[openrtm-commit:01312] r2507 - branches/work_ForDoil/OpenRTM-aist/src/lib/doil/utils/omniidl_be/tests
openrtm @ openrtm.org
openrtm @ openrtm.org
2014年 2月 17日 (月) 00:55:32 JST
Author: win-ei
Date: 2014-02-17 00:55:32 +0900 (Mon, 17 Feb 2014)
New Revision: 2507
Added ICE file.Eventually, this file is due to be generated by the doil back-end of omniidl..
Added: branches/work_ForDoil/OpenRTM-aist/src/lib/doil/utils/omniidl_be/tests/RTC.ice
--- branches/work_ForDoil/OpenRTM-aist/src/lib/doil/utils/omniidl_be/tests/RTC.ice (rev 0)
+++ branches/work_ForDoil/OpenRTM-aist/src/lib/doil/utils/omniidl_be/tests/RTC.ice 2014-02-16 15:55:32 UTC (rev 2507)
@@ -0,0 +1,2653 @@
+// RTC.idl
+#ifndef RTC_IDL
+#define RTC_IDL
+#include "SDOPackage.ice"
+//#pragma prefix "omg.org"
+module RTC
+ /*!
+ * @if jp
+ * @brief
+ * @else
+ * @brief ExecutionContextHandle_t
+ *
+ * @section Description
+ *
+ * This data type represents the association between an RTC and an
+ * ExecutionContext in which it participates.
+ *
+ * @section Semantics
+ *
+ * This is an opaque DataType. It has no attributes or operations.
+ *
+ * @endif
+ */
+ //SDOPackage::NVList NVList;
+ /*!
+ * @if jp
+ * @brief ReturnCode_t
+ *
+ * OMG RTC 1.0 仕様中の多くのオペレーションは、クラインとに対して考え
+ * られるエラー状態を報告する必要がある。これは、ReturnCode_t型の所謂
+ * リターンコードにより行われる。
+ *
+ * OMG RTC 1.0 の PIM 内において、ReturnCode_t型の値を返さないオペレーションは
+ * それらの戻り値の型に依存して、次の方法によりエラーを報告するものとする。
+ * -オペレーションが正数値を返す場合 (OMG RTC 1.0 Section の
+ * get_rateのように)、負数値を返すことによりエラーを示すものとする。
+ * - オペレーションがオブジェクトリファレンス(RTObject::get_component_profile
+ * OMG RTC 1.0を参照) を通常返す場合、nil参照を返すことにより
+ * エラーを示すものとする。
+ *
+ * @else
+ * @brief ReturnCode_t
+ *
+ * A number of operations in this specification will need to report
+ * potential error conditions to their clients. This task shall be
+ * accomplished by means of operation "return codes" of type
+ * ReturnCode_t
+ *
+ * Operations in the PIM that do not return a value of type
+ * ReturnCode_t shall report errors in the following ways, depending
+ * on their return type:
+ * - If an operation normally returns a positive numerical value (such as
+ * get_rate, see [OMG RTC 1.0 Section]), it shall indicate
+ * failure by returning a negative value.
+ * - If an operation normally returns an object reference (such as
+ * RTObject::get_component_profile, see [OMG RTC 1.0 Section]),
+ * it shall indicate failure by returning a nil reference.
+ *
+ * @param RTC_OK The operation completed successfully.
+ * @param RTC_ERROR The operation failed with a generic, unspecified error.
+ * @param BAD_PARAMETER The operation failed because an illegal argument was
+ * passed to it.
+ * @param UNSUPPORTED The operation is unsupported by the implementation
+ * (e.g., it belongs to a compliance point that is not implemented).
+ * @param OUT_OF_RESOURCES The target of the operation ran out of the
+ * resources needed to complete the operation.
+ * @param PRECONDITION_NOT_MET A pre-condition for the operation was not met.
+ *
+ * @endif
+ */
+ enum ReturnCode_t
+ {
+ };
+ /*!
+ * @if jp
+ * @brief
+ * @else
+ * @brief LifeCycleState
+ *
+ * @section Description
+ * LifeCycleState is an enumeration of the states in the lifecycle above.
+ *
+ * @endif
+ */
+ enum LifeCycleState
+ {
+ /*!
+ * @if jp
+ * @brief
+ * @else
+ * @brief CREATED
+ *
+ * @section Description
+ *
+ * The RTC object has been instantiated but not yet fully initialized.
+ * @endif
+ */
+ /*!
+ * @if jp
+ * @brief
+ * @else
+ * @brief INACTIVE
+ *
+ * @section Description
+ *
+ * The RTC is Alive but is not being invoked in any execution
+ * context (see Section, regardless of whether the context
+ * is Running or not.
+ *
+ * @section Semantics
+ *
+ * An instance of this state exists for each execution context in
+ * which the RTC participates. If the RTC does not participate in
+ * any execution context, a single instance of this state exists.
+ *
+ * @endif
+ */
+ /*!
+ * @if jp
+ * @brief
+ * @else
+ * @brief ACTIVE
+ *
+ * @section Description
+ *
+ * The RTC is Alive and will be invoked in the execution context
+ * if the context is Running.
+ *
+ * @section Semantics
+ *
+ * An instance of this state exists for each execution context in
+ * which the RTC participates. If the RTC does not participate in
+ * any execution context, this state shall never be observed.
+ *
+ * @endif
+ */
+ /*!
+ * @if jp
+ * @brief
+ * @else
+ * @brief ERROR
+ *
+ * @section Description
+ *
+ * The RTC has encountered a problem in a given execution context
+ * and cannot continue functioning in that context without being
+ * reset.
+ *
+ * @endif
+ */
+ };
+ interface ExecutionContext;
+ sequence<ExecutionContext> ExecutionContextList;
+ /*!
+ * @if jp
+ * @brief
+ * @else
+ * @brief ComponentAction
+ *
+ * @section Description
+ *
+ * The ComponentAction interface provides callbacks corresponding to
+ * the execution of the lifecycle operations of LightweightRTObject
+ * (see Section and ExecutionContext (see Section
+ * An RTC developer may implement these callback
+ * operations in order to execute application-specific logic
+ * pointing response to those transitions.
+ *
+ * @section Semantics
+ *
+ * Clients of an RTC are not expected to invoke these operations
+ * directly; they are provided for the benefit of the RTC middleware
+ * implementation.
+ *
+ * @endif
+ */
+ interface ComponentAction
+ {
+ /*!
+ * @if jp
+ * @brief
+ * @else
+ * @brief on_initialize
+ *
+ * @section Description
+ *
+ * The RTC has been initialized and entered the Alive state.
+ *
+ * @section Semantics
+ *
+ * Any RTC-specific initialization logic should be performed here.
+ *
+ * @endif
+ */
+ ReturnCode_t on_initialize();
+ /*!
+ * @if jp
+ * @brief
+ * @else
+ * @brief on_finalize
+ *
+ * @section Description
+ *
+ * The RTC is being destroyed.
+ *
+ * @section Semantics
+ *
+ * Any final RTC-specific tear-down logic should be performed here.
+ *
+ * @endif
+ */
+ ReturnCode_t on_finalize();
+ /*!
+ * @if jp
+ * @brief
+ * @else
+ * @brief on_startup
+ *
+ * @section Description
+ *
+ * The given execution context, in which the RTC is participating,
+ * has transitioned from Stopped to Running.
