OpenRTM-aist IDL  1.2
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RTC::IntensityData 構造体

Intensity readings from a range sensor. [詳解]


RTC::IntensityData 連携図
Collaboration graph


Time tm
 Time stamp. [詳解]
IntensityList intensities
 Intensity values normalised to between 0 and 1. [詳解]
RangerGeometry geometry
 Geometry of the ranger at the time the scan data was measured. [詳解]
RangerConfig config
 Configuration of the ranger at the time the scan data was measured. [詳解]


Intensity readings from a range sensor.


RangerConfig RTC::IntensityData::config

Configuration of the ranger at the time the scan data was measured.

RangerGeometry RTC::IntensityData::geometry

Geometry of the ranger at the time the scan data was measured.

IntensityList RTC::IntensityData::intensities

Intensity values normalised to between 0 and 1.

Time RTC::IntensityData::tm

Time stamp.
