[openrtm-beginners:00427] Re: (無題)

Ando Noriaki n-ando @ aist.go.jp
2013年 4月 17日 (水) 11:01:40 JST


> Oh, I didn't know that! When I tried I think I just assumed it didn't work,
> because I didn't see the port appearing in system editor. But that's a great

Please reload (= delete from editor and DnD RTC from nameservice view
again :-)your RTCs on the system editor. You can see new Data Port on it.

>From OpenRTM-aist-1.1, I've experimentally added ComponentObserverConsumer
to OpenRTM in order to notify component's event to RTSystemEditor. If you
compile and load it to your RTC process, port-add event would be notified
to RTSystemEditor, and its system editor view will be updated automatically.


> news. Thanks. Now if I leave out the call for manager->setModuleInitProc()
> completely, and refactor the code as below, it works. It is also safe to do
> this way, right?
> coil::Properties profile(comp_spec);
> RTC::Manager* manager;
> RTC::RtcBase* comp; manager = RTC::Manager::init(argc, argv);
> manager->init(argc, argv);
> manager->registerFactory(profile, RTC::Create, RTC::Delete);
> manager->activateManager(); comp = manager->createComponent("MyComp");
> if (comp == NULL) { std::cerr << "Component create failed." << std::endl; abort(); }
> manager->runManager(!block);
> Now I'm also curious about: Is manager
> thread-safe? If I want to run multiple component from the same process, can
> I run multiple managers?

Manager is singleton object, and its instance that are obtained by
function is always same.

Of course you can create multiple RTCs in one manager (=process).

RTC::Manager* manager;
manager = RTC::Manager::init(argc, argv);

manager->load("MyComponentA.so", "MyComponentAInit");
manager->load("MyComponentB.so", "MyComponentBInit");
manager->load("MyComponentC.so", "MyComponentCInit");
manager->runManager(!block); // block = false

comp = manager->createComponent("MyComponentA");
if (comp == NULL) { std::cerr << "Component create failed." <<
std::endl; abort(); }
comp = manager->createComponent("MyComponentB");
if (comp == NULL) { std::cerr << "Component create failed." <<
std::endl; abort(); }
comp = manager->createComponent("MyComponentC");
if (comp == NULL) { std::cerr << "Component create failed." <<
std::endl; abort(); }

while (1) {
  // do my task

return 0;

This code load MyComponent[A-C].so shared objects, and
create three component from them.

If you just only create multiple component in one proces, you can use
options to load and instantiate RTCs.


> I noticed a section called "RTC daemon" in the
> tutorial, and that sounds like it would do exactly this, but it seems the
> page hasn't been written yet. Thanks, Gabor

I'm sorry. That page is still under construction. I'll write it as
soon as possible.

Best regards,
Noriaki Ando

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