+ *
+ * @endif
+ */
+ ReturnCode_t on_startup( long exec_handle);
+ /*!
+ * @if jp
+ * @brief
+ * @else
+ * @brief on_shutdown
+ *
+ * @section Description
+ *
+ * The given execution context, in which the RTC is participating,
+ * has transitioned from Running to Stopped.
+ *
+ * @endif
+ */
+ ReturnCode_t on_shutdown( long exec_handle);
+ /*!
+ * @if jp
+ * @brief
+ * @else
+ * @brief on_activated
+ *
+ * @section Description
+ *
+ * The RTC has been activated in the given execution context.
+ *
+ * @endif
+ */
+ ReturnCode_t on_activated( long exec_handle);
+ /*!
+ * @if jp
+ * @brief
+ * @else
+ * @brief on_deactivated
+ *
+ * @section Description
+ *
+ * The RTC has been deactivated in the given execution context.
+ *
+ * @endif
+ */
+ ReturnCode_t on_deactivated( long exec_handle);
+ /*!
+ * @if jp
+ * @brief
+ * @else
+ * @brief on_aborting
+ *
+ * @section Description
+ *
+ * The RTC is transitioning from the Active state to the Error
+ * state in some execution context.
+ *
+ * @section Semantics
+ *
+ * This callback is invoked only a single time for time that the
+ * RTC transitions into the Error state from another state. This
+ * behavior is in contrast to that of on_error.
+ *
+ * @endif
+ */
+ ReturnCode_t on_aborting( long exec_handle);
+ /*!
+ * @if jp
+ * @brief
+ * @else
+ * @brief on_error
+ *
+ * @section Description
+ *
+ * The RTC remains in the Error state.
+ *
+ * @section Semantics
+ *
+ * If the RTC is in the Error state relative to some execution
+ * context when it would otherwise be invoked from that context
+ * (according to the context’s ExecutionKind), this callback
+ * shall be invoked instead. For example,
+ *
+ * - If the ExecutionKind is PERIODIC, this operation shall be
+ * invoked in sorted order at the rate of the context instead of
+ * DataFlowComponentAction::on_execute and on_state_update.
+ *
+ * - If the ExecutionKind is EVENT_DRIVEN, this operation shall be
+ * invoked whenever FsmParticipantAction::on_action would
+ * otherwise have been invoked.
+ *
+ * @endif
+ */
+ ReturnCode_t on_error( long exec_handle);
+ /*!
+ * @if jp
+ * @brief
+ * @else
+ * @brief on_reset
+ *
+ * @section Description
+ *
+ * The RTC is in the Error state. An attempt is being made to
+ * recover it such that it can return to the Inactive state.
+ *
+ * @section Semantics
+ *
+ * If the RTC was successfully recovered and can safely return to
+ * the Inactive state, this method shall complete with
+ * ReturnCode_t::OK. Any other result shall indicate that the RTC
+ * should remain in the Error state.
+ *
+ * @endif
+ */
+ ReturnCode_t on_reset( long exec_handle);
+ };
+ /*!
+ * @if jp
+ * @brief
+ * @else
+ * @brief LightweightRTObject
+ *
+ * @section Description
+ *
+ * This interface is realized by all lightweight RTCs (as required
+ * by the lightweightRTComponent stereotype). It defines the states
+ * and transitions through which all RTCs will pass from the time
+ * they are created until the time they are destroyed.
+ *
+ * @section Semantics
+ * @subsection Initialization
+ *
+ * An RTC begins in the Created state; at this point, it has been
+ * instantiated but not yet fully initialized. Note that this state
+ * is highly implementation-dependent. For example, it may
+ * correspond to the invocation of a constructor in languages that
+ * support that concept, but not all languages do. Furthermore, how
+ * soon this state is entered before initialize is invoked is
+ * implementation-dependent. Therefore, it should be relied on by
+ * RTC implementers only to the minimum extent possible. An RTC
+ * that has completed its initialization and has not been finalized
+ * is said to be Alive.
+ *
+ * @subsection Execution Context
+ *
+ * An RTC in the Alive state may participate in any number of
+ * execution contexts (see Section ). These contexts shall
+ * be represented to an RTC as distinct instances of the
+ * ExecutionContext class. The ExecutionContext manages the behavior
+ * of each RTC that participates in it. This relationship is defined
+ * by the following state machine, which is embedded within the
+ * ExecutionContext's own lifecycle (see Figure 5.5 ). Each
+ * participating RTC is represented as a separate parallel region.
+ *
+ * Relative to a given execution context, an RTC may either be
+ * Active, Inactive, or in Error. When the RTC is Active in a
+ * Running execution context, the ComponentAction callbacks (see
+ * Section shall be invoked as appropriate for the context’
+ * s ExecutionKind. The callbacks shall not be invoked relative to
+ * that context when either the RTC is Inactive in that context or
+ * the context is Stopped. (Note that starting and stopping an
+ * execution context shall not impact whether its participating RTCs
+ * are Active or Inactive.) It may be that a given RTC does not
+ * directly participate in any execution contexts. Such an RTC is
+ * referred to as passive. A passive RTC may provide services to
+ * other components upon request. At any other time, it shall not be
+ * required to perform any ongoing activity of its own; therefore,
+ * instances of such an RTC typically exist only as parts (directly
+ * or indirectly) of a containing active RTC.
+ *
+ * @subsection Error Handling
+ *
+ * If an operation fails while the RTC is Active in a given
+ * execution context, the RTC will transition to the Error state
+ * corresponding to that context. While the RTC is in Error, the
+ * ComponentAction::on_error callback will be invoked in place of
+ * those callbacks that would otherwise have been invoked according
+ * to the context’s ExecutionKind. For example, if the kind is
+ * PERIODIC, on_error shall be invoked instead of the pair of
+ * on_execute, and on_state_update. When an RTC is in Error, it may
+ * be reset. If resetting is successful, the RTC shall return to the
+ * Inactive state. If resetting is unsuccessful, it shall remain in
+ * the Error state.
+ *
+ * @endif
+ */
+ interface LightweightRTObject
+ extends ComponentAction
+ {
+ /*!
+ * @if jp
+ * @brief
+ * @else
+ * @brief initialize
+ *
+ * @section Description
+ * Initialize the RTC that realizes this interface.
+ *
+ * @section Semantics
+ * The invocation of this operation shall result in the invocation
+ * of the callback ComponentAction::on_initialize.
+ *
+ * @section Constraints
+ *
+ * - An RTC may be initialized only while it is in the Created
+ * state. Any attempt to invoke this operation while in another
+ * state shall fail with ReturnCode_t::PRECONDITION_NOT_MET.
+ * - Application developers are not expected to call this operation
+ * directly; it exists for use by the RTC infrastructure.
+ *
+ * @endif
+ */
+ ReturnCode_t initialize();
+ /*!
+ * @if jp
+ * @brief
+ * @else
+ * @brief finalize
+ *
+ * @section Description
+ *
+ * Finalize the RTC that realizes this interface, preparing it for
+ * destruction.
+ *
+ * @section Semantics
+ *
+ * This invocation of this operation shall result in the
+ * invocation of the callback ComponentAction::on_finalize
+ *
+ * @section Constraints
+ *
+ * - An RTC may not be finalized while it is participating in any
+ * execution context. It must first be removed with
+ * ExecutionContextOperations::remove_component. Otherwise, this
+ * operation shall fail with
+ * ReturnCode_t::PRECONDITION_NOT_MET. See Figure 5.9.
