[openrtm-users 03034] multiple provider one consumer

György Persa persa @ sztaki.hu
2014年 5月 7日 (水) 18:50:38 JST

Hello everyone,

Recently I made an experimental setup in our system, and it seems to me,
that if I connect multiple provider to one consumer I can call function
only one of the providers/implementations.
In attached image I displayed the function call counts in console window.
In the relation of one provider to multiple consumer function was called
twice as much as in opposite direction. Thus I suggest, that when I connect
multiple provider to one consumer only one of the providers is taking
My questions are:

   - Is it really the case? If I connect multiple provider to one consumer
   only one of them will answer?
   - Is it possible to declare which provider's function should be called
   if a consumer has many of them (thus choose between implementations)?
   - Or can I access all the providers and call function on them somehow?

Thanks in advance!
Best regards,
György Persa

György Persa
*Software engineer*
Institute for Computer Science and Control
Hungarian Academy of Sciences
3D Internet-based Control and Communications Research Laboratory / 3DICC
*Project VirCA* (www.virca.hu)
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