- 16:01 OpenRTM-aist (Python) リビジョン 768 (openrtm-python): [compat,bugfix,->RELENG_1_2] fixed bug. refs #3760
- 21:23 OpenRTM-aist (Java) リビジョン 890 (openrtm-java): [FSM4RTC]Fixed bugs.
- 21:20 OpenRTM-aist (Java) リビジョン 889 (openrtm-java): [FSM4RTC]Fixed test programs.
- 15:05 OpenRTM-aist (Java) リビジョン 888 (openrtm-java): [FSM4RTC]Fixed call back processing from a timer.
- 15:02 OpenRTM-aist (Java) リビジョン 887 (openrtm-java): [FSM4RTC]Fixed test programs.
- 13:53 OpenRTM-aist (Java) リビジョン 886 (openrtm-java): [FSM4RTC]Fixed test programs.
- 22:30 OpenRTM-aist (Java) リビジョン 885 (openrtm-java): [FSM4RTC]Added tests for ComponentObserverConsumer.
- 08:16 OpenRTM-aist (Java) リビジョン 884 (openrtm-java): [FSM4RTC]Implemented ComponentObserver interface.
- 08:15 OpenRTM-aist (Java) リビジョン 883 (openrtm-java): [FSM4RTC]Implemented ComponentObserver interface.
- 01:35 OpenRTM-aist (Java) リビジョン 882 (openrtm-java): [FSM4RTC]Added a compilation sentence of ComponentObserver.idl.
- 01:28 OpenRTM-aist (Java) リビジョン 881 (openrtm-java): [FSM4RTC]Added ComponentObserver.idl for FSM4RTC.
- 17:37 RTC Builder リビジョン 638 (rtmtools): [compat,installer] Directory version number to install has been modified. refs #3212
- 17:37 RT System Editor リビジョン 638 (rtsystemeditor): [compat,installer] Directory version number to install has been modified. refs #3212
- 17:09 コア リビジョン 2819: removed unnecessary files in DEV_IQ_2016 branch
- 17:09 OpenRTM-aist (C++) リビジョン 2819 (openrtm-cxx): removed unnecessary files in DEV_IQ_2016 branch
- 17:08 コア リビジョン 2818: removed unnecessary files in DEV_IQ_2016 branch
- 17:08 OpenRTM-aist (C++) リビジョン 2818 (openrtm-cxx): removed unnecessary files in DEV_IQ_2016 branch
- 17:08 コア リビジョン 2817: removed unnecessary files in DEV_IQ_2016 branch
- 17:08 OpenRTM-aist (C++) リビジョン 2817 (openrtm-cxx): removed unnecessary files in DEV_IQ_2016 branch
- 17:05 コア リビジョン 2816: removed unnecessary files in DEV_IQ_2016 branch
- 17:05 OpenRTM-aist (C++) リビジョン 2816 (openrtm-cxx): removed unnecessary files in DEV_IQ_2016 branch
- 17:05 コア リビジョン 2815: removed unnecessary files in DEV_IQ_2016 branch
- 17:05 OpenRTM-aist (C++) リビジョン 2815 (openrtm-cxx): removed unnecessary files in DEV_IQ_2016 branch
- 17:00 コア リビジョン 2814
- 17:00 OpenRTM-aist (C++) リビジョン 2814 (openrtm-cxx)
- 16:57 コア リビジョン 2813: OpenRTM-aist improved quality project branch
- 16:57 OpenRTM-aist (C++) リビジョン 2813 (openrtm-cxx): OpenRTM-aist improved quality project branch
- 12:09 OpenRTM-aist (Java) リビジョン 880 (openrtm-java): [compat,bugfix,->RELENG_1_2]Fixed comments.
- 11:01 RTC Builder リビジョン 637 (rtmtools): [compat,->RELEASE_1_2_0] Language package has been changed to use downloaded file.
- 11:01 RT System Editor リビジョン 637 (rtsystemeditor): [compat,->RELEASE_1_2_0] Language package has been changed to use downloaded file.
- 18:54 RTC Builder リビジョン 636 (rtmtools): Version number updated to 1.2.0.
- 18:54 RT System Editor リビジョン 636 (rtsystemeditor): Version number updated to 1.2.0.
- 18:28 コア リビジョン 2812: [compat,->RELENG_1_2] Setting for Visual Studio vc8 have been deleted. refs #3742
- 18:28 OpenRTM-aist (C++) リビジョン 2812 (openrtm-cxx): [compat,->RELENG_1_2] Setting for Visual Studio vc8 have been deleted. refs #3742
- 17:22 コア リビジョン 2811: [compat,->RELENG_1_2] Project file generation processing for Visual Studio has been organized. refs #3742
- 17:22 OpenRTM-aist (C++) リビジョン 2811 (openrtm-cxx): [compat,->RELENG_1_2] Project file generation processing for Visual Studio has been organized. refs #3742
- 13:09 コア リビジョン 2810: [compat,->RELENG_1_2] Include guard has been added to version.h. refs #3734
- 13:09 OpenRTM-aist (C++) リビジョン 2810 (openrtm-cxx): [compat,->RELENG_1_2] Include guard has been added to version.h. refs #3734
- 17:33 コア リビジョン 2809: [compat,->RELENG_1_2] Installer creation process has been deleted. refs #3436
- 17:33 OpenRTM-aist (C++) リビジョン 2809 (openrtm-cxx): [compat,->RELENG_1_2] Installer creation process has been deleted. refs #3436
- 10:44 OpenRTM-aist (Python) リビジョン 767 (openrtm-python): [compat,->RELENG_1_2] Installer creation process has been deleted. refs #3741
- 10:58 コア リビジョン 2808: [compat,bugfix,->RELENG_1_2] Delete unnecessary file. refs #3709
- 10:58 OpenRTM-aist (C++) リビジョン 2808 (openrtm-cxx): [compat,bugfix,->RELENG_1_2] Delete unnecessary file. refs #3709
- 09:55 コア リビジョン 2807: [compat,bugfix,->RELENG_1_2] Definition of version.h has been modified. refs #3734
- 09:55 OpenRTM-aist (C++) リビジョン 2807 (openrtm-cxx): [compat,bugfix,->RELENG_1_2] Definition of version.h has been modified. refs #3734
- 19:50 OpenRTM-aist (Python) リビジョン 766 (openrtm-python): [compat,bugfix,->RELENG_1_2] fixed bug.