+ *
+ * - An RTC may not be finalized while it is in the Created state. Any
+ * attempt to invoke this operation while in that state shall fail with
+ *
+ * - Application developers are not expected to call this operation
+ * directly; it exists for use by the RTC infrastructure.
+ *
+ * @endif
+ */
+ ReturnCode_t finalize();
+ /*!
+ * @if jp
+ * @brief
+ * @else
+ * @brief is_alive
+ *
+ * @section Description
+ *
+ * A component is alive or not regardless of the execution context
+ * from which it is observed. However, whether or not it is
+ * Active, Inactive, or in Error is dependent on the execution
+ * context(s) (see Figure 5.7) in which it is running. That is, it
+ * may be Active in one context but Inactive in
+ * another. Therefore, this operation shall report whether this
+ * RTC is either Active, Inactive, or in Error; which of those
+ * states a component is in with respect to a particular context
+ * may be queried from the context itself.
+ *
+ * @endif
+ *
+ */
+ bool is_alive( ExecutionContext exec_context);
+ /*!
+ * @if jp
+ * @brief
+ * @else
+ * @brief exit
+ *
+ * @section Description
+ *
+ * Stop the RTC’s execution context(s) and finalize it along with
+ * its contents.
+ *
+ * @section Semantics
+ *
+ * Any execution contexts for which the RTC is the owner shall be
+ * stopped. If the RTC participates in any execution contexts
+ * belonging to another RTC that contains it, directly or
+ * indirectly (i.e., the containing RTC is the owner of the
+ * ExecutionContext), it shall be deactivated in those contexts.
+ * After the RTC is no longer Active in any Running execution
+ * context, it and any RTCs contained transitively within it shall
+ * be finalized.
+ *
+ * @section Constraints
+ *
+ * An RTC cannot be exited if it has not yet been initialized. Any
+ * attempt to exit an RTC that is in the Created state shall fail
+ * with ReturnCode_t::PRECONDITION_NOT_MET.
+ *
+ * @endif
+ */
+ ReturnCode_t exit();
+ /*!
+ * @if jp
+ * @brief
+ * @else
+ * @brief attach_context
+ *
+ * @section Description
+ *
+ * Inform this RTC that it is participating in the given execution
+ * context. Return a handle that represents the association of
+ * this RTC with the context.
+ *
+ * @section Semantics
+ *
+ * This operation is intended to be invoked by
+ * ExecutionContextOperations::add_component (see Section
+ * It is not intended for use by other clients.
+ *
+ * @endif
+ */
+ long attach_context( ExecutionContext exec_context);
+ /*!
+ * @if jp
+ * @brief
+ * @else
+ * @brief detach_context
+ * @section Description
+ *
+ * Inform this RTC that it is no longer participating in the given
+ * execution context.
+ *
+ * @section Semantics
+ *
+ * This operation is intended to be invoked by
+ * ExecutionContextOperations::remove_component (see Section
+ * It is not intended for use by other clients.
+ *
+ * @section Constraints
+ *
+ * - This operation may not be invoked if this RTC is not already
+ * participating in the execution context. Such a call shall fail
+ * with ReturnCode_t::PRECONDITION_NOT_MET.
+ *
+ * - This operation may not be invoked if this RTC is Active in
+ * the indicated execution context. Otherwise, it shall fail with
+ *
+ * @endif
+ */
+ ReturnCode_t detach_context( long exec_handle);
+ /*!
+ * @if jp
+ * @brief
+ * @else
+ * @brief get_context
+ *
+ * @section Description
+ *
+ * Obtain a reference to the execution context represented by the
+ * given handle.
+ *
+ * @section Semantics
+ *
+ * The mapping from handle to context is specific to a particular
+ * RTC instance. The given handle must have been obtained by a
+ * previous call to attach_context on this RTC.
+ *
+ * @endif
+ */
+ ExecutionContext get_context( long exec_handle);
+ /*!
+ * @if jp
+ * @brief get_owned_contexts
+ *
+ * @section Description
+ *
+ * この RTC が所有する ExecutionContext のリストを取得する。
+ *
+ * @else
+ * @brief get_owned_contexts
+ *
+ * @section Description
+ *
+ * This operation returns a list of all execution contexts owned
+ * by this RTC.
+ *
+ * @endif
+ */
+ ExecutionContextList get_owned_contexts();
+ /*!
+ * @if jp
+ * @brief get_participating_contexts
+ *
+ * @section Description
+ *
+ * この RTC が参加しているすべての ExecutionContext のリストを取得する。
+ *
+ * @section Semantics
+ *
+ * このリストに含まれる実行コンテキストは、attach_context が呼び出
+ * されるごとに、リストに追加され、detach_context が呼び出されるご
+ * とに、リストから削除される。
+ *
+ * @else
+ * @brief* get_participating_contexts
+ *
+ * @section Description
+ *
+ * This operation returns a list of all execution contexts in
+ * which this RTC participates.
+ *
+ * @section Semantics
+ *
+ * Each call to attach_context causes the provided context to be
+ * added to this list. Each call to detach_context causes the
+ * provided context to be removed from this list.
+ *
+ * @endif
+ */
+ ExecutionContextList get_participating_contexts();
+ /*!
+ * @if jp
+ * ### [誤植] RTC.idl には含まれていないがPIMには含まれている。
+ * ### PIMが正しい。
+ *
+ * @brief
+ * @else
+ * @brief get_context_handle
+ *
+ * @section Description
+ *
+ * This operation returns a handle that is associated with the given
+ * execution context.
+ *
+ * @endif
+ */
+ long get_context_handle( ExecutionContext cxt);
+ };
+ /*!
+ * @if jp
+ * @brief
+ * @else
+ * @brief ExecutionKind
+ *
+ * @sectioni Description
+ *
+ * The ExecutionKind enumeration defines the execution semantics
+ * (see Section 5.3) of the RTCs that participate in an execution
+ * context.
+ *
+ * @endif
+ */
+ enum ExecutionKind
+ {
+ /*!
+ * @if jp
+ * @brief
+ *
+ * @else
+ * @brief PERIODIC
+ *
+ * @section Description
+ *
+ * The participant RTCs are executing according to periodic
+ * sampled data semantics (see Section 5.3.1).
+ *
+ * @endif
+ */
+ /*!
+ * @if jp
+ * @brief
+ *
+ * @else
+ * @brief EVENT_DRIVEN
+ *
+ * @section Description
+ *
+ * The participant RTCs are executing according to stimulus
+ * response semantics (see Section 5.3.2).
+ *
+ * @endif
+ */
+ /*!
+ * @if jp
+ * @brief
+ *
+ * @else
+ * @brief OTHER
+ *
+ * @section Description
+ *
+ * The participant RTCs are executing according to some semantics
+ * not defined by this specification.
+ *
+ * @endif
+ */
+ };
+ /*!
+ * @if jp
+ * @brief
+ * @else
+ * @brief ExecutionContext
+ *
+ * @section Description
+ *
+ * An ExecutionContext allows the business logic of an RTC to be
+ * decoupled from the thread of control in which it is executed. The
+ * context represents a logical thread of control and is provided to
+ * RTCs at runtime as an argument to various operations, allowing
+ * them to query and modify their own state, and that of other RTCs
+ * executing within the same context, in the lifecycle. This
+ * separation of concerns is important for two primary reasons:
+ *
+ * - Large number of components may collaborate tightly within a
+ * single node or process. If each component were to run within its
+ * own thread of control, the infrastructure may not be able to
+ * satisfy the timeliness and determinism requirements of real-time
+ * applications due to the large number of threads and the required
+ * synchronization between them.
