCode status)
           Converts ReturnCode into PortStatus.
protected  PortStatus InPortCorbaCdrProvider.convertReturn(ReturnCode status, data)
           {p.en Return codes conversion}

Uses of ReturnCode in jp.go.aist.rtm.RTC.port.publisher

Methods in jp.go.aist.rtm.RTC.port.publisher with parameters of type ReturnCode
protected  ReturnCode PublisherPeriodic.convertReturn(ReturnCode status, org.omg.CORBA.portable.OutputStream data)
protected  ReturnCode PublisherNew.convertReturn(ReturnCode status, org.omg.CORBA.portable.OutputStream data)