[openrtm-commit:02560] r722 - trunk/rtmtools/packages/rpm
openrtm @ openrtm.org
openrtm @ openrtm.org
2017年 4月 7日 (金) 15:57:21 JST
Author: kawauchi
Date: 2017-04-07 15:57:20 +0900 (Fri, 07 Apr 2017)
New Revision: 722
[compat,->RELEASE_1_2_0] The rpm package creation process has been updated. #3834
Deleted: trunk/rtmtools/packages/rpm/Makefile.am
--- trunk/rtmtools/packages/rpm/Makefile.am 2017-04-06 07:26:49 UTC (rev 721)
+++ trunk/rtmtools/packages/rpm/Makefile.am 2017-04-07 06:57:20 UTC (rev 722)
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-## -*- Makefile -*-
-## Makefile.am for deb package
-## rpmpkg_build.sh.in : RPM package build script template
-## Only __VERSION__ is undefined.
-## rpmpkg_build.sh : RPM package build script created from
-## rpmpkg_build.sh.in replacing __VERSION__.
-## OpenRTM-aist.spec.in : RPM spec file template
-## OpenRTM-aist.spec : RPM spec file created from OpenRTM-aist.spec
-## $Id$
-dist_key=`sh dist_key.sh`
-all-local: OpenRTM-aist.spec rpm_build.sh
- sh rpm_build.sh
-OpenRTM-aist.spec: OpenRTM-aist.spec.in
- echo "%define version $(RTM_VERSION)" > $@
- echo "%define shortversion $(RTM_MAJOR_VERSION).$(RTM_MINOR_VERSION)" >> $@
- echo "%define distname $(dist_key)" >> $@
- echo "%define rtm_includedir $(rtm_includedir)" >> $@
- echo "%define coil_includedir $(coil_includedir)" >> $@
- echo "%define rtm_datadir $(rtm_datadir)" >> $@
- cat OpenRTM-aist.spec.in >> $@
-rpm_build.sh: rpm_build.sh.in
- echo "#!/bin/sh" > $@
- echo "" >> $@
- echo "version=$(RTM_VERSION)" >> $@
- echo "" >> $@
- cat rpm_build.sh.in >> $@
- rm -f *~
- rm -f files
- rm -f OpenRTM-aist.spec rpm_build.sh
- rm -f OpenRTM-aist-*
- OpenRTM-aist.spec.in \
- rpm_build.sh.in \
- dist_key.sh \
- fedora_repo.sh \
- fedora_rpmcp.sh \
- pkgbuild.sh \
- vine_repo.sh \
- vine_rpmcp.sh
Deleted: trunk/rtmtools/packages/rpm/OpenRTM-aist.spec.in
--- trunk/rtmtools/packages/rpm/OpenRTM-aist.spec.in 2017-04-06 07:26:49 UTC (rev 721)
+++ trunk/rtmtools/packages/rpm/OpenRTM-aist.spec.in 2017-04-07 06:57:20 UTC (rev 722)
@@ -1,154 +0,0 @@
-# @file RPM spec file for OpenRTM-aist
-# @author Noriaki Ando <n-ando at aist.go.jp>
-# $Id$
-%define pkgname OpenRTM-aist
-%define builddir %{_topdir}/BUILD/%{distname}
-%define pkgver 0
-%define _unpackaged_files_terminate_build 1
-%define __os_install_post %{nil}
-%define rtm_libdir %{_libdir}/openrtm-%{shortversion}
-# Package information
-Name: OpenRTM-aist
-Version: %{version}
-Release: %{pkgver}.%{distname}
-Summary: OpenRTM-aist: RT-Component development environment
-Group: Development/Libraries
-License: LGPL
-URL: http://www.openrtm.org/
-Source0: %{pkgname}-%{version}-RELEASE.tar.gz
-Vendor: AIST
-# Build environment
-Prefix: /usr
-Buildroot: %{_tmppath}/%{pkgname}-%{version}-%{release}-root
-Requires: omniORB
-Requires: omniORB-servers
-BuildRequires: omniORB-devel
-BuildRequires: python
-OpenRTM-aist is a reference implementation of RTC (Robotic Technology
-Component) specification which is OMG standard. OpenRTM-aist includes
-RT-Middleware runtime environment and RTC framework. The OMG standard
-defines a component model and certain important infrastructure services
-applicable to the domain of robotics software development.
-OpenRTM-aist is being developed and distributed by
-Task Intelligence Research Group, Intelligent Systems Research Institute,
-National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Japan.
-Please see http://www.is.aist.go.jp/rt/OpenRTM-aist/html/ for more detail.
-# devel package
-%package devel
-Summary: Header files
-Group: Development/Libraries
-%description devel
-The header files and libraries needed for developing programs using
-# doc package
-%package doc
-Summary: Documentation
-Group: Development/Libraries
-%description doc
-Developer documentation.
