- 16:21 コア リビジョン 1541: Improved memory leak check tool.
- 16:21 リビジョン 1541 (openrtm-cxx): Improved memory leak check tool.
- 17:20 コア リビジョン 1540: Improved a problem of servant error.
- 17:20 リビジョン 1540 (openrtm-cxx): Improved a problem of servant error.
- 17:16 コア リビジョン 1539: Changed ConnectorProfile in periodic.
- 17:16 リビジョン 1539 (openrtm-cxx): Changed ConnectorProfile in periodic.
- 14:22 コア リビジョン 1538: Fixed possible memory leak.
- 14:22 リビジョン 1538 (openrtm-cxx): Fixed possible memory leak.
- 17:31 コア リビジョン 1537: Fixed possible memory leak.
- 17:31 リビジョン 1537 (openrtm-cxx): Fixed possible memory leak.
- 12:49 コア リビジョン 1536: New recommended interfaces for common robotics devices
- 12:49 リビジョン 1536 (openrtm-cxx): New recommended interfaces for common robotics devices
- 12:17 コア リビジョン 1535: CMake template generation
- 12:17 リビジョン 1535 (openrtm-cxx): CMake template generation
- 17:28 コア リビジョン 1534: Creating branch for new interfaces.
- 17:28 リビジョン 1534 (openrtm-cxx): Creating branch for new interfaces.
- 17:18 コア リビジョン 1533: Creating branch for CMake work.
- 17:18 リビジョン 1533 (openrtm-cxx): Creating branch for CMake work.
- 18:49 コア リビジョン 1532: CVSROOT diretory has been deleted
- 18:49 リビジョン 1532 (openrtm-cxx): CVSROOT diretory has been deleted
- 10:37 コア リビジョン 1531: Changed result message.
- 10:37 リビジョン 1531 (openrtm-cxx): Changed result message.
- 09:51 コア リビジョン 1530: Some problems of "examples/tests/Makefile.am" were resolved. (for Redmine Ticket #_761 )
- 09:51 リビジョン 1530 (openrtm-cxx): Some problems of "examples/tests/Makefile.am" were resolved. (for Redmine Ticket #_761 )
- 09:47 コア リビジョン 1529: Some problems of "examples/tests/Makefile.am" were resolved. (for Redmine Ticket #_761 )
- 09:47 リビジョン 1529 (openrtm-cxx): Some problems of "examples/tests/Makefile.am" were resolved. (for Redmine Ticket #_761 )
- 16:30 コア リビジョン 1528: The problems of m_ecOther have been resolved. (for Redmine Ticket #_750 )
- 16:30 リビジョン 1528 (openrtm-cxx): The problems of m_ecOther have been resolved. (for Redmine Ticket #_750 )
- 13:59 コア リビジョン 1527: ModuleManager tests have been updated.
- 13:59 リビジョン 1527 (openrtm-cxx): ModuleManager tests have been updated.
- 12:07 コア リビジョン 1526: The comment was corrected for reference manual (doxygen).
- 12:07 リビジョン 1526 (openrtm-cxx): The comment was corrected for reference manual (doxygen).
- 12:01 コア リビジョン 1525: To return the pointer of an empty character string when failing because of the extraction, toString() was fixed. (for Redmine Ticket #_865 )
- 12:01 リビジョン 1525 (openrtm-cxx): To return the pointer of an empty character string when failing because of the extraction, toString() was fixed. (for Redmine Ticket #_865 )
- 11:25 コア リビジョン 1524: NVUtil tests have been updated.
- 11:25 リビジョン 1524 (openrtm-cxx): NVUtil tests have been updated.
- 11:15 コア リビジョン 1523: PortBase tests have been updated.
- 11:15 リビジョン 1523 (openrtm-cxx): PortBase tests have been updated.
- 17:49 コア リビジョン 1522: A boundary condition bug in disconnectNext has been fixed.
- 17:49 リビジョン 1522 (openrtm-cxx): A boundary condition bug in disconnectNext has been fixed.
- 17:41 コア リビジョン 1521: A boundary condition bug in disconnectNext has been fixed.
- 17:41 リビジョン 1521 (openrtm-cxx): A boundary condition bug in disconnectNext has been fixed.
- 16:58 コア リビジョン 1520: Added examples/tests/Makefile.
- 16:58 リビジョン 1520 (openrtm-cxx): Added examples/tests/Makefile.
- 16:49 コア リビジョン 1519: Added memory leak check tool.
- 16:49 リビジョン 1519 (openrtm-cxx): Added memory leak check tool.
- 15:53 コア リビジョン 1518: Fixed possible memory leak.
- 15:53 リビジョン 1518 (openrtm-cxx): Fixed possible memory leak.
- 15:40 コア リビジョン 1517: CorbaPort tests have been updated.
- 15:40 リビジョン 1517 (openrtm-cxx): CorbaPort tests have been updated.
- 15:18 コア リビジョン 1516: Because the exception had been generated, CrobaPort::deactivateInterfaces() was fixed.(for Redmine Ticket #_846)
- 15:18 リビジョン 1516 (openrtm-cxx): Because the exception had been generated, CrobaPort::deactivateInterfaces() was fixed.(for Redmine Ticket #_846)
- 13:20 コア リビジョン 1515: The class of coil was added to the reference manual.
- 13:20 リビジョン 1515 (openrtm-cxx): The class of coil was added to the reference manual.
他の形式にエクスポート: Atom