[openrtm-users 02780] Successfully combine ROS and RTC at last...
shanshan1370 @ sina.com
shanshan1370 @ sina.com
2013年 4月 1日 (月) 15:38:42 JST
After two weeks effort, I successfully run the ros-rtc examples on my
computer. Based on the solution given here:
http://www.openrtm.org/openrtm/en/content/ros-transport-rosport, I made some
changes to adapt it to the ROS-fuerte and OpenRTM-1.1.0(the given example is
built on OpenRTM-1.0.0 and ROS-diamondback). The patch file is available
http://wl.ibox.sjtu.edu.cn/w/24OU9m3BC69Qp4x1/OpenRTM-1.0.0-fuerte.patch (The
greatest effect that change from diamondback to fuerte is that fuerte
deprecates the class Message, so the added file "ROSInPort.h" is modified.)
However, due to my limited programming ability, I can not figure out how to
change files under "utils/rtm-config/" for installing rtm-config in the
system. Instead, I've changed the /usr/local/bin/rtm-config script manually.
The modified file is available here:
http://wl.ibox.sjtu.edu.cn/w/5ePn0I1Zj4ti0Guz/rtm-config And to test the
above modification, the example projects are:
The examples are successfully compiled under Ubuntu-12.04-32-bit. Wish my
work will be somehow helpful to you! And thanks agian for the kindness of
Geoffrey! Wenshan 2013.4.1
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