OpenRTM-aist 2.0.2
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RTC::ConfigAdmin Class Reference

ConfigAdmin class. More...

#include <ConfigAdmin.h>

Public Member Functions

 ConfigAdmin (coil::Properties &configsets)
 ~ConfigAdmin ()
 Virtual Destructor.
template<typename VarType >
bool bindParameter (const char *param_name, VarType &var, const char *def_val, bool(*trans)(VarType &, const char *)=coil::stringTo)
 Setup for configuration parameters.
bool unbindParameter (const char *param_name)
 Unbinding configuration parameters.
void update ()
 Update the values of configuration parameters (Active configuration set)
void update (const char *config_set)
 Update configuration parameter (By ID)
void update (const char *config_set, const char *config_param)
 Update the values of configuration parameters (By name)
bool isExist (const char *param_name)
 Check the existence of configuration parameters.
bool isChanged ()
 Confirm to change configuration parameters.
coil::vstring & changedParameters ()
 Changed parameters list.
const char * getActiveId ()
 Get ID of active configuration set.
bool haveConfig (const char *config_id)
 Check the existence of configuration set.
bool isActive ()
 Confirm to activate configuration set.
const std::vector< coil::Properties * > & getConfigurationSets ()
 Get all configuration sets.
const coil::Properties & getConfigurationSet (const char *config_id)
 Get a configuration set by specified ID.
bool setConfigurationSetValues (const coil::Properties &config_set)
 Add to configuration set from specified property.
const coil::Properties & getActiveConfigurationSet ()
 Get the active configuration set.
bool addConfigurationSet (const coil::Properties &config_set)
 Add the configuration value to configuration set.
bool removeConfigurationSet (const char *config_id)
 Remove the configuration set.
bool activateConfigurationSet (const char *config_id)
 Activate the configuration set.
void setOnUpdate (OnUpdateCallback *cb)
void setOnUpdateParam (OnUpdateParamCallback *cb)
void setOnSetConfigurationSet (OnSetConfigurationSetCallback *cb)
void setOnAddConfigurationSet (OnAddConfigurationAddCallback *cb)
void setOnRemoveConfigurationSet (OnRemoveConfigurationSetCallback *cb)
void setOnActivateSet (OnActivateSetCallback *cb)
void addConfigurationParamListener (ConfigurationParamListenerType type, ConfigurationParamListener *listener, bool autoclean=true)
 Adding ConfigurationParamListener.
void removeConfigurationParamListener (ConfigurationParamListenerType type, ConfigurationParamListener *listener)
 Removing ConfigurationParamListener.
void addConfigurationSetListener (ConfigurationSetListenerType type, ConfigurationSetListener *listener, bool autoclean=true)
 Adding ConfigurationSetListener.
void removeConfigurationSetListener (ConfigurationSetListenerType type, ConfigurationSetListener *listener)
 Removing ConfigurationSetListener.
void addConfigurationSetNameListener (ConfigurationSetNameListenerType type, ConfigurationSetNameListener *listener, bool autoclean=true)
 Adding ConfigurationSetNameListener.
void removeConfigurationSetNameListener (ConfigurationSetNameListenerType type, ConfigurationSetNameListener *listener)
 Removing ConfigurationSetNameListener.

Protected Member Functions

void onUpdate (const char *config_set)
 When the configuration parameter is updated, it is called.
void onUpdateParam (const char *config_param, const char *config_value)
 When the configuration parameter is updated, it is called.
void onSetConfigurationSet (const coil::Properties &config_set)
 Called when the property is added to the configuration set.
void onAddConfigurationSet (const coil::Properties &config_set)
 Called when a set value is added to the configuration set.
void onRemoveConfigurationSet (const char *config_id)
 Called when the configuration set has been deleted.
void onActivateSet (const char *config_id)
 Called when the configuration set is made active.

Detailed Description

ConfigAdmin class.

Class to manage various configuration information. Now terms for this class are defined as follows.

