- 03:37 リビジョン 345: Removed.
- 03:36 リビジョン 344: Distribution subdirectories (etc, docs) were added.
- 03:35 リビジョン 343: Escape the compile error of omniORB's stub/skel on gcc4.
- 08:38 リビジョン 342: Updated to use setModuleInitProc() to initialize component locally.
- 08:36 リビジョン 341: SimpleIO sub-directory entry was recovered.
- 08:33 リビジョン 340: Updated for OpenRTM-aist-0.4.0.
- 08:01 リビジョン 339: Now object reference is duplicate to set property.
- 07:59 リビジョン 338: A bug fix about template argument for buffer-type.
- 07:57 リビジョン 337: A bug fix about template argument for buffer-type in constructor.
- 07:54 リビジョン 336: Updated for OpenRTM-aist-0.4.0.
- 04:46 リビジョン 335: The component action implementation functions for Users' business logic
- were added (i.e onInitialize(), onExecute(), etc..)
- 04:44 リビジョン 334: The logic of main activity loop was changed.
- 04:43 リビジョン 333: Debugging messages to stdout were deleted.
- 04:42 リビジョン 332: The activate() function now performs POA manager activation and
- invoking ModuleInitProc.
Debugging messages are now output to system logger. - 04:39 リビジョン 331: The debugging messages to stdout were deleted.
- 04:37 リビジョン 330: Unnecessary tab in Makefile.am template was deleted.
- 23:58 リビジョン 328: Now build subdirs are only rtm-config rtc-template rtc-link rtm-skelwrapper.
- 23:56 リビジョン 327: The getState() function is now getState().
- 23:54 リビジョン 326: The constructor's signature was changed.
- InPortConsumer base class is now abstruct class. It needs concrete class.
- 23:53 リビジョン 325: The create() function's signature was changed.
- InPortConsumer base class is now abstruct class. It needs concrete class.
- 23:51 リビジョン 324: Some fixes for distribution control.
- 23:51 リビジョン 323: Callback functions' namespace were changed.
- 23:50 リビジョン 322: A trivial fix.
- 23:49 リビジョン 321: The constructor signature of DataOutPort was changed.
- 23:49 リビジョン 320: The constructor signature of DataInPort was changed.
- 23:48 リビジョン 319: The name of class to be tested was changed from Consumer to CorbaConsumer.
- 23:45 リビジョン 318: Some fixes for distribution control.
- 23:40 リビジョン 317: Some build subdir entry were added.
- 23:40 リビジョン 316: Some trivial fixes.
- 23:38 リビジョン 315: The registeInPort()/registerOutPort functions are added.
- 23:37 リビジョン 314: Since Port activates itself now, PortAdmin does not need to activate Port.
- 23:35 リビジョン 313: Now ObjectManager class implementation is in header.
- 23:33 リビジョン 312: The dump() function was added to dump NVList entries.
- 23:32 リビジョン 311: Some headers that should be included in the distribution package were
- added to the EXTRA_DIST entry.
- 23:30 リビジョン 310: A trivial bug fix.
- 23:28 リビジョン 309: Directory to create output files was the same directory of IDL file.
- Now it is current directory.
- 17:59 リビジョン 308: Now wrapper codes support ORBit-cpp.
- 17:58 リビジョン 307: Some trivial fixes.
- 16:47 リビジョン 306: Some trivial fixes.
- 16:46 リビジョン 305: Modified for OMG RTC specificatin and OpenRTM-aist-0.4.0.
- Almost all template codes were modified according to the new framework.
- 16:44 リビジョン 304: Now service implementation class does not inherit RtcServiceBase.
- The implementation template was changed.
- 16:43 リビジョン 303: A trivial fix.
- 16:42 リビジョン 302: Modified for OMG RTC specificatin and OpenRTM-aist-0.4.0
- - Some command option was chaged and removed.
- Now empty Struct class is used instead of *Profile classes for ezt di...
- 00:40 リビジョン 301: InPort and OutPort interface definition.
- 00:39 リビジョン 300: Makefile now also builds libRTCStub.la.
- 00:37 リビジョン 299: Some RTC interfaces were changed in OMG RTC-FTF discussion.
- 00:36 リビジョン 298: BasicDataType.idl has been independent from other IDLs.
- The namespace was changed from RTM to RTC.
- 00:29 リビジョン 297: PeriodicExecutionContext class
- 00:26 リビジョン 296: Now StateMachine does not need NOP function.
- All null function pointer is checked and skipped.
- 00:21 リビジョン 295: SDO interfaces are marged.
- Some RTObject's operation signatures were changed.
- 00:13 リビジョン 294: Now Port does not have getName().
- The name of Port is obtained from getProfile().
- 00:11 リビジョン 293: Now RTObject is activated itself. The Manager does nothing.
- 18:58 リビジョン 292: libRTC.so's source entry was divided and organizaed.
- 18:56 リビジョン 291: Kanji-code has changed.
- 18:56 リビジョン 290: Include order has changed.
- 18:47 リビジョン 289: DataFlowParticipant RT-Component base class
- 03:09 リビジョン 288: File list has been updated.
- 03:08 リビジョン 287: Some env-variables are set for autoreconf script.
- 03:06 リビジョン 286: Makefile entry for some unit-test classes were added.
- 03:05 リビジョン 285: *** empty log message ***
- 03:04 リビジョン 284: The first commitment.
- 03:02 リビジョン 283: The RingBuffer has been completely re-implemented.
- 03:01 リビジョン 282: Some trivial fixes.
- 02:59 リビジョン 281: getProperty() is now const function.
- 02:58 リビジョン 280: Interface and its profile publish functions (publishInterfaceProfile()
- and publishInterface()) are added.
- 02:57 リビジョン 279: Interface subscription/unsubscription functions (subscribeInterface()
- and unsubscribeInterface()) are added.
- 02:56 リビジョン 278: A trivial fix.
- 02:55 リビジョン 277: toProperties()'s argument was changed to const.
- Some functions were added.
- isStringValue()
- appendStringValue()
- append() - 02:53 リビジョン 276: Interface and its profile publish functions (publishInterfaceProfile()
- and publishInterface()) are added.
- 02:50 リビジョン 275: Interface subscription/unsubscription functions (subscribeInterface()
- and unsubscribeInterface()) are added.
The clone() function to clone the instance is added. - 02:47 リビジョン 274: Some changes.
- - Callback declarations are changed.
- Return value of write(). - 02:44 リビジョン 273: The behavior on notify_connect() and notify_disconnect() are now
- implemented in protected functions(ex. publisherInterfaces()).
- 02:39 リビジョン 272: The copy constructor and the substitution operator were added.
- 09:50 リビジョン 271: *** empty log message ***
- 09:48 リビジョン 270: - Class name has changed.
- - operator->() was added.
- CorbaConsumer::releaseObject() was added. - 09:45 リビジョン 269: CORBA serivce provider/consumer Port implementation.
- 09:43 リビジョン 268: Now, notify_connect() and notify_disconnect() behavior can be customized
- publishInterfaces(), subscribeInterfaces() and unsubscribeInterfaces().
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