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リビジョン 1035

fsi-katami さんが約16年前に追加

Fiexed the following.
- initialize()
-- Return RTC::PRECONDITION_NOT_MET, When RTC was alive.
- finalize()
-- Return RTC::PRECONDITION_NOT_MET,When the component is registered in ExecutionContext.
- get_service_profile()
-- Fixed to throw out the exception,when the service profile was not found.
-- Added processing to get the ServiceProfile from SDOConfiguration.
- get_sdo_service()
-- Fixed to throw out the exception,when the service profile was not found.
-- Added processing to get the SDOServiceProfile from SDOConfiguration.
- get_device_profile()
-- Fixed to return eviceProfile of m_pSdoConfigImpl.
- set_device_profile()
-- Added processing that set m_sdoSvcProfiles.
- get_organizations()
-- Added processing to get the Organization list from SDOConfiguration.
- detach_context()
-- Changed the method of deleting the element of m_execContexts.

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