  • Configurations: The configuration information for the RTCs.
  • (Configuration) parameters: Configuration information that consists of a key-value pair. The "key" and the "value" are both stored as character string values in a coil::Properties variable in this class. The "key" is called the "configuration parameter name", and the "value" is called the "configuration parameter value".
  • Configuration-sets: This is a list of configuration parameters, and it is distinguished by name (ID). The ID is called configuration-set ID.
  • (Configuration) parameter variables: The variables to be referred when configuration parameters are actually used within the activity of an RTC. Each variable has each type.
  • Active (configuration) set: This is the only configuration-set that is currently active. The parameter values of the active configuration-set are substituted into configuration variables in principle.

The following two configuration informations are stored in this class.

  1. A list of configuration-set
  2. A list of configuration parameter variables

Basically, the purpose of this class is to set one of the configuration-set in the list of (1) into parameter variables of (2). Usually, configuration parameter variables manipulation is performed with two-phases of configuration-set setting and parameter variables setting.

The configuration-set manipulations are performed by the following functions.

Modification, addition, deletion, acquisition and activation of configuration-set are performed by these functions. In order to reflect configuration-set, which is manipulated by these functions, on parameter variables that are used from RTC activities, the following update() functions are used .

Callback functors can be given to hook configuration operation. Operations to be hooked are as follows.


Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ConfigAdmin()

RTC::ConfigAdmin::ConfigAdmin ( coil::Properties & configsets)



propThe target property name for setup

◆ ~ConfigAdmin()

RTC::ConfigAdmin::~ConfigAdmin ( )

Virtual Destructor.

Virtual Destructor

Member Function Documentation

◆ activateConfigurationSet()

bool RTC::ConfigAdmin::activateConfigurationSet ( const char * config_id)

Activate the configuration set.

Activate the configuration set of specified ID Return empty configuration set, if a configuration set of specified ID doesn't exist.

config_idID of the target configuration set for remove
Activate result (Remove success:true、Remove failure:false)

◆ addConfigurationParamListener()

void RTC::ConfigAdmin::addConfigurationParamListener ( ConfigurationParamListenerType type,
ConfigurationParamListener * listener,
bool autoclean = true )

Adding ConfigurationParamListener.

This function adds a listener object which is called when update(const char* config_set, const char* config_param) is called. In the type argument, currently only ON_UPDATE_CONFIG_PARAM is allowed.

typeConfigurationParamListenerType value ON_UPDATE_CONFIG_PARAM is only allowed.
listenerConfigurationParamListener listener object.
autocleana flag whether if the listener object autocleaned.

◆ addConfigurationSet()

bool RTC::ConfigAdmin::addConfigurationSet ( const coil::Properties & config_set)

Add the configuration value to configuration set.

Add the configuration value to configuration set

configuration_setProperty to add
Add Result (Successful:true, Failed:false)

◆ addConfigurationSetListener()

void RTC::ConfigAdmin::addConfigurationSetListener ( ConfigurationSetListenerType type,
ConfigurationSetListener * listener,
bool autoclean = true )

Adding ConfigurationSetListener.

This function add a listener object which is called when ConfigurationSet is updated. Available events are the followings.

typeConfigurationSetListenerType value
listenerConfigurationSetListener listener object.
autocleana flag whether if the listener object autocleaned.

◆ addConfigurationSetNameListener()

void RTC::ConfigAdmin::addConfigurationSetNameListener ( ConfigurationSetNameListenerType type,
ConfigurationSetNameListener * listener,
bool autoclean = true )

Adding ConfigurationSetNameListener.

This function add a listener object which is called when ConfigurationSetName is updated. Available events are the followings.

  • ON_UPDATE_CONFIG_SET: A ConfigurationSet has been updated.
  • ON_REMOVE_CONFIG_SET: A ConfigurationSet has been deleted.
  • ON_ACTIVATE_CONFIG_SET: A ConfigurationSet has been activated.
typeConfigurationSetNameListenerType value
listenerConfigurationSetNameListener listener object.
autocleana flag whether if the listener object autocleaned.

◆ bindParameter()

template<typename VarType >
bool RTC::ConfigAdmin::bindParameter ( const char * param_name,
VarType & var,
const char * def_val,
bool(* trans )(VarType &, const char *) = coil::stringTo )

Setup for configuration parameters.

Bind configuration parameter to its variable. Return false, if configuration parameter of specified name has already existed. Specify the data type of the configuration as <VarType>. After calling this function, configuration variable would be updated by the active configuration parameter.

param_nameConfiguration parameter name
varConfiguration parameter variable
def_valDefault value of configuration parameter
transFunction to transform configuration parameter type into string format
Setup result (Successful:true, Failed:false)

References onUpdateParam(), and RTC::ConfigBase::setCallback().