-# example package
-%package example
-Summary: Example
-Group: Development/Libraries
-%description example
-Example components and sources
-# prep section
-%{__rm} -rf %{buildroot}
-%setup -n %{pkgname}-%{version} -q
-# build section
-%configure --prefix=/usr CFLAGS="-O2 -g" CXXFLAGS="-O2 -g"
-# install section
-export DONT_STRIP=1
-%{__make} DESTDIR=%{buildroot} install
-# clean section
-%{__rm} -rf %{buildroot}
-# files section
-%attr(755,root,root) %{_bindir}/rtm-naming
-%attr(755,root,root) %{_bindir}/rtcd
-%attr(755,root,root) %{_bindir}/rtcprof
-%attr(755,root,root) %{_bindir}/rtm-config
-# devel package file list
-%files devel
-%attr(755,root,root) %{_bindir}/rtc-template
-%attr(755,root,root) %{_bindir}/rtm-skelwrapper
-%attr(755,root,root) %{_bindir}/coil-config
-# doc package file list
-%files doc
-# example package file list
-%files example
-%attr(755,root,root) %{rtm_datadir}/example/*Comp*
-# changelog section
-* Thu Jun 4 2011 Noriaki Ando <n-ando at aist.go.jp> - 1.1.0-0._distname
-- CMakefile has been added.
-* Thu May 7 2011 Noriaki Ando <n-ando at aist.go.jp> - 1.1.0-0._distname
-- The 1.1.0 release of OpenRTM-aist.
-* Thu Sep 27 2007 Noriaki Ando <n-ando at aist.go.jp> - 0.4.1-1._distname
-- The second public release version of OpenRTM-aist-0.4.1.
Deleted: trunk/rtmtools/packages/rpm/dist_key.sh
--- trunk/rtmtools/packages/rpm/dist_key.sh 2017-04-06 07:26:49 UTC (rev 721)
+++ trunk/rtmtools/packages/rpm/dist_key.sh 2017-04-07 06:57:20 UTC (rev 722)
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-export PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin:/usr/local/X11R6/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin
-export LANG=C
-export LC_ALL=C
-# system information
-release=`uname -r`-`uname -p`
-# Check the lsb distribution name
-if test -f /etc/lsb-release ; then
- . /etc/lsb-release
- if test "x$DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION" != "x" ; then
- dist_name=$DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION-`uname -m`
- fi
-# Check the Fedora version
-if test "x$dist_name" = "x" && test -f /etc/fedora-release ; then
- dist_name=`cat /etc/fedora-release`-`uname -m`
- dist_key=`sed -e 's/.[^0-9]*\([0-9]\+\).*/fc\1/' /etc/fedora-release`
- echo $dist_key
- exit 0
-#Check the Debian version
-if test "x$dist_name" = "x" && test -f /etc/debian_version ; then
- dist_name="Debian"`cat /etc/debian_version`-`uname -m`
- dist_key=""
- echo $dist_key
- exit -1
-# Check the Vine version
-if test "x$dist_name" = "x" && test -f /etc/vine-release ; then
- dist_name=`cat /etc/vine-release`-`uname -m`
- dist_key=`sed -e 's/.*\([0-9]\)\.\([0-9]\).*/vl\1\2/' /etc/vine-release`
- echo $dist_key
- exit 0
-# Check the TuboLinux version
-if test "x$dist_name" = "x" && test -f /etc/turbolinux-release ; then
- dist_name=`cat /etc/tubolinux-release`-`uname -m`
- echo $dist_key
- exit -1
-exit -1
\ No newline at end of file
Deleted: trunk/rtmtools/packages/rpm/fedora_repo.sh
--- trunk/rtmtools/packages/rpm/fedora_repo.sh 2017-04-06 07:26:49 UTC (rev 721)
+++ trunk/rtmtools/packages/rpm/fedora_repo.sh 2017-04-07 06:57:20 UTC (rev 722)
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-# @file fedora_repo
-# @brief yum repository database creation for Fedora
-# @date $Date$
-# @author Noriaki Ando <n-ando at aist.go.jp>
-# Copyright (C) 2008
-# Noriaki Ando
-# Task-intelligence Research Group,
-# Intelligent Systems Research Institute,
-# National Institute of
-# Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Japan
-# All rights reserved.
-# $Id$
-# Base directory of repository
-# Fedora releases
-versions="4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13"
-# Fedora architectures
-archs="i386 x86_64"
-for version in $versions ; do
- for arch in $archs ; do
- rpmdir=$basedir/$version/Fedora/$arch/os/Packages/
- echo ""
- echo "Creating yum database under:"
- echo $rpmdir
- createrepo -v $rpmdir
- done
- srpmdir=$basedir/$version/Fedora/source/SRPMS/
- echo ""
- echo "Creating yum database under:"
- echo $rpmdir
- createrepo -v $srpmdir
Deleted: trunk/rtmtools/packages/rpm/fedora_rpmcp.sh
--- trunk/rtmtools/packages/rpm/fedora_rpmcp.sh 2017-04-06 07:26:49 UTC (rev 721)
+++ trunk/rtmtools/packages/rpm/fedora_rpmcp.sh 2017-04-07 06:57:20 UTC (rev 722)
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-# @file vine_repo
-# @brief apt-rpm repository database creation for VineLinux
-# @date $Date$
-# @author Noriaki Ando <n-ando at aist.go.jp>
-# Copyright (C) 2008
-# Noriaki Ando
-# Task-intelligence Research Group,
-# Intelligent Systems Research Institute,
-# National Institute of
-# Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Japan
-# All rights reserved.
