[openrtm-users 01472] Re: RTコンポーネントリリース | New RT-Component release: RTC:HokuyoAist

Tony Kuo ikuo005 @ aucklanduni.ac.nz
2010年 11月 10日 (水) 14:03:45 JST

Dear Geoff:
Thanks !!
This information is very useful!
I will try the laser data viewer!

P.S. Another thing is I found that the new Hokuyo driver with Gearbox 10.11
doesn't readily work with laser at SCIP 1 version.
I had to switch back to Gearbox 9.11 to drive my laser with the old

On 10 November 2010 14:29, Geoffrey Biggs <geoffrey.biggs @ aist.go.jp> wrote:

> Hi Tony,
> On 09/11/10 16:28, Tony Kuo wrote:
> > Hi Geoff:
> >
> > I looked through the new component,
> > it's using RTC::RangeData which is much better and easier to use.
> That is why we implemented it. :)
> > In my component that connect to the provider service port in the
> > previous hokuyo_aist component in Gearbox.
> > I was calling double tmp = m_hokuyoPort->GetStartAngle() in function
> > onActivited()
> >
> > I understand that I was getting nil reference becoz it was not connected,
> > but I have no way to check the connection or reconnect if it's not
> > connected.
> You can tell if a port is connected through the port object's API. If it
> is connected, get_connector_profiles() will return a list of the
> connector profiles. If you know the ID of the connection you expect then
> you can use get_connector_profile() to check if it exists.
> While it is possible to connect a port from inside a component, it's
> extremely ugly and a hack that noone should ever do. Ensuring that a
> port is connected before a component is activated is a deployment
> problem, which is external to components. If a component requires that a
> port is connected when it is activated, it should fail onActivated and
> go into the error state when the port isn't connected.
> We are still working on the deployment tools for OpenRTM-aist. The tools
> in rtsshell are useful, but we don't consider them to be perfect nor to
> be the final solution.
> > Another thing I am finding difficult in developing with the hokuyo aist
> > component
> > is that there is no way I know of, allow me to visualise the laser data
> > from the component.
> OpenRTM-python includes a laser range data viewer as one of its sample
> components. The released version uses a different format for the range
> data, but the trunk version has been updated to use RTC::RangeData. You
> can get it here:
> http://openrtp.jp/openrtm/svn/OpenRTM-aist-Python/branches/RELENG_1_0/OpenRTM-aist-Python/OpenRTM_aist/examples/TkLRFViewer/
> Geoff
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