Referenced by RTC::RTObject_impl::bindParameter().

◆ changedParameters()

coil::vstring & RTC::ConfigAdmin::changedParameters ( )

Changed parameters list.

This operation returns parameter list which are changed.

Changed parameters list

◆ getActiveConfigurationSet()

const coil::Properties & RTC::ConfigAdmin::getActiveConfigurationSet ( )

Get the active configuration set.

Get the current active configuration set. Return empty configuration set, if an active configuration set doesn't exist.

The active configuration set

◆ getActiveId()

const char * RTC::ConfigAdmin::getActiveId ( )

Get ID of active configuration set.

Get ID of the current active configuration set.

The active configuration set ID

◆ getConfigurationSet()

const coil::Properties & RTC::ConfigAdmin::getConfigurationSet ( const char * config_id)

Get a configuration set by specified ID.

Get a configuration set that was specified by ID Return empty configuration set, if a configuration set of specified ID doesn't exist.

config_idID of the target configuration set for getting
The configuration set

◆ getConfigurationSets()

const std::vector< coil::Properties * > & RTC::ConfigAdmin::getConfigurationSets ( )

Get all configuration sets.

Get all specified configuration sets

All configuration sets

◆ haveConfig()

bool RTC::ConfigAdmin::haveConfig ( const char * config_id)

Check the existence of configuration set.

Check the existence of specified configuration set.

config_idID of target configuration set for confirmation
Result of existence confirmation (Specified ConfigSet exists:true, else:false)

◆ isActive()

bool RTC::ConfigAdmin::isActive ( )

Confirm to activate configuration set.

Confirm that configuration set has been activated.

Result of state confirmation (Active state:true, Inactive state:false)

◆ isChanged()

bool RTC::ConfigAdmin::isChanged ( )

Confirm to change configuration parameters.

Confirm that configuration parameters have changed.

Result of change confirmation (There is a change:true、No change:false)

◆ isExist()

bool RTC::ConfigAdmin::isExist ( const char * param_name)

Check the existence of configuration parameters.

Check the existence of configuration parameters of specified name.

nameConfiguration parameter name
Result of existance confirmation (Parameters exist:true, else:false)

◆ onActivateSet()

void RTC::ConfigAdmin::onActivateSet ( const char * config_id)

Called when the configuration set is made active.

Call the set callback object.


◆ onAddConfigurationSet()

void RTC::ConfigAdmin::onAddConfigurationSet ( const coil::Properties & config_set)

Called when a set value is added to the configuration set.

Call the set callback object.


◆ onRemoveConfigurationSet()

void RTC::ConfigAdmin::onRemoveConfigurationSet ( const char * config_id)

Called when the configuration set has been deleted.

Call the set callback object.


◆ onSetConfigurationSet()

void RTC::ConfigAdmin::onSetConfigurationSet ( const coil::Properties & config_set)

Called when the property is added to the configuration set.

Call the set callback object.


◆ onUpdate()

void RTC::ConfigAdmin::onUpdate ( const char * config_set)

When the configuration parameter is updated, it is called.

Call the set callback object.

config_setThe target configuration set's ID to setup

◆ onUpdateParam()

void RTC::ConfigAdmin::onUpdateParam ( const char * config_param,
const char * config_value )

When the configuration parameter is updated, it is called.

Call the set callback object.

config_setconfiguration-set ID.
config_paramconfiguration parameter name.

Referenced by bindParameter().

◆ removeConfigurationParamListener()

void RTC::ConfigAdmin::removeConfigurationParamListener ( ConfigurationParamListenerType type,
ConfigurationParamListener * listener )

Removing ConfigurationParamListener.

This function removes a listener object which is added by addConfigurationParamListener() function.

typeConfigurationParamListenerType value ON_UPDATE_CONFIG_PARAM is only allowed.
listenera pointer to ConfigurationParamListener listener object.

◆ removeConfigurationSet()

bool RTC::ConfigAdmin::removeConfigurationSet ( const char * config_id)

Remove the configuration set.

Remove the configuration set of specified ID Return empty configuration set, if a configuration set of specified ID doesn't exist.