+ *
+ * - A single application may carry out a number of independent
+ * tasks that require different execution rates. For example, it may
+ * need to sample a sensor periodically at a very high rate and update a
+ * user interface at a much lower rate.
+ *
+ * @section Semantics
+ *
+ * The state machine of an ExecutionContext has two parts. The
+ * behavior of the ExecutionContext itself is defined by the upper
+ * region in the above figure. The behavior of the RTCs that
+ * participate in the context is defined by the lower region. The
+ * contents of that region are displayed in more detail in Figure
+ * 5.5 in Section Ownership and Participation Each
+ * execution context is owned by a single RTC and may be used to
+ * execute that RTC and the RTCs contained within it, directly or
+ * indirectly. An RTC that owns one or more execution contexts is
+ * known as an autonomous RTC. An autonomous RTC and some subset of
+ * the RTCs within it (to be defined by the application developer)
+ * shall be executed by the infrastructure according to the context’
+ * s execution kind, which defines when each RTC’s operations will
+ * be invoked when and in which order. These RTCs are said to
+ * participate in the context. The available execution kinds are
+ * described in Section The relationship between RTCs and
+ * execution contexts may be many-to-many in the general case:
+ * multiple RTCs may be invoked from the same execution context, and
+ * a single RTC may be invoked from multiple contexts. In the case
+ * where multiple RTCs are invoked from the same context, starting
+ * or stopping the context shall result in the corresponding
+ * lifecycle transitions for all of those components.
+ *
+ * @section Logical and Physical Threads
+ *
+ * Although an execution context represents a logical thread of
+ * control, the choice of how it maps to a physical thread shall be
+ * left to the application’s deployment
+ * environment. Implementations may elect to associate contexts with
+ * threads with a one-to-one mapping, to serve multiple contexts
+ * from a single thread, or by any other means. In the case where a
+ * given RTC may be invoked from multiple contexts, concurrency
+ * management is implementation-dependent.
+ *
+ * @endif
+ */
+ interface ExecutionContext
+ {
+ /*!
+ * @if jp
+ * @brief
+ * @else
+ * @brief is_running
+ * @section Description
+ *
+ * This operation shall return true if the context is in the
+ * Running state.
+ *
+ * @section Semantics
+ *
+ * While the context is Running, all Active RTCs participating in
+ * the context shall be executed according to the context’s
+ * execution kind.
+ *
+ * @endif
+ */
+ bool is_running();
+ /*!
+ * @if jp
+ * @brief
+ * @else
+ *
+ * @brief start
+ *
+ * @section Description
+ *
+ * Request that the context enter the Running state. Once the
+ * state transition occurs, the ComponentAction::on_startup
+ * operation (see Section will be invoked. @section *
+ *
+ * @section Semantics
+ *
+ * An execution context may not be started
+ * until the RT components that participate in it have been
+ * initialized. An execution context may be started and stopped
+ * multiple times.
+ *
+ * @section Constraints
+ *
+ * - This operation shall fail with
+ * ReturnCode_t::PRECONDITION_NOT_MET if the context is not in the
+ * Stopped state.
+ *
+ * - This operation shall fail with
+ * ReturnCode_t::PRECONDITION_NOT_MET if any of the participating
+ * components are not in their Alive state.
+ *
+ * @endif
+ */
+ ReturnCode_t start();
+ /*!
+ * @if jp
+ * @brief
+ * @else
+ * @brief stop
+ *
+ * @section Description
+ *
+ * Request that the context enter the Stopped state. Once the
+ * transition occurs, the ComponentAction::on_shutdown operation
+ * (see Section will be invoked.
+ *
+ * @section Semantics
+ *
+ * An execution context must be stopped before the RT components
+ * that participate in it are finalized.
+ *
+ * An execution context may be started and stopped multiple times.
+ *
+ * @section Constraints
+ *
+ * - This operation shall fail with
+ * ReturnCode_t::PRECONDITION_NOT_MET if the context is not in the
+ * Running state.
+ *
+ * @endif
+ */
+ ReturnCode_t stop();
+ /*!
+ * @if jp
+ * @brief
+ * @else
+ * @brief get_rate
+ *
+ * @section Description
+ *
+ * This operation shall return the rate (in hertz) at which its
+ * Active participating RTCs are being invoked.
+ *
+ * @section Semantics
+ *
+ * An implementation is permitted to perform some periodic or
+ * quasi-periodic processing within an execution context with an
+ * ExecutionKind other than PERIODIC. In such a case, the result
+ * of this operation is implementation-defined. If no periodic
+ * processing of any kind is taking place within the context, this
+ * operation shall fail as described in Section 5.2.1.
+ *
+ * @section Constraints
+ *
+ * - If the context has an ExecutionKind of PERIODIC, this
+ * operation shall return a rate greater than zero.
+ *
+ * @endif
+ */
+ double get_rate();
+ /*!
+ * @if jp
+ * @brief
+ * @else
+ * @brief set_rate
+ *
+ * @section Description
+ *
+ * This operation shall set the rate (in hertz) at which this
+ * context’s Active participating RTCs are being called.
+ *
+ * @section Semantics
+ *
+ * If the execution kind of the context is PERIODIC, a rate change
+ * shall result in the invocation of on_rate_changed on any RTCs
+ * realizing DataFlowComponentAction that are registered with any
+ * RTCs participating in the context. An implementation is
+ * permitted to perform some periodic or quasi-periodic processing
+ * within an execution context with an ExecutionKind other than
+ * PERIODIC. If such is the case, and the implementation reports a
+ * rate from get_rate, this operation shall set that rate
+ * successfully provided that the given rate is valid. If no
+ * periodic processing of any kind is taking place within the
+ * context, this operation shall fail with
+ * ReturnCode_t::UNSUPPORTED.
+ *
+ * @section Constraints
+ *
+ * - The given rate must be greater than zero. Otherwise, this
+ * operation shall fail with ReturnCode_t::BAD_PARAMETER.
+ *
+ * @endif
+ */
+ ReturnCode_t set_rate( double rate);
+ /*!
+ * @if jp
+ * @brief
+ * @else
+ * @brief add_component
+ *
+ * @section Description
+ *
+ * The operation causes the given RTC to begin participating in
+ * the execution context.
+ *
+ * @section Semantics
+ *
+ * The newly added RTC will receive a call to
+ * LightweightRTComponent::attach_context (see Section
+ * and then enter the Inactive state.
+ *
+ * @section Constraints
+ *
+ * - If the ExecutionKind of this context is PERIODIC, the RTC
+ * must be a data flow component (see Section
+ * Otherwise, this operation shall fail with
+ *
+ * - If the ExecutionKind of this context is EVENT_DRIVEN, the RTC
+ * must be an FSM participant (see Section Otherwise,
+ * this operation shall fail with
+ *
+ * @endif
+ */
+ ReturnCode_t add_component( LightweightRTObject comp);
+ /*!
+ * @if jp
+ * @brief
+ * @else
+ * @brief remove_component
+ *
+ * @section Description
+ *
+ * This operation causes a participant RTC to stop participating
+ * in the execution context.