-# $Id$
-# Base directory of repository
-# Fedora releases
-versions="4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13"
-# Fedora architectures
-archs="i386 x86_64 source"
-for version in $versions; do
- for arch in $archs ; do
- if test "x$arch" = "xsource"; then
- rpmdir=$basedir/$version/Fedora/$arch/SRPMS
- sarch="src"
- else
-# rpmdir=$basedir/$version/Fedora/$arch/os/Packages
- rpmdir=$basedir/$version/Fedora/$arch/os/Packages/OpenRTM-aist-1.0
- sarch=$arch
- if test "x$arch" = "xi386"; then
- karch="i686"
- sarch="i*86"
- else
- karch=$sarch
- fi
- fi
- if ! test -d $rpmdir ; then
- mkdir -p $rpmdir
- echo "Directory created."
- echo " "$rpmdir
- fi
- echo ""
- echo "Copying rpms to repository:"
- echo "dir: "$rpmdir
- name="*.fc$version.$sarch.rpm"
- echo "name: "$name
- rpms=`/usr/bin/find $pkgdir -name $name`
- rpms_noarch=""
- if test ! "x$arch" = "xsource"; then
- name_noarch="*.fc$version.noarch.rpm"
- rpms_noarch=`/usr/bin/find $pkgdir -name $name_noarch |grep $karch`
- fi
- rpms="$rpms $rpms_noarch"
- for rpm in $rpms ; do
- rpmname=`basename $rpm`
- echo $rpmname
- if test -f $rpmdir/$rpmname ; then
- read -p "Overwrite? $rpmname [Y/n]" ow
- if test ! "$ow" = "n" ; then
- cp $rpm $rpmdir
- echo "copy done"
- fi
- else
- cp $rpm $rpmdir
- echo "copy done"
- fi
- done
- done
Added: trunk/rtmtools/packages/rpm/openrtp.spec.in
--- trunk/rtmtools/packages/rpm/openrtp.spec.in (rev 0)
+++ trunk/rtmtools/packages/rpm/openrtp.spec.in 2017-04-07 06:57:20 UTC (rev 722)
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+# @file RPM spec file for OpenRTP
+# @author Noriaki Ando <n-ando at aist.go.jp>
+# $Id$
+%define pkgname OpenRTP
+%define version __VERSION__
+%define short_version __SHORT_VERSION__
+%define distname __DISTNAME__
+%define builddir %{_topdir}/BUILD/%{distname}
+%define pkgver 0
+%define _unpackaged_files_terminate_build 1
+%define rtm_libdir %{_libdir}/openrtm-%{short_version}
+%global debug_package %{nil}
+# Package information
+Name: OpenRTP
+Version: %{version}
+Release: %{pkgver}.%{distname}
+Summary: OpenRTP: Open RT Platform distributed by AIST
+Group: Tool
+License: EPL
+URL: http://openrtm.org/
+#Source0: %{pkgname}-%{version}-RELEASE.tar.gz
+Vendor: AIST
+# Build environment
+BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{pkgname}-%{version}-%{release}-root
+#Requires: java
+Requires: OpenRTM-aist-devel
+OpenRTP, Open RT Platform distributed by AIST
+ OpenRTP is tool package for OpenRTM-aist and its interoperable
+ RT-Middleware implementations. OpenRTP is being developed and
+ distributed by Intelligent Systems Research Institute, National
+ Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Japan.
+ Please see http://openrtm.org/ for more detail.
+# install section
+%define install_dir_lib $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{rtm_libdir}/openrtp
+mkdir -p %{install_dir_lib}
+cp -r %{_topdir}/../../about_files %{install_dir_lib}
+cp -r %{_topdir}/../../configuration %{install_dir_lib}
+cp -r %{_topdir}/../../dropins %{install_dir_lib}
+cp -r %{_topdir}/../../features %{install_dir_lib}
+cp -r %{_topdir}/../../p2 %{install_dir_lib}
+cp -r %{_topdir}/../../plugins %{install_dir_lib}
+cp -r %{_topdir}/../../readme %{install_dir_lib}
+cp %{_topdir}/../../about.html %{install_dir_lib}
+cp %{_topdir}/../../artifacts.xml %{install_dir_lib}
+cp %{_topdir}/../../e* %{install_dir_lib}
+cp %{_topdir}/../../icon.xpm %{install_dir_lib}
+cp %{_topdir}/../../notice.html %{install_dir_lib}
+%define install_dir_bin $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/bin
+mkdir -p %{install_dir_bin}
+cp %{_topdir}/../../openrtp %{install_dir_bin}
+# clean section
+%{__rm} -rf %{buildroot}
+# core files section
+%attr(755,root,root) %{_bindir}/openrtp
+# changelog section
+* Wed Mar 8 2017 Noriaki Ando <n-ando at aist.go.jp> - 1.2.0-0._distname
+- The 1.2.0 release of OpenRTP.
