バグ #2127
オプション --output-dir/-o を追加
Usage: rtm-skelwrapper [OPTIONS]
[--help or -h] Print this help.
[--idl-file[=IDL_file]] IDL file name
[--skel-suffix[=suffix]] Suffix of server skelton files
[--stub-suffix[=suffix]] Suffix of client stub files
[--include-dir[=dir] or -I] include prefix in #include
[--output-dir[=dir] or -o] output directory
$ rtm-skelwrapper --idl=file=<IDL path>/<IDL basename>.idl
--include-dir=<include dir>
--output-dir=<output dir>
-skel-suffix=<skel suffix>
-stub-suffix=<stub suffix>
In this case, the following files are generated under <output dir>.
<IDL basename><skel suffix>.h
<IDL basename><skel suffix>.cpp
<IDL basename><stub suffix>.h
<IDL basename><stub suffix>.cpp
And these files include the target IDL file by the following
#include directive.
#include <<include dir>/<IDL basename>(CORBA impl specific suffix)>
Absolute path is not recommended for the "--include-dir" option.
When option "--include-dir=my/idl" is specified, the generated
skeleton's header includes actual CORBA implementation dependent
skeletons as follows.
#if defined ORB_IS_TAO
# include "my/idl/RangerC.h"
# include "my/idl/RangerS.h"
#elif defined ORB_IS_OMNIORB
# include "my/idl/Ranger.hh"
Therefore, if you compile this skeletons/stubs, you have to specify an
appropriate include directory in the compiler options.
<IDL path> is used for only include-guard. For example, if
"--idl-file=/usr/include/idl/MyInterface.idl" is specified, the
following include guard will be defined.
: (codes)
- ステータス を 新規 から 終了 に変更
- 進捗率 を 0 から 100 に変更
- 対象バージョン を削除 (
他の形式にエクスポート: Atom