OpenRTM_aist.PeriodicTask.PeriodicTask Class Reference

Inheritance diagram for OpenRTM_aist.PeriodicTask.PeriodicTask:
OpenRTM_aist.Task.Task OpenRTM_aist.PeriodicTaskFactory.PeriodicTaskFactory

List of all members.


class  alive_t
class  suspend_t

Public Member Functions

def __init__
def __del__
def activate
 Starting the task.
def finalize
 Finalizing the task.
def suspend
 Suspending the task.
def resume
 Resuming the suspended task.
def signal
 Executing the suspended task one tick.
def setTask
 Setting task execution function.
def setPeriod
 Setting task execution period.
def executionMeasure
 virtual void executionMeasure(bool value);
def executionMeasureCount
 virtual void executionMeasureCount(int n);
def periodicMeasure
 virtual void periodicMeasure(bool value);
def periodicMeasureCount
 virtual void periodicMeasureCount(int n);
def getExecStat
 virtual TimeMeasure.Statistics getExecStat();
def getPeriodStat
 virtual TimeMeasure.Statistics getPeriodStat();
def svc
 virtual int svc();
def sleep
 virtual void sleep();
def updateExecStat
 virtual void updateExecStat();
def updatePeriodStat
 virtual void updatePeriodStat();

Detailed Description

Member Function Documentation

def OpenRTM_aist.PeriodicTask.PeriodicTask.activate (   self  ) 

Starting the task.

Starting a thread to execute a task. If the task/thread is started properly, it will return 'TRUE'. if the task/thread are already started or task function object is not set, 'FALSE' will be returned.

true: normal start, false: already started or task is not set

virtual void activate();

Reimplemented from OpenRTM_aist.Task.Task.

def OpenRTM_aist.PeriodicTask.PeriodicTask.finalize (   self  ) 

Finalizing the task.

Finalizing the task running.

virtual void finalize();

Reimplemented from OpenRTM_aist.Task.Task.

def OpenRTM_aist.PeriodicTask.PeriodicTask.resume (   self  ) 

Resuming the suspended task.

Resuming the suspended task

virtual int resume(void);

Reimplemented from OpenRTM_aist.Task.Task.

def OpenRTM_aist.PeriodicTask.PeriodicTask.setPeriod (   self,

Setting task execution period.

period Execution period [sec]

virtual void setPeriod(double period); virtual void setPeriod(TimeValue& period);

def OpenRTM_aist.PeriodicTask.PeriodicTask.setTask (   self,
  delete_in_dtor = True 

Setting task execution function.

func Set int (*)() type function pointer

virtual bool setTask(TaskFuncBase* func, bool delete_in_dtor = true);

def OpenRTM_aist.PeriodicTask.PeriodicTask.signal (   self  ) 

Executing the suspended task one tick.

Executing the suspended task one tick

virtual void signal();

def OpenRTM_aist.PeriodicTask.PeriodicTask.suspend (   self  ) 

Suspending the task.

Suspending the task running.

virtual int suspend(void);

Reimplemented from OpenRTM_aist.Task.Task.

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Generated on Thu Mar 10 16:01:40 2011 for OpenRTM-aist-1.0.0-Python by  doxygen 1.6.3