Deleted: trunk/rtmtools/packages/rpm/pkgbuild.sh
--- trunk/rtmtools/packages/rpm/pkgbuild.sh 2017-04-06 07:26:49 UTC (rev 721)
+++ trunk/rtmtools/packages/rpm/pkgbuild.sh 2017-04-07 06:57:20 UTC (rev 722)
@@ -1,497 +0,0 @@
-openrtm_spec_old () {
-cat <<EOF
-# @file RPM spec file for OpenRTM-aist
-# @author Noriaki Ando <n-ando at aist.go.jp>
-# $Id$
-%define pkgname OpenRTM-aist
-%define version 1.0.0
-%define distname __DISTNAME__
-%define builddir %{_topdir}/BUILD/%{distname}
-%define pkgver 1
-%define _unpackaged_files_terminate_build 1
-%define __os_install_post %{nil}
-# Package information
-Name: OpenRTM-aist
-Version: %{version}
-Release: %{pkgver}.%{distname}
-Summary: OpenRTM-aist: RT-Component development environment
-Group: Development/Libraries
-License: LGPL
-URL: http://www.is.aist.go.jp/rt/OpenRTM-aist/
-Source0: %{pkgname}-%{version}-RELEASE.tar.gz
-Vendor: AIST
-# Build environment
-Prefix: /usr
-Buildroot: %{_tmppath}/%{pkgname}-%{version}-%{release}-root
-Requires: omniORB
-Requires: omniORB-servers
-#Requires: ace >= 5.4.0
-BuildRequires: omniORB-devel
-#BuildRequires: ace-devel >= 5.4.0
-BuildRequires: python
-OpenRTM-aist is a reference implementation of RTC (Robotic Technology
-Component) specification which is OMG standard. OpenRTM-aist includes
-RT-Middleware runtime environment and RTC framework. The OMG standard
-defines a component model and certain important infrastructure services
-applicable to the domain of robotics software development.
-OpenRTM-aist is being developed and distributed by
-Task Intelligence Research Group, Intelligent Systems Research Institute,
-National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Japan.
-Please see http://www.is.aist.go.jp/rt/OpenRTM-aist/html/ for more detail.
-# devel package
-%package devel
-Summary: Header files
-Group: Development/Libraries
-%description devel
-The header files and libraries needed for developing programs using
-# doc package
-%package doc
-Summary: Documentation
-Group: Development/Libraries
-%description doc
-Developer documentation.
-# example package
-%package example
-Summary: Example
-Group: Development/Libraries
-%description example
-Example components and sources
-# prep section
-%{__rm} -rf %{buildroot}
-%setup -n %{pkgname}-%{version} -q
-# build section
-%configure --prefix=/usr
-# install section
-export DONT_STRIP=1
-%{__make} DESTDIR=%{buildroot} install
-# clean section
-%{__rm} -rf %{buildroot}
-# files section
-# devel package file list
-%files devel
-%attr(755,root,root) %{_bindir}/*
-# doc package file list
-%files doc
-# example package file list
-%files example
-%attr(755,root,root) %{_datadir}/OpenRTM-aist/examples/*Comp*
-# changelog section
-* Thu Sep 27 2007 Noriaki Ando <n-ando at aist.go.jp> - 0.4.1-1._distname
-- The second public release version of OpenRTM-aist-0.4.1.
-openrtm_spec () {
-cat <<EOF
-# @file RPM spec file for OpenRTM-aist
-# @author Noriaki Ando <n-ando at aist.go.jp>
-# $Id$
-%define pkgname OpenRTM-aist
-%define version 1.0.0
-%define distname __DISTNAME__
-%define builddir %{_topdir}/BUILD/%{distname}
-%define pkgver 1
-%define _unpackaged_files_terminate_build 1
-# Package information
-Name: OpenRTM-aist
-Version: %{version}
-Release: %{pkgver}.%{distname}
-Summary: OpenRTM-aist: RT-Component development environment
-Group: Development/Libraries
-License: LGPL
-URL: http://www.is.aist.go.jp/rt/OpenRTM-aist/
-Source0: %{pkgname}-%{version}-RELEASE.tar.gz
-Vendor: AIST
-# Build environment
-Prefix: /usr
-Buildroot: %{_tmppath}/%{pkgname}-%{version}-%{release}-root
-Requires: libomniORB4.1
-Requires: omniORB-servers
-#Requires: ace >= 5.4.0
-BuildRequires: libomniORB4.1-devel
-#BuildRequires: ace-devel >= 5.4.0
-BuildRequires: python
-OpenRTM-aist is a reference implementation of RTC (Robotic Technology
-Component) specification which is OMG standard. OpenRTM-aist includes
-RT-Middleware runtime environment and RTC framework. The OMG standard
-defines a component model and certain important infrastructure services
-applicable to the domain of robotics software development.