+ *
+ * @section Semantics
+ *
+ * The removed RTC will receive a call to
+ * LightweightRTComponent::detach_context (see Section
+ *
+ * @section Constraints
+ *
+ * - If the given RTC is not currently participating in the
+ * execution context, this operation shall fail with
+ * ReturnCode_t::BAD_PARAMETER.
+ *
+ * - An RTC must be deactivated before it can be removed from an
+ * execution context. If the given RTC is participating in the
+ * execution context but is still in the Active state, this
+ * operation shall fail with ReturnCode_t::PRECONDITION_NOT_MET.
+ *
+ * @endif
+ */
+ ReturnCode_t remove_component( LightweightRTObject comp);
+ /*!
+ * @if jp
+ * @brief
+ * @else
+ * @brief activate_component
+ *
+ * @section Description
+ *
+ * The given participant RTC is Inactive and is therefore not
+ * being invoked according to the execution context’s execution
+ * kind. This operation shall cause the RTC to transition to the
+ * Active state such that it may subsequently be invoked in this
+ * execution context.
+ *
+ * @section Semantics
+ *
+ * The callback on_activate shall be called as a result of calling
+ * this operation. This operation shall not return until the
+ * callback has returned, and shall result in an error if the
+ * callback does. The following figure is a non-normative example
+ * sequence diagram for activate_component.
+ *
+ * @section Constraints
+ *
+ * - An execution context can only activate its participant
+ * components. If the given RTC is not participating in the
+ * execution context, this operation shall fail with
+ * ReturnCode_t::BAD_PARAMETER.
+ *
+ * - An RTC that is in the Error state cannot be activated until
+ * after it has been reset. If the given RTC is in the Error
+ * state, this operation shall fail with
+ *
+ * - This operation shall fail with ReturnCode_t::BAD_PARAMETER if
+ * the given component is not in its Alive state.
+ *
+ * @endif
+ */
+ ReturnCode_t activate_component( LightweightRTObject comp);
+ /*!
+ * @if jp
+ * @brief
+ * @else
+ * @brief deactivate_component
+ *
+ * @section Description
+ *
+ * The given RTC is Active in the execution context. Cause it to
+ * transition to the Inactive state such that it will not be
+ * subsequently invoked from the context unless and until it is
+ * activated again.
+ *
+ * @section Semantics
+ *
+ * The callback on_deactivate shall be called as a result of
+ * calling this operation. This operation shall not return until
+ * the callback has returned, and shall result in an error if the
+ * callback does. The following figure is a non-normative example
+ * sequence diagram for deactivate_component.
+ *
+ * @section Constraints
+ *
+ * - An execution context can only deactivate its participant
+ * components. If the given RTC is not participating in the
+ * execution context, this operation shall fail with
+ * ReturnCode_t::BAD_PARAMETER.
+ *
+ * - This operation shall fail with ReturnCode_t::BAD_PARAMETER if
+ * the given component is not in its Alive state.
+ *
+ * @endif
+ */
+ ReturnCode_t deactivate_component( LightweightRTObject comp);
+ /*!
+ * @if jp
+ * @brief
+ * @else
+ * @brief reset_component
+ *
+ * @section Description
+ *
+ * Attempt to recover the RTC when it is in Error.
+ *
+ * @section Semantics
+ *
+ * The ComponentAction::on_reset callback shall be invoked. This
+ * operation shall not return until the callback has returned, and
+ * shall result in an error if the callback does. If possible, the
+ * RTC developer should implement that callback such that the RTC
+ * may be returned to a valid state. * If this operation fails,
+ * the RTC will remain in Error.
+ *
+ * @section Constraints
+ *
+ * - An RTC may only be reset in an execution context in which it
+ * is in error. If the RTC is not in Error in the identified
+ * context, this operation shall fail with
+ * ReturnCode_t::PRECONDITION_NOT_MET. However, that failure shall
+ * not cause the RTC to enter the Error state.
+ *
+ * - An RTC may not be reset while in the Created state. Any
+ * attempt to invoke this operation while the RTC is in that state
+ * shall fail with ReturnCode_t::PRECONDITION_NOT_MET. However,
+ * that failure shall not cause the RTC to enter the Error state.
+ *
+ * @endif
+ */
+ ReturnCode_t reset_component( LightweightRTObject comp);
+ /*!
+ * @if jp
+ * @brief
+ * @else
+ * @brief get_component_state
+ *
+ * @section Description
+ *
+ * This operation shall report the LifeCycleState of the given
+ * participant RTC.
+ *
+ * @section Constraints
+ *
+ * - The given RTC must be Alive.
+ *
+ * - The given RTC must be a participant in the target execution context.
+ *
+ * - The LifeCycleState returned by this operation shall be one of
+ * LifeCycleState::INACTIVE, ACTIVE, or ERROR.
+ *
+ * @endif
+ */
+ LifeCycleState get_component_state( LightweightRTObject comp);
+ /*!
+ * @if jp
+ * @brief
+ * @else
+ * @brief get_kind
+ *
+ * @section Description
+ *
+ * This operation shall report the execution kind of the execution
+ * context.
+ *
+ * @endif
+ */
+ ExecutionKind get_kind();
+ };
+ /*!
+ * @if jp
+ * @brief
+ * @else
+ * @brief DataFlowComponentAction
+ *
+ * @section Description
+ *
+ * DataFlowComponentAction is a companion to ComponentAction (see
+ * Section that provides additional callbacks for
+ * intercepting the two execution passes defined in Section
+ *
+ *
+ * @endif
+ */
+ interface DataFlowComponentAction
+ {
+ /*!
+ * @if jp
+ * @brief
+ * @else
+ * @brief on_execute
+ * @section Description
+ *
+ * This operation will be invoked periodically at the rate of the
+ * given execution context as long as the following conditions
+ * hold:
+ *
+ * - The RTC is Active.
+ *
+ * - The given execution context is Running.
+ *
+ * @section Semantics
+ *
+ This callback occurs during the first execution pass.
+ *
+ * @section Constraints
+ *
+ * - The execution context of the given context shall be PERIODIC.
+ *
+ * @endif
+ */
+ ReturnCode_t on_execute( long exec_handle);
+ /*!
+ * @if jp
+ * @brief
+ * @else
+ * @brief on_state_update
+ *
+ * @section Description
+ *
+ * This operation will be invoked periodically at the rate of the
+ * given execution context as long as the following conditions hold:
+ *
+ * - The RTC is Active.
+ *
+ * - The given execution context is Running.
+ *
+ * @section Semantics
+ *
+ * This callback occurs during the second execution pass.
+ *
+ * @section Constraints
+ *
+ * - The execution context of the given context shall be PERIODIC.
+ *
+ *
+ * @endif
+ */
+ ReturnCode_t on_state_update( long exec_handle);
+ /*!
+ * @if jp
+ * @brief
+ * @else
+ * @brief on_rate_changed
+ *
+ * @section Description
+ *
+ * This operation is a notification that the rate of the indicated
+ * execution context (see Section has changed.
+ *
+ * @section Constraints
+ *
+ * - The execution context of the given context shall be PERIODIC.
+ *
+ *
+ * @endif
+ */
+ ReturnCode_t on_rate_changed( long exec_handle);
+ };
+ /*!
+ * @if jp
+ * @brief
+ * @else
+ * @brief dataFlowComponent
+ *
+ * @section Description
+ *
+ * The dataFlowComponent stereotype may be applied to a component
+ * type to indicate that its instances should be executed in sorted
+ * order by a periodic execution context.
