OpenRTM-aist IDL  1.2
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RTC::Waypoint3D 構造体

A waypoint in 3D space, including constraints. [詳解]


RTC::Waypoint3D 連携図
Collaboration graph


Pose3D target
 Location of the waypoint. [詳解]
double distanceTolerance
 How far away from the waypoint is considered success (radius in metres). [詳解]
double headingTolerance
 How much off the target heading is considered success (in radians). [詳解]
Time timeLimit
 Target time to arrive at the waypoint by. [詳解]
Velocity3D maxSpeed
 Maximum sped to travel at while heading to the waypoint. [詳解]


A waypoint in 3D space, including constraints.


double RTC::Waypoint3D::distanceTolerance

How far away from the waypoint is considered success (radius in metres).

double RTC::Waypoint3D::headingTolerance

How much off the target heading is considered success (in radians).

Velocity3D RTC::Waypoint3D::maxSpeed

Maximum sped to travel at while heading to the waypoint.

Pose3D RTC::Waypoint3D::target

Location of the waypoint.

Time RTC::Waypoint3D::timeLimit

Target time to arrive at the waypoint by.