-OpenRTM-aist is being developed and distributed by
-Task Intelligence Research Group, Intelligent Systems Research Institute,
-National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Japan.
-Please see http://www.is.aist.go.jp/rt/OpenRTM-aist/html/ for more detail.
-# devel package
-%package devel
-Summary: Header files
-Group: Development/Libraries
-%description devel
-The header files and libraries needed for developing programs using
-# doc package
-%package doc
-Summary: Documentation
-Group: Development/Libraries
-%description doc
-Developer documentation.
-# example package
-%package example
-Summary: Example
-Group: Development/Libraries
-%description example
-Example components and sources
-# prep section
-%{__rm} -rf %{buildroot}
-%setup -n %{pkgname}-%{version} -q
-# build section
-%configure --prefix=/usr
-# install section
-%{__make} DESTDIR=%{buildroot} install
-# clean section
-%{__rm} -rf %{buildroot}
-# files section
-# devel package file list
-%files devel
-%attr(755,root,root) %{_bindir}/*
-# doc package file list
-%files doc
-# example package file list
-%files example
-%attr(755,root,root) %{_datadir}/OpenRTM-aist/examples/*Comp*
-# changelog section
-* Thu Sep 27 2007 Noriaki Ando <n-ando at aist.go.jp> - 0.4.1-1._distname
-- The second public release version of OpenRTM-aist-0.4.1.
-pyyaml_spec () {
-cat <<EOF
-%define python_sitelib %(%{__python} -c 'from distutils import sysconfig; print sysconfig.get_python_lib()')
-%define distname __DISTNAME__
-%define real_name PyYAML
-%define pkgver 1
-Summary: Python package implementing YAML parser and emitter
-Name: PyYAML
-Version: 3.05
-Release: %{pkgver}.%{distname}
-License: GPL
-Group: Development/Libraries
-URL: http://pyyaml.org/wiki/PyYAML
-Source: http://pyyaml.org/download/pyyaml/PyYAML-%{version}.tar.gz
-BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root
-BuildArch: noarch
-BuildRequires: python-devel >= 2.2
-Requires: python >= 2.2
-Provides: PyYAML = %{name}-%{version}
-Obsoletes: PyYAML <= %{name}-%{version}
-PyYAML is a YAML parser and emitter for the Python programming language.
-YAML is a data serialization format designed for human readability
-and interaction with scripting languages.
-%setup -n %{real_name}-%{version}
-%{__python} setup.py build
-%{__rm} -rf %{buildroot}
-%{__python} setup.py install -O1 --skip-build --root="%{buildroot}" --prefix="%{_prefix}"
-%{__rm} -rf %{buildroot}
-%defattr(-, root, root, 0755)
-%doc LICENSE README examples/
-* Tue May 27 2008 Noriaki Ando <n-ando at aist.go.jp> 3.05-distname.0
-- Distribution named package.
-* Sun May 13 2007 Dag Wieers <dag at wieers.com> - 3.05-1
-- Initial package. (using DAR)
-export PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin:/usr/local/X11R6/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin
-export LANG=C
-export LC_ALL=C
-# date
-date=`date "+%y%m%d%H%M"`
-# package location and build directory
-package_date=`ls -al $package | awk '{printf("%s/%s %s\n",$6,$7,$8);}'`
-package_date=`diff -ac $package /dev/null | head -1 |awk '{print $3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8;}'`
-package_name=`basename $package`
-logheader="<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2 Final//EN\"><html><body><pre>"
-# system information
-os=`uname -s`
-release=`uname -r`-`uname -p`
-# Check the lsb distribution name
-if test -f /etc/lsb-release ; then
- . /etc/lsb-release
- if test "x$DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION" != "x" ; then
- dist_name=$DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION-`uname -m`
- fi
-# Check the Fedora version
-if test "x$dist_name" = "x" && test -f /etc/fedora-release ; then
- dist_name=`cat /etc/fedora-release`-`uname -m`
- dist_key=`sed -e 's/.[^0-9]*\([0-9]\+\).*/fc\1/' /etc/fedora-release`
-#Check the Debian version
-if test "x$dist_name" = "x" && test -f /etc/debian_version ; then
- dist_name="Debian"`cat /etc/debian_version`-`uname -m`
- dist_key=""
-# Check the Vine version
-if test "x$dist_name" = "x" && test -f /etc/vine-release ; then
- dist_name=`cat /etc/vine-release`-`uname -m`
- dist_key=`sed -e 's/.*\([0-9]\)\.\([0-9]\).*/vl\1\2/' /etc/vine-release`
-# Check the TuboLinux version
-if test "x$dist_name" = "x" && test -f /etc/turbolinux-release ; then
- dist_name=`cat /etc/tubolinux-release`-`uname -m`
- dist_key=""
-if test "x$dist_name" = "x" ; then
- dist_name=$os$release
-# Check the RedHat/Fedora version
-if test "x$dist_name" = "x" && test -f /etc/redhat-release ; then
- dist_name=`cat /etc/redhat-release`-`uname -m`
-# only fedora and vine
-if test "x$dist_key" = "x" ; then
- exit 0
-distname=`echo $dist_name | sed 's/[ |\(|\)]//g'`
-# system dependent build directory and log file name
-echo $dist_key
-echo $dist_key
-# check package
-if test -f $package ; then
- echo "Package found: " $package
- echo "Package not found: " $pacakge
- exit 1
-cd $buildroot
-# check if package is new
-if test -f $timestamp ; then
- if test $package -nt $timestamp ; then
- build=yes
- echo "New source file was found."