The configuration-sets that can be removed by this function are only configuration-sets newly added by the addConfigurationSet() function. The configuration that can be removed by this function is only newly added configuration-set by addConfigurationSet() function. The "default" configuration-set and configurationi-sets that is loaded from configuration file cannot be removed.

If the specified configuration is active currently, any configurations are not deleted.

Callback functions that are set by addOnRemovedConfigurationSet() will be called if a configuration-set is deleted actually by this function.

config_idID of the target configuration set for remove
Remove result (Successful:true, Failed:false)

◆ removeConfigurationSetListener()

void RTC::ConfigAdmin::removeConfigurationSetListener ( ConfigurationSetListenerType type,
ConfigurationSetListener * listener )

Removing ConfigurationSetListener.

This function removes a listener object which is added by addConfigurationSetListener() function.

typeConfigurationSetListenerType value
listenera pointer to ConfigurationSetListener listener object.

◆ removeConfigurationSetNameListener()

void RTC::ConfigAdmin::removeConfigurationSetNameListener ( ConfigurationSetNameListenerType type,
ConfigurationSetNameListener * listener )

Removing ConfigurationSetNameListener.

This function removes a listener object which is added by addConfigurationSetNameListener() function.

typeConfigurationSetNameListenerType value ON_UPDATE_CONFIG_PARAM is only allowed.
listenera pointer to ConfigurationSetNameListener listener object.

◆ setConfigurationSetValues()

bool RTC::ConfigAdmin::setConfigurationSetValues ( const coil::Properties & config_set)

Add to configuration set from specified property.

Add specified property to configuration set that was specified by ID. Return false if configuration set, that matches specified ID, doesn't exist.

config_idID of the target configuration set for add
configuration_setProperty to add
Add result (Successful:true, Failed:false)

◆ setOnActivateSet()

void RTC::ConfigAdmin::setOnActivateSet ( OnActivateSetCallback * cb)

◆ setOnAddConfigurationSet()

void RTC::ConfigAdmin::setOnAddConfigurationSet ( OnAddConfigurationAddCallback * cb)

◆ setOnRemoveConfigurationSet()

void RTC::ConfigAdmin::setOnRemoveConfigurationSet ( OnRemoveConfigurationSetCallback * cb)

◆ setOnSetConfigurationSet()

void RTC::ConfigAdmin::setOnSetConfigurationSet ( OnSetConfigurationSetCallback * cb)

◆ setOnUpdate()

void RTC::ConfigAdmin::setOnUpdate ( OnUpdateCallback * cb)

◆ setOnUpdateParam()

void RTC::ConfigAdmin::setOnUpdateParam ( OnUpdateParamCallback * cb)

◆ unbindParameter()

bool RTC::ConfigAdmin::unbindParameter ( const char * param_name)

Unbinding configuration parameters.

Unbind configuration parameter from its variable. It returns false, if configuration parameter of specified name has already existed.

param_nameConfiguration parameter name
Setup result (Successful:true, Failed:false)

◆ update() [1/3]

void RTC::ConfigAdmin::update ( )

Update the values of configuration parameters (Active configuration set)

When configuration set is updated, update the configuration parameter value to the value that is set to the current active configuration. This update will be executed, only when an active configuration set exists and the content of the configuration set has been updated from the last update.

◆ update() [2/3]

void RTC::ConfigAdmin::update ( const char * config_set)

Update configuration parameter (By ID)

This operation updates configuration variables by the configuration-set with specified ID. This operation does not change current active configuration-set. Since this operation causes inconsistency between current active configuration set and actual values of configuration variables, user should carefully use it.

This operation ends without doing anything, if the configuration-set does not exist.

config_setThe target configuration set's ID to setup

◆ update() [3/3]

void RTC::ConfigAdmin::update ( const char * config_set,
const char * config_param )

Update the values of configuration parameters (By name)

This operation updates a configuration variable by the specified configuration parameter in the configuration-set. This operation does not change current active configuration-set. Since this operation causes inconsistency between current active configuration set and actual values of configuration variables, user should carefully use it.

This operation ends without doing anything, if the configuration-set or the configuration parameter do not exist.

config_setconfiguration-set ID.
config_paramconfiguration parameter name.

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