- 15:54 OpenRTM-aist (Python) リビジョン 765 (openrtm-python): [compat,bugfix,->RELENG_1_2] fixed bug.
- 13:24 OpenRTM-aist (Python) リビジョン 764 (openrtm-python): [compat,bugfix,->RELENG_1_2] fixed bug.
- 13:41 OpenRTM-aist (Python) リビジョン 763 (openrtm-python): [compat,bugfix,->RELENG_1_2] fixed bug.
- 18:29 OpenRTM-aist (Python) リビジョン 762 (openrtm-python): [compat,bugfix,->RELENG_1_2] fixed bug.
- 13:43 OpenRTM-aist (Python) リビジョン 761 (openrtm-python): [compat,bugfix,->RELENG_1_2] fixed bug.
- 17:27 OpenRTM-aist (Python) リビジョン 760 (openrtm-python): [compat,bugfix,->RELENG_1_2] fixed bug.
- 14:55 OpenRTM-aist (Python) リビジョン 759 (openrtm-python): [compat,bugfix,->RELENG_1_2] fixed bug.
- 13:28 OpenRTM-aist (Python) リビジョン 758 (openrtm-python): [compat,bugfix,->RELENG_1_2] fixed bug.
- 12:15 コア リビジョン 2806: [incompat,->RELENG_1_2] std::ostream operations have been added to NVUtil.
- 12:15 OpenRTM-aist (C++) リビジョン 2806 (openrtm-cxx): [incompat,->RELENG_1_2] std::ostream operations have been added to NVUtil.
- 19:39 OpenRTM-aist (Python) リビジョン 757 (openrtm-python): [compat,bugfix,->RELENG_1_2] fixed bug.
- 15:21 OpenRTM-aist (Java) リビジョン 879 (openrtm-java): [compat,->RELENG_1_2] Setting of source package and build setting on Windows have been changed. refs #3715
- 10:54 OpenRTM-aist (Python) リビジョン 756 (openrtm-python): [compat,bugfix,->RELENG_1_2] fixed bug.
- 18:44 OpenRTM-aist (Java) リビジョン 878 (openrtm-java): [compat,->RELENG_1_2] When building on Linux, "native2ascii" processing has been removed. refs #3715
- 17:47 OpenRTM-aist (Python) リビジョン 755 (openrtm-python): [compat,bugfix,->RELENG_1_2] fixed bug.
- 16:57 OpenRTM-aist (Java) リビジョン 877 (openrtm-java): [compat,->RELENG_1_2] Unnecessary directories and files have been deleted. refs #3715
- 16:45 OpenRTM-aist (Python) リビジョン 754 (openrtm-python): [compat,bugfix,->RELENG_1_2] fixed bug.
- 13:37 OpenRTM-aist (Python) リビジョン 753 (openrtm-python): [merge] r752 has been merged from branches/RELENG_1_1.
- 13:33 OpenRTM-aist (Python) リビジョン 752 (openrtm-python): [merge] r751 has been merged from trunk.
- 13:25 OpenRTM-aist (Python) リビジョン 751 (openrtm-python): [compat,->RELENG_1_1] Correction on revision 729. refs #3698
- 12:40 OpenRTM-aist (Python) リビジョン 750 (openrtm-python): [compat,bugfix,->RELENG_1_2] fixed bug.
- 19:39 OpenRTM-aist (Python) リビジョン 749 (openrtm-python): [compat,bugfix,->RELENG_1_2] fixed bug.
- 19:29 OpenRTM-aist (Java) リビジョン 876 (openrtm-java): [compat,->RELENG_1_2] Correction about the installer directory deletion. Scripts and license file have been moved. refs #3715
- 14:08 OpenRTM-aist (Java) リビジョン 875 (openrtm-java): [compat,->RELENG_1_2] Correction about the installer directory deletion. Document generation directory has been changed. refs #3715
- 11:43 OpenRTM-aist (Java) リビジョン 874 (openrtm-java): [compat,->RELENG_1_2] Correction on revision 873. refs #3715
- 11:13 OpenRTM-aist (Java) リビジョン 873 (openrtm-java): [compat,->RELENG_1_2] Correction about the installer directory deletion. refs #3715
- 19:13 OpenRTM-aist (Python) リビジョン 748 (openrtm-python): [incompat,->RELENG_1_2] CPU affinity setting has been added. #3712
- 19:06 OpenRTM-aist (Java) リビジョン 872 (openrtm-java): [compat,->RELENG_1_2] Installer creation process has been deleted. refs #3715
- 14:57 OpenRTM-aist (Python) リビジョン 747 (openrtm-python): [compat,bugfix,->RELENG_1_2] fixed bug.
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