- touch $timestamp
- fi
- echo "Timestamp not found."
- touch $timestamp
- build=yes
-if test "x$build" = "x" ; then
- echo "No new package."
- exit 1
-# cleanup
-echo "cleanup " $builddir/$packagedir
-rm -rf $builddir
-mkdir -p $builddir
-cd $builddir
-echo "distribution: " $dist_name >> $buildroot/$logfile
-echo "package: $package_date " >> $buildroot/$logfile
-# package build process
-echo $logheader > $buildroot/make-$logfile
-mkdir RPMS/{i386,i586,i686,x86_64,noarch}
-ln -s $package SOURCES/
-echo "-----------------------------"
-echo $dist_key
-if test "x$dist_key" = "xfc10" || test "x$dist_key" = "xfc11" \
-|| test "x$dist_key" = "xvl40" || test "x$dist_key" = "xvl42" ; then
- openrtm_spec_old > OpenRTM-aist.spec.tmp
- echo $dist_key
- openrtm_spec > OpenRTM-aist.spec.tmp
- echo $dist_key
-#openrtm_spec > python-yaml.spec.tmp
-sed "s/__DISTNAME__/$dist_key/g" OpenRTM-aist.spec.tmp > OpenRTM-aist.spec
-#sed "s/__DISTNAME__/$dist_key/g" python-yaml.spec.tmp > python-yaml.spec
-echo "%_topdir $builddir" > .rpmrc
-rpm_def="_topdir $builddir"
-if $time -p -o make_time-$logfile rpmbuild --define "$rpm_def" -ba OpenRTM-aist.spec >> $buildroot/make-$logfile 2>&1 ; then
-#if $time -p -o make_time-$logfile rpmbuild --define "$rpm_def" -ba python-yaml.spec >> $buildroot/make-$logfile 2>&1 ; then
- echo $logfooter >> $buildroot/make-$logfile
- make_time=`awk '/real/{printf("%s[s] ", $0);}' make_time-$logfile`
- echo "make: OK" >> $buildroot/$logfile
- echo "make_time: $make_time" >> $buildroot/$logfile
- rm -f make_time-$logfile
- echo "make: NG" >> $buildroot/$logfile
- rm -f make_time-$logfile
- exit 1
Added: trunk/rtmtools/packages/rpm/rpm_build.sh
--- trunk/rtmtools/packages/rpm/rpm_build.sh (rev 0)
+++ trunk/rtmtools/packages/rpm/rpm_build.sh 2017-04-07 06:57:20 UTC (rev 722)
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+# @file rpm_build.sh
+# @author Noriaki Ando <n-ando at aist.go.jp>
+# @brief rpm package build script
+# $Id$
+export LC_ALL=C
+arch=`uname -i | sed -s 's/i[3-5]/i6/g'`
+ rm -rf *.log *.bak .rpmrc
+ for d in $dirs; do
+ rm -rf $d
+ done
+ if test "x$1" = "xclean" ; then
+ clean_dirs
+ exit 0
+ fi
+ dist_name=""
+ dist_key=""
+ # Check the lsb distribution name
+ if test -f /etc/lsb-release ; then
+ . /etc/lsb-release
+ if test "x$DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION" != "x" ; then
+ dist_name=$DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION-`uname -m`
+ fi
+ fi
+ # Check the Fedora version
+ if test "x$dist_name" = "x" && test -f /etc/fedora-release ; then
+ dist_name=`cat /etc/fedora-release`-`uname -m`
+ dist_key=`sed -e 's/.[^0-9]*\([0-9]\+\).*/fc\1/' /etc/fedora-release`
+ FEDORA_VER=$dist_key
+ fi
+ #Check the Debian version
+ if test "x$dist_name" = "x" && test -f /etc/debian_version ; then
+ dist_name="Debian"`cat /etc/debian_version`-`uname -m`
+ dist_key=""
+ fi
+ # Check the Vine version
+ if test "x$dist_name" = "x" && test -f /etc/vine-release ; then
+ dist_name=`cat /etc/vine-release`-`uname -m`
+ dist_key=`sed -e 's/.*\([0-9]\)\.\([0-9]\).*/vl\1\2/' /etc/vine-release`
+ fi
+ # Check the TuboLinux version
+ if test "x$dist_name" = "x" && test -f /etc/turbolinux-release ; then
+ dist_name=`cat /etc/tubolinux-release`-`uname -m`
+ dist_key=""
+ fi
+ if test "x$dist_name" = "x" ; then
+ dist_name=$os$release
+ fi
+ # Check the RedHat/Fedora version
+ if test "x$dist_name" = "x" && test -f /etc/redhat-release ; then
+ dist_name=`cat /etc/redhat-release`-`uname -m`
