- 02:56 コア バグ #3086 (終了): OutPort::writeがポートの接続時に遅くなる
- "hrpsys-base":https://github.com/fkanehiro/hrpsys-base/issues/241 でも話題になっていますが、
- 16:13 コア リビジョン 2602: [merge] r2601 has been merged from branches/RELENG_1_1.
- 16:13 リビジョン 2602 (openrtm-cxx): [merge] r2601 has been merged from branches/RELENG_1_1.
- 16:01 コア リビジョン 2601: [compat,->trunk,->RELEASE_1_1_1] Deb package does not support multiarch, library path has been returned to /usr/lib or /usr/lib64.
- 16:01 リビジョン 2601 (openrtm-cxx): [compat, ->RELEASE_1_1_1] Deb package does not support multiarch, library path has been returned to /usr/lib or /usr/lib64.
- 17:29 コア リビジョン 2600: RELEASE_1_1_1 (1.1.1-RELEASE) tagged.
- 17:29 リビジョン 2600 (openrtm-cxx): RELEASE_1_1_1 (1.1.1-RELEASE) tagged.
- 17:25 コア リビジョン 2599: delete.
- 17:25 リビジョン 2599 (openrtm-cxx): delete.
- 17:14 コア リビジョン 2598: [compat,->trunk,->RELEASE_1_1_1] Library installation path(/usr/lib or /usr/lib64) in rpm package, has been modified to use %{_libdir} macro. Architecture of package name has been modified to get in the 'uname -i'.
- 17:14 リビジョン 2598 (openrtm-cxx): [compat, ->RELEASE_1_1_1] Library installation path(/usr/lib or /usr/lib64) in rpm package, has been modified to use %{_libdir} macro. Architecture of package name has been modified to get in the 'uname -i'.
- 15:44 コア リビジョン 2597: [compat,->trunk,->RELEASE_1_1_1] Library installation path in the deb package, has been modified to use the multiarch feature. control, rules file has been organized.
- 15:44 リビジョン 2597 (openrtm-cxx): [compat, ->RELEASE_1_1_1] Library installation path in the deb package, has been modified to use the multiarch feature. control, rules file has been organized.
- 14:45 コア リビジョン 2596: [revert] Change of r2591 has been reverted.
- 14:45 リビジョン 2596 (openrtm-cxx): Change of r2591 has been reverted.
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