+ *
+ * @section Constraints
+ *
+ * - An instance of a component extended by the dataFlowComponent
+ * stereotype must participate in at least one * execution context
+ * of kind PERIODIC, which shall also be used for the execution of
+ * any contained data flow components.
+ *
+ * - A component extended by dataFlowComponent must realize the
+ * interface DataFlowComponentAction.
+ *
+ *
+ * @endif
+ */
+ interface DataFlowComponent
+ extends LightweightRTObject, DataFlowComponentAction
+ {
+ };
+ /*!
+ * @if jp
+ * @brief
+ * @else
+ * @brief fsm
+ *
+ * @section Description
+ *
+ * Applying the fsm stereotype to a component implies the ability to
+ * define component-specific states and transitions.
+ *
+ * @section Semantics
+ *
+ * In creating a state machine such as is depicted in Figure 5.22,
+ * the RTC developer is implicitly defining the Active state to be a
+ * submachine state. * The BehaviorStateMachines package described
+ * in [UML] is considered the normative definition of a state
+ * machine.
+ *
+ * @endif
+ */
+ interface Fsm
+ extends LightweightRTObject
+ {
+ };
+ /*!
+ * @if jp
+ * @brief
+ * @else
+ * @brief FsmParticipantAction
+ *
+ * @section Description
+ *
+ * FsmParticipantAction is companion to ComponentAction (see Section
+ * that is intended for use with FSM participant RTCs. It
+ * adds a callback for the interception of state transitions, state
+ * entries, and state exits.
+ *
+ * @endif
+ */
+ interface FsmParticipantAction
+ {
+ /*!
+ * @if jp
+ * @brief
+ * @else
+ * @brief on_action
+ *
+ * @section Description
+ *
+ * The indicated FSM participant RTC has been invoked as a result
+ * of a transition, state entry, or state exit in its containing
+ * FSM.
+ *
+ * @section Constraints
+ *
+ * - The given execution context shall be of kind EVENT_DRIVEN.
+ *
+ * @endif
+ */
+ ReturnCode_t on_action( long exec_handle);
+ };
+ /*!
+ * @if jp
+ * @brief
+ * @else
+ * @brief
+ * @endif
+ */
+ interface FsmParticipant
+ extends LightweightRTObject, FsmParticipantAction
+ {
+ };
+ /*!
+ * @if jp
+ * @brief
+ * @else
+ * @brief Mode
+ *
+ * @section Description
+ *
+ * Each mode defined by a given RTC shall be represented by an
+ * instance of Mode.
+ *
+ * @endif
+ */
+ interface Mode
+ {
+ };
+ /*!
+ * @if jp
+ * @brief
+ * @else
+ * @brief ModeCapable
+ *
+ * @section Description
+ *
+ * The ModeCapable interface provides access to an object’s modes
+ * and a means to set the current mode.
+ *
+ * @section Semantics
+ *
+ * A given RTC may support multiple modes as well as multiple
+ * execution contexts. In such a case, a request for a mode change
+ * (e.g., from "cruise control on" to "cruise control off") may
+ * come asynchronously with respect to one or more of those
+ * execution contexts. The mode of an RTC may therefore be observed
+ * to be different from one execution context to another. - A mode
+ * is pending in a given execution context when a mode change has
+ * been requested but the new mode has not yet been observed by that
+ * context.
+ *
+ * - The new mode has been committed in a given execution context
+ * when the context finally observes the new mode.
+ *
+ * - The new mode has stabilized once it has been committed in all
+ * execution contexts in which the RTC participates.
+ *
+ * Figure 5.26 depicts a state machine that describes mode
+ * changes. Each parallel region in the composite state Mode Pending
+ * represents an execution context. The trigger "sample" within
+ * that state is considered to have occurred: - …just before the
+ * next call to on_execute (see Section in the case where
+ * immediate is false and the execution kind is PERIODIC, …
+ *
+ * - …just before the processing of the next stimulus in the case
+ * where immediate is false and the execution kind is
+ * EVENT_DRIVEN, or …- …immediately in all other cases.
+ *
+ * @endif
+ */
+ interface ModeCapable
+ {
+ /*!
+ * @if jp
+ * @brief
+ * @else
+ * @brief get_default_mode
+ *
+ * @section Description
+ *
+ * This operation shall return the mode in which the RTC shall be
+ * when no other mode has been set.
+ *
+ * @section Constraints
+ *
+ * - This operation shall not return nil.
+ *
+ * @endif
+ */
+ Mode get_default_mode();
+ /*!
+ * @if jp
+ * @brief
+ * @else
+ * @brief get_current_mode
+ *
+ * @section Description
+ *
+ * This operation shall return the last mode to have
+ * stabilized. If no mode has been explicitly set, the current
+ * mode shall be the default mode.
+ *
+ * @section Constraints
+ *
+ * - This operation shall never return nil.
+ *
+ * @endif
+ */
+ Mode get_current_mode();
+ /*!
+ * @if jp
+ * @brief
+ * @else
+ * @brief get_current_mode_in_context
+ *
+ * @section Description
+ *
+ * This operation returns the current mode of the component as
+ * seen by the indicated execution context.
+ *
+ * @section Semantics
+ *
+ * The manner in which this property changes is described in Figure 5.26.
+ *
+ * @endif
+ */
+ Mode get_current_mode_in_context( ExecutionContext exec_context);
+ /*!
+ * @if jp
+ * @brief
+ * @else
+ * @brief get_pending_mode
+ *
+ * @section Description
+ *
+ * This operation shall return the last mode to have been passed
+ * to set_mode that has not yet stabilized. Once the RTC’s mode
+ * has stabilized, this operation shall return nil.
+ *
+ * @endif
+ */
+ Mode get_pending_mode();
+ /*!
+ * @if jp
+ * @brief
+ * @else
+ * @brief get_pending_mode_in_context
+ *
+ * @section Description
+ *
+ * If the last mode to be requested by a call to set_mode is
+ * different than the current mode as seen by the indicated
+ * execution context (see get_current_mode_in_context), this
+ * operation returns the former. If the requested mode has already
+ * been seen in that context, it returns nil.
+ *
+ * @section Semantics
+ *
+ * See Figure 5.26 for a description of how the pending mode
+ * relates to the current mode within a given execution context.
+ *
+ * @endif
+ */
+ Mode get_pending_mode_in_context( ExecutionContext exec_context);
+ /*!
+ * @if jp
+ * @brief
+ * @else
+ * @brief set_mode
+ *
+ * @section Description
+ *
+ * This operation shall request that the RTC change to the indicated mode.
+ *
+ * @section Semantics
+ *
+ * Usually, the new mode will be pending in each execution context
+ * in which the component executes until the next sample period
+ * (if the execution kind is PERIODIC); at that point it will
+ * become the current mode in that context and there will no
+ * longer be a pending mode. However, in some cases it is
+ * important for a mode change to take place immediately; for
+ * example, a serious fault has occurred and the component must
+ * enter an emergency mode to ensure fail-safe behavior in a
+ * safety-critical system. In such a case, immediate should be
+ * true and the mode change will take place in all contexts
+ * without waiting for the next sample period.
+ *
+ * @endif
+ */
+ ReturnCode_t set_mode( Mode new_mode,
+ bool immediate);
+ };
+ /*!