+ fi
+ # only fedora and vine
+ if test "x$dist_key" = "x" ; then
+ echo "This is not Feodra/Vine/Scientific/RedHat distribution"
+ exit 0
+ fi
+ DIST_KEY=$dist_key
+ DIST_NAME=`echo $dist_name | sed 's/[ |\(|\)]//g'`
+ rm -f version
+ if test "x$VERSION_SRC" = "x" ; then
+ VERSION_SRC="http://svn.openrtm.org/rtmtools/trunk/rtmtools/version"
+ fi
+ . ./version
+ SHORT_VERSION=`echo $VERSION | sed 's/\.[0-9]*$//'`
+ clean_dirs
+ mkdir RPMS/{$arch,noarch}
+ export BUILD_DIR=`pwd`
+ sed "s/__DISTNAME__/$DIST_KEY/g" openrtp.spec.in > openrtp.spec.1
+ sed "s/__VERSION__/$VERSION/g" openrtp.spec.1 > openrtp.spec.2
+ sed "s/__SHORT_VERSION__/$SHORT_VERSION/g" openrtp.spec.2 > openrtp.spec.3
+ cp openrtp.spec.3 SPECS/openrtp.spec
+ rm openrtp.spec.[0-9]
+ echo "%_topdir $BUILD_DIR" > .rpmrc
+ #echo "%_topdir $BUILD_DIR" > ~/.rpmmacros
+ cd SPECS
+ rpm_def="_topdir $BUILD_DIR"
+ if rpmbuild --target "$arch" --define "$rpm_def" -ba openrtp.spec ; then
+ echo "Build successful"
+ else
+ echo "Build failed"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ find $BUILD_DIR -name '*.rpm' -exec cp {} ${BUILD_DIR}/.. \;
+# main
+get_opt $*
Deleted: trunk/rtmtools/packages/rpm/rpm_build.sh.in
--- trunk/rtmtools/packages/rpm/rpm_build.sh.in 2017-04-06 07:26:49 UTC (rev 721)
+++ trunk/rtmtools/packages/rpm/rpm_build.sh.in 2017-04-07 06:57:20 UTC (rev 722)
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
-export PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin:/usr/local/X11R6/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin
-export LANG=C
-export LC_ALL=C
-# system information
-os=`uname -s`
-release=`uname -r`-`uname -p`
-# Check the lsb distribution name
-if test -f /etc/lsb-release ; then
- . /etc/lsb-release
- if test "x$DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION" != "x" ; then
- dist_name=$DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION-`uname -m`
- fi
-# Check the Fedora version
-if test "x$dist_name" = "x" && test -f /etc/fedora-release ; then
- dist_name=`cat /etc/fedora-release`-`uname -m`
- dist_key=`sed -e 's/.[^0-9]*\([0-9]\+\).*/fc\1/' /etc/fedora-release`
-#Check the Debian version
-if test "x$dist_name" = "x" && test -f /etc/debian_version ; then
- dist_name="Debian"`cat /etc/debian_version`-`uname -m`
- dist_key=""
-# Check the Vine version
-if test "x$dist_name" = "x" && test -f /etc/vine-release ; then
- dist_name=`cat /etc/vine-release`-`uname -m`
- dist_key=`sed -e 's/.*\([0-9]\)\.\([0-9]\).*/vl\1\2/' /etc/vine-release`
-# Check the TuboLinux version
-if test "x$dist_name" = "x" && test -f /etc/turbolinux-release ; then
- dist_name=`cat /etc/tubolinux-release`-`uname -m`
- dist_key=""
-if test "x$dist_name" = "x" ; then
- dist_name=$os$release
-# Check the RedHat/Fedora version
-if test "x$dist_name" = "x" && test -f /etc/redhat-release ; then
- dist_name=`cat /etc/redhat-release`-`uname -m`
-# only fedora and vine
-if test "x$dist_key" = "x" ; then
- echo "This is not Feodra/Vine/Scientific/RedHat distribution"
- exit 0
-distname=`echo $dist_name | sed 's/[ |\(|\)]//g'`
-# system dependent build directory and log file name
-echo "distribution: " $dist_name
-# package build process
-mkdir -p RPMS/{i386,i586,i686,x86_64,noarch}
-# fake tar-ball is created under SOURCES dir
-rm -f $packagename
-ln -s ../../../ $packagename
-tar cvzf $tarballname $packagename
-cp $tarballname SOURCES
-# Selecting and adding dist key to the spec file
-# Fedora12/13's omniORB package names are odd.
