[openrtm-users 01017] Re: About automatically components connection
Masayuki Shimizu
masayuki.shimizu @ aist.go.jp
2009年 11月 18日 (水) 23:42:10 JST
> Can I connect to each components automatically??
You can save port connections and restore them
by a simple mouse operation.
This function is provided by RtcLink.
Check the pop-up menu opened by right click
on the system diagram.
If you do not like it, you have to make a program.
But, port connection program may not be easy to
implement because you have to handle corba operations.
> Should I consider something in implementation step??
No. RT-Component implementation and port connection
are different issues.
> For example, "CORBA::OctetSeq m_indata" and
> "InPort<CORBA::OctetSeq>
> m_indataIn must be matched one by one??
Yes. Data type of a data port has to be
statically defined. Ports associated with
different data types cannot be connected.
> How can I connect some components to the others?? I
> want to connect N by M
> components.
> For example, Should I declare more variables for
> input and output??
Sorry, I do not understand the meaning of these questions.
Please give more detailed explanations.
M. Shimizu
Shizuoka University, Japan
--- 沿爽莫 <proteus99 @ korea.ac.kr> wrote:
> In eclipse RTCLink, each components can be connected
> by me manually.
> By the way, I want to connect them automatically..
> Can I connect to each components automatically??
> And.. When a new component just starts, a naming
> server knows the new
> component's name..
> How can I connect the new component to other
> components automatically??
> Finally, I connected A component with B component.
> and then B component
> with C component. and then C component with A
> component
> when all starts, one of them have an error, and the
> component is dead..
> How can I connect some components to the others?? I
> want to connect N by M
> components.
> Should I consider something in implementation step??
> For example, "CORBA::OctetSeq m_indata" and
> "InPort<CORBA::OctetSeq>
> m_indataIn must be matched one by one??
> For example, Should I declare more variables for
> input and output??
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