+ * @if jp
+ * @brief
+ * @else
+ * @brief MultiModeComponentAction
+ *
+ * MultiModeComponentAction is a companion to ComponentAction that
+ is realized by RTCs that support multiple modes.
+ *
+ * @endif
+ */
+ interface MultiModeComponentAction
+ {
+ /*!
+ * @if jp
+ * @brief
+ * @else
+ * @brief on_mode_changed
+ *
+ * @section Description
+ *
+ * This callback is invoked each time the observed mode of a
+ * component has changed with respect to a particular execution
+ * context.
+ *
+ * @section Semantics
+ *
+ * If the context is PERIODIC, this callback shall come before the
+ * next call to on_execute (see Section within that
+ * context. The new mode can be retrieved with
+ * get_current_mode_in_context. If the result is the same as the
+ * result of get_current_mode, the mode has stabilized.
+ *
+ * @endif
+ */
+ ReturnCode_t on_mode_changed( long exec_handle);
+ };
+ /*!
+ * @if jp
+ * @brief
+ * @else
+ * @brief
+ * @endif
+ */
+ interface MultiModeObject
+ extends LightweightRTObject, ModeCapable, MultiModeComponentAction
+ {
+ };
+ interface RTObject;
+ /*!
+ * @if jp
+ * @brief
+ * @else
+ * @brief PortInterfacePolarity
+ *
+ * @section Description
+ *
+ * The PortInterfacePolarity enumeration identifies exposed
+ * interface instances as provided or required. @endif
+ */
+ enum PortInterfacePolarity
+ {
+ /*!
+ * @if jp
+ * @brief
+ * @else
+ * @brief PROVIDED
+ *
+ * @section Description
+ *
+ * The target interface is provided as an output by the target
+ * port.
+ *
+ * @endif
+ */
+ /*!
+ * @if jp
+ * @brief
+ * @else
+ * @brief REQUIRED
+ *
+ * @section Description
+ *
+ * The target interface is required as an input by the target port.
+ *
+ * @endif
+ */
+ };
+ /*!
+ * @if jp
+ * @brief
+ * @else
+ * @brief PortInterfaceProfile
+ *
+ * @section Description
+ *
+ * PortInterfaceProfile describes an instance of a particular
+ * interface as it is exposed by a particular port. These objects
+ * are referred to below as the "target interface" and "target
+ * port" respectively.
+ *
+ * @endif
+ */
+ struct PortInterfaceProfile
+ {
+ /*!
+ * @if jp
+ * @brief
+ * @else
+ * @brief instance_name
+ *
+ * @section Description
+ *
+ * This attribute stores the name of the target interface instance.
+ *
+ * @endif
+ */
+ string instance_name;
+ /*!
+ * @if jp
+ * @brief
+ * @else
+ * @brief type_name
+ *
+ * @section Description
+ *
+ * This attribute stores the name of the target interface type.
+ *
+ * @endif
+ */
+ string type_name;
+ /*!
+ * @if jp
+ * @brief
+ * @else
+ * @brief polarity
+ *
+ * @section Description
+ *
+ * This attribute indicates whether the target interface instance
+ * is provided or required by the RTC.
+ *
+ * @endif
+ */
+ PortInterfacePolarity polarity;
+ };
+ sequence<PortInterfaceProfile> PortInterfaceProfileList;
+ interface PortService;
+ sequence<PortService> PortServiceList;
+ sequence<RTObject> RTCList;
+ /*!
+ * @if jp
+ * @brief
+ * @else
+ * @brief ConnectorProfile
+ *
+ * @section Description
+ *
+ * The ConnectorProfile contains information about a connection
+ * between the ports of collaborating RTCs.
+ *
+ * @endif
+ */
+ struct ConnectorProfile
+ {
+ /*!
+ * @if jp
+ * @brief
+ * @else
+ * @brief name
+ *
+ * @section Description
+ *
+ * This attribute contains the name of this connection.
+ *
+ * @endif
+ */
+ string name;
+ /*!
+ * @if jp
+ * @brief
+ * @else
+ * @brief connector_id
+ *
+ * @section Description
+ *
+ * Each connector has a unique identifier that is assigned when
+ * connection is established. This attribute stores that
+ * identifier.
+ *
+ * @endif
+ */
+ string connector_id;
+ /*!
+ * @if jp
+ * @brief
+ * @else
+ * @brief ports
+ *
+ * @section Description
+ *
+ * This field stores references to all ports connected by the
+ * target connector.
+ *
+ * @endif
+ */
+ PortServiceList ports;
+ /*!
+ * @if jp
+ * @brief
+ * @else
+ * @brief properties
+ *
+ * @section Description
+ *
+ * This attribute contains additional properties of the connection.
+ *
+ * @section Semantics
+ *
+ * This attribute provides implementations the opportunity to
+ * describe additional characteristics of a particular connection
+ * that are outside of the scope of this specification.
+ *
+ * @endif
+ */
+ SDOPackage::NVList properties;
+ };
+ sequence<ConnectorProfile> ConnectorProfileList;
+ /*!
+ * @if jp
+ * @brief
+ * @else
+ * @brief PortProfile
+ *
+ * @section Description
+ *
+ * A PortProfile describes a port of an RTC (referred to as the
+ * "target" RTC). This port is referred to as the "target" port.
+ * From this profile, other components and tools can obtain Port’s
+ * name, type, object reference, and so on.
+ *
+ * @endif
+ */
+ struct PortProfile
+ {
+ /*!
+ * @if jp
+ * @brief
+ * @else
+ * @brief name
+ *
+ * @section Description
+ *
+ * This attribute contains the name of the target port.
+ *
+ * @section Semantics
+ *
+ * Ports owned by an RTC are distinguished by their
+ * names. Therefore, this name should be unique within the target
+ * RTC.
+ *
+ * @endif
+ */
+ string name;
+ /*!
+ * @if jp
+ * @brief
+ * @else
+ * @brief interfaces
+ *
+ * @section Description
+ *
+ * This attribute contains the name and polarity of each interface
+ * exposed by the target port.
+ *
+ * @endif
+ */
+ PortInterfaceProfileList interfaces;
+ /*!
+ * @if jp
+ * @brief
+ * @else
+ * @brief port_ref
+ *
+ * @section Description
+ *
+ * This attributes contains a reference to the target port.
+ *
+ * @endif
+ */
+ PortService port_ref;
+ /*!
+ * @if jp
+ * @brief
+ * @else
+ * @brief connector_profiles
+ *
+ * @section Description
+ *
+ * This attribute contains a collection of profiles describing the
+ * connections to the target port.
+ *
+ * @endif
+ */
+ ConnectorProfileList connector_profiles;
+ /*!
+ * @if jp
+ * @brief
+ * @else
+ * @brief owner
+ *
+ * @section Description
+ *
+ * This attribute contains a reference to the target RTC.
+ *
+ * @endif
+ */
+ RTObject owner;
+ /*!
+ * @if jp
+ * @brief
+ * @else
+ * @brief properties
+ *
+ * @section Description
+ *
+ * This attribute contains additional properties of the port.
+ *
+ * @section Semantics
+ *
+ * This attribute provides implementations the opportunity to
+ * describe additional characteristics of a particular port that
+ * are otherwise outside of the scope of this specification.
+ *
+ * @endif
+ */
+ SDOPackage::NVList properties;
+ };
+ sequence<PortProfile> PortProfileList;
+ /*!