-if test "x$dist_key" = "xfc12" || test "x$dist_key" = "xfc13" || test "x$dist_key" = "xvl50" ; then
- sed -e 's/Requires: omniORB$/Requires: libomniORB4.1/g' OpenRTM-aist.spec > tmp.spec
- sed -e 's/BuildRequires: omniORB-devel$/BuildRequires: libomniORB4.1-devel/' tmp.spec > SPECS/OpenRTM-aist.spec
- rm tmp.spec
- cp OpenRTM-aist.spec SPECS/OpenRTM-aist.spec
-# Copying spec file to SPEC and goto SPEC dir to build rpm
-echo "%_topdir $builddir" > .rpmrc
-# We have already extracted source under BUILD directory.
-# %prep process can be skiped. = --short-circuit -bc
-rpm_def="_topdir $builddir"
-rpmbuild --target `uname -i` --define "$rpm_def" -ba OpenRTM-aist.spec
-cd ..
-rm $packagename
Deleted: trunk/rtmtools/packages/rpm/vine_repo.sh
--- trunk/rtmtools/packages/rpm/vine_repo.sh 2017-04-06 07:26:49 UTC (rev 721)
+++ trunk/rtmtools/packages/rpm/vine_repo.sh 2017-04-07 06:57:20 UTC (rev 722)
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-# @file vine_repo
-# @brief apt-rpm repository database creation for VineLinux
-# @date $Date$
-# @author Noriaki Ando <n-ando at aist.go.jp>
-# Copyright (C) 2008
-# Noriaki Ando
-# Task-intelligence Research Group,
-# Intelligent Systems Research Institute,
-# National Institute of
-# Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Japan
-# All rights reserved.
-# $Id$
-# Base directory of repository
-# VineLinux versions
-versions="3.2 4.0 4.2 5.0"
-# VineLinux architectures
-archs="x86_64 i386 SRPMS"
-for version in $versions; do
- for arch in $archs ; do
- rpmdir=$basedir/$version/$arch
- echo ""
- echo "Creating apt-rpm database under:"
- echo $rpmdir
- genbasedir --progress $rpmdir main
- done
Deleted: trunk/rtmtools/packages/rpm/vine_rpmcp.sh
--- trunk/rtmtools/packages/rpm/vine_rpmcp.sh 2017-04-06 07:26:49 UTC (rev 721)
+++ trunk/rtmtools/packages/rpm/vine_rpmcp.sh 2017-04-07 06:57:20 UTC (rev 722)
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-# @file vine_repo
-# @brief apt-rpm repository database creation for VineLinux
-# @date $Date$
-# @author Noriaki Ando <n-ando at aist.go.jp>
-# Copyright (C) 2008
-# Noriaki Ando
-# Task-intelligence Research Group,
-# Intelligent Systems Research Institute,
-# National Institute of
-# Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Japan
-# All rights reserved.
-# $Id$
-# Base directory of repository
-# VineLinux versions
-versions="3.1 4.2 5.0"
-# VineLinux architectures
-archs="i386 SRPMS"
-for version in $versions; do
- for arch in $archs ; do
- sver=`echo $version | sed 's/\.//g'`
- if test "x$arch" = "xSRPMS"; then
- rpmdir=$basedir/$version/$arch/SRPMS.main
- sarch="src"
- else
- rpmdir=$basedir/$version/$arch/RPMS.main
- sarch=$arch
- fi
- echo ""
- echo "Copying rpms to repository:"
- echo "dir: "$rpmdir
- name="*.vl$sver.$sarch.rpm"
- name_noarch="*.vl$sver.noarch.rpm"
- rpms=`/usr/bin/find $pkgdir -name $name`
- rpms_noarch=`/usr/bin/find $pkgdir -name $name_noarch | grep i686`
- rpms="${rpms} ${rpms_noarch}"
- for rpm in $rpms ; do
- rpmname=`basename $rpm`
- if test -f $rpmdir/$rpmname ; then
- read -p "Overwrite? $rpmname [Y/n]" ow
- if test ! "$ow" = "n" ; then
- cp $rpm $rpmdir
- echo "copy done"
- fi
- else
- cp $rpm $rpmdir
- echo "copy done"
- fi
- done
- done
openrtm-commit メーリングリストの案内