Uses of Class

Packages that use RangerGeometry

Uses of RangerGeometry in RTC

Fields in RTC declared as RangerGeometry
 RangerGeometry RangeData.geometry
 RangerGeometry IntensityData.geometry
 RangerGeometry RangerGeometryHolder.value

Methods in RTC that return RangerGeometry
static RangerGeometry RangerGeometryHelper.extract(org.omg.CORBA.Any a)
static RangerGeometry istream)

Methods in RTC with parameters of type RangerGeometry
static void RangerGeometryHelper.insert(org.omg.CORBA.Any a, RangerGeometry that)
static void RangerGeometryHelper.write(org.omg.CORBA.portable.OutputStream ostream, RangerGeometry value)

Constructors in RTC with parameters of type RangerGeometry
IntensityData(Time _tm, double[] _ranges, RangerGeometry _geometry, RangerConfig _config)
RangeData(Time _tm, double[] _ranges, RangerGeometry _geometry, RangerConfig _config)
RangerGeometryHolder(RangerGeometry initialValue)