[openrtm-users 01016] About automatically components connection
proteus99 @ korea.ac.kr
2009年 11月 18日 (水) 01:43:18 JST
In eclipse RTCLink, each components can be connected by me manually.
By the way, I want to connect them automatically..
Can I connect to each components automatically??
And.. When a new component just starts, a naming server knows the new
component's name..
How can I connect the new component to other components automatically??
Finally, I connected A component with B component. and then B component
with C component. and then C component with A component
when all starts, one of them have an error, and the component is dead..
How can I connect some components to the others?? I want to connect N by M
Should I consider something in implementation step??
For example, "CORBA::OctetSeq m_indata" and "InPort<CORBA::OctetSeq>
m_indataIn must be matched one by one??
For example, Should I declare more variables for input and output??
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