[openrtm-users 01257] Re: RTミドルウエア:OpenRTM-aist-1.0すべてのリリースが完了
Geoffrey Biggs
geoffrey.biggs @ aist.go.jp
2010年 6月 2日 (水) 09:43:53 JST
This is a translation of the announcement posted by Dr Noriaki Ando.
To all members of the OpenRTM-users mailing list.
As you may have seen from the previous announcements, as of today, the
release of OpenRTM-aist-1.0 is complete. We are grateful to all members
of the mailing list, and especially to those who have provided comments
and advice. We hope you will continue using OpenRTM-aist and providing
valuable feedback in the future.
OpenRTM-aist-1.0.0 release
Languages and tools completed
Version 1.0 of RTCBuilderm, the component development tool, and
RTSystemEditor, the system development tool, for RT Middleware:
OpenRTM-aist have been released. Together with the release in January of
this year of the C++ version of the architecture, followed by the
release in May of this year of the Python and Java versions, the
OpenRTM-aist family now has a complete 1.0 release.
In addition, version 2.0 of the tool kits for using RT Components from
the command line, rtcshell and rtsshell, has been released. With these,
RT Systems using RT Components can be flexibly built from both a GUI
environment and a command line environment.
For more details, please see the official OpenRTM-aist website.
OpenRTM-aist Official Website
- Outline of OpenRTM-aist
OpenRTM-aist is a software platform for the modularisation at the
software level of functional elements of robots, such as sensors,
motors, robot manipulators, and mobile bases. It improves reliability
and re-usability, allowing robot systems to be efficiently developed.
The previous version, OpenRTM-aist-0.4, won the prize for Excellence in
Software at The Robot Award 2007. It was recognised particularly for
being standardised at the OMG international standards association. As a
software platform aiming at increasing the utilisation of service robots
operating in human environments, accelerating the standardisation of
robot technology, and increasing the efficiency of robot development, we
hope for the wide use of RT Middleware.
The basic interfaces of RT Components, which are the basic modules of
OpenRTM-aist, have been adopted as a formal standard specification by
the Object Management Group (OMG) international standards association.
OpenRTM-aist is the first implementation of this specification, the
Robotic Technology Component (RTC) specification version 1.0.
- Future plans
-- ROBOMEC 2010 tutorial
A tutorial will be held at the ROBOMEC 2010 conference in Asahikawa,
Japan on the 14th of June. There is still time to register. We welcome
all those interested in participating. Please send an email to Dr Ando
to apply.
-- IROS 2010 tutorial
A tutorial will be held at the IROS 2010 conference in Taipei, Taiwan in
October. Please see the following web page for details. Further
announcements will be made to the mailing list.
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