+ * @if jp
+ * @brief
+ * @else
+ * @brief
+ * @endif
+ */
+ struct ExecutionContextProfile
+ {
+ /*!
+ * @if jp
+ * @brief
+ * @else
+ * @brief kind
+ *
+ * @section Description
+ *
+ * This attribute stores the context’s ExecutionKind.
+ *
+ * @endif
+ */
+ ExecutionKind kind;
+ /*!
+ * @if jp
+ * @brief
+ * @else
+ * @brief rate
+ *
+ * @section Description
+ *
+ * This attribute stores execution rate.
+ *
+ * @section Semantics
+ *
+ * If the execution kind is not PERIODIC, the value here may not
+ * be valid (and should be negative in that case). See
+ * ExecutionContext::get_rate (see Section and set_rate
+ * (see Section for more information.
+ *
+ * @endif
+ */
+ double rate;
+ /*!
+ * @if jp
+ * @brief
+ * @else
+ * @brief owner
+ *
+ * @section Description
+ *
+ * This attribute stores a reference to the RTC that owns the context.
+ *
+ * @endif
+ */
+ RTObject owner;
+ /*!
+ * @if jp
+ * @brief
+ * @else
+ * @brief participants
+ *
+ * @section Description
+ *
+ * This attribute stores references to the context’s participant RTCs.
+ *
+ * @endif
+ */
+ RTCList participants;
+ /*!
+ * @if jp
+ * @brief
+ * @else
+ * @brief properties
+ *
+ * @section Description
+ *
+ * This attribute contains additional properties of the execution
+ * context.
+ *
+ * @section Semantics
+ *
+ * This attribute provides implementations the opportunity to
+ * describe additional characteristics of a particular execution
+ * context that are outside the scope of this specification.
+ *
+ * @endif
+ */
+ SDOPackage::NVList properties;
+ };
+ sequence<ExecutionContextProfile>
+ ExecutionContextProfileList;
+ /*!
+ * @if jp
+ * @brief
+ * @else
+ * @brief FsmObject
+ *
+ * @section Description
+ *
+ * The FsmObject interface allows programs to send stimuli to a
+ * finite state machine, possibly causing it to change states.
+ *
+ * @endif
+ */
+ interface FsmObject
+ {
+ /*!
+ * @if jp
+ * @brief
+ * @else
+ * @brief send_stimulus
+ *
+ * @section Description
+ *
+ * Send a stimulus to an FSM that realizes this interface.
+ *
+ * @section Semantics
+ *
+ * If the stimulus corresponds to any outgoing transition of the
+ * current state, that transition shall be taken and the state
+ * shall change. Any FSM participants associated with the exit of
+ * the current state, the transition to the new state, or the
+ * entry to the new state shall be invoked. If the stimulus does
+ * not correspond to any such transition, this operation shall
+ * succeed but have no effect.
+ *
+ * If the given execution context is a non-nil reference to a
+ * context in which this FSM participates, the transition shall be
+ * executed in that context. If the argument is nil, the FSM shall
+ * choose an EVENT_DRIVEN context in which to execute the
+ * transition. If the argument is non-nil, but this FSM does not
+ * participate in the given context, this operation shall fail
+ * with * ReturnCode_t::BAD_PARAMETER.
+ *
+ * @section Constraints
+ *
+ * - The given execution context shall be of kind EVENT_DRIVEN.
+ *
+ * @endif
+ */
+ ReturnCode_t send_stimulus( string message,
+ long exec_handle);
+ };
+ /*!
+ * @if jp
+ * @brief
+ * @else
+ * @brief FsmBehaviorProfile
+ *
+ * @section Description
+ *
+ * FsmBehaviorProfile represents the association of an FSM
+ * participant with a transition, state entry, or state exit in an
+ * FSM.
+ *
+ * @section Semantics
+ *
+ * The assignment of identifiers to particular transitions, state
+ * entries, or state exits is implementation-dependent.
+ *
+ * @endif
+ */
+ struct FsmBehaviorProfile
+ {
+ /*!
+ * @if jp
+ * @brief
+ * @else
+ * @brief action_component
+ *
+ * @section Description
+ *
+ * This attribute stores a reference to the FSM participant that
+ * is invoked when the containing Fsm receives a message
+ * distinguished by id.
+ *
+ * @endif
+ */
+ FsmParticipantAction action_component;
+ /*!
+ * @if jp
+ * @brief
+ * @else
+ * @brief id
+ *
+ * @section Description
+ *
+ * This attribute stores the message identifier.
+ *
+ * @endif
+ */
+ string id;
+ };
+ sequence<FsmBehaviorProfile> FsmBehaviorProfileList;
+ /*!
+ * @if jp
+ * @brief
+ * @else
+ * @brief FsmProfile
+ *
+ * @section Description
+ *
+ * The FsmProfile describes the correspondence between an FSM and
+ * its contained FSM participants. This Profile is necessary for
+ * Stimulus Response Processing.
+ *
+ * @endif
+ */
+ struct FsmProfile
+ {
+ /*!
+ * @if jp
+ * @brief
+ * @else
+ * @brief behavior_profiles
+ *
+ * @section Description
+ *
+ * This attribute lists the correspondences between an FSM and its
+ * contained FSM participants.
+ *
+ * @endif
+ */
+ FsmBehaviorProfileList behavior_profiles;
+ };
+ /*!
+ * @if jp
+ * @brief
+ * @else
+ * @brief FsmService
+ *
+ * @section Description
+ *
+ * The FsmService interface defines operations necessary for
+ * Stimulus Response Processing as an SDO service.
+ *
+ * @endif
+ */
+ interface FsmService
+ extends SDOPackage::SDOService
+ {
+ /*!
+ * @if jp
+ * @brief
+ * @else
+ * @brief get_fsm_profile
+ *
+ * @section Description
+ *
+ * Get the current state of the FSM.
+ *
+ * @section Semantics
+ *
+ * Modifications to the object returned by this operation will not
+ * be reflected in the FSM until and unless set_fsm_profile is
+ * called.
+ *
+ * @endif
+ */
+ FsmProfile get_fsm_profile();
+ /*!
+ * @if jp
+ * @brief
+ * @else
+ * @brief set_fsm_profile
+ *
+ * @section Description
+ *
+ * This operation will be used to modify the behavior of an FSM as
+ * described in Stimulus Response Processing.
+ *
+ * @endif
+ */
+ ReturnCode_t set_fsm_profile( FsmProfile fsm_profile);
+ };
+ /*!
+ * @if jp
+ * @brief
+ * @else
+ * @brief ComponentProfile
+ *
+ * @section Description
+ *
+ * ComponentProfile represents the static state of an RTC that is
+ * referred to here as the "target" RTC.
+ *
+ * @endif
+ */
+ struct ComponentProfile
+ {
+ /*!
+ * @if jp
+ * @brief
+ * @else
+ * @brief instance_name
+ *
+ * @section Description
+ *
+ * This attribute shall contain the name of the target RTC instance.
+ *
+ * @section Semantics
+ *
+ * The instance_name should be unique among RTC instances
+ * contained within the same containing component.
+ *
+ * @endif
+ */
+ string instance_name;
+ /*!
+ * @if jp
+ * @brief
+ * @else
+ * @brief type_name
+ *
+ * @section Description
+ *
+ * This attribute shall contain the name of the target RTC class.
+ *
+ * @section Semantics
+ *
+ * Each RTC class must have a name that is unique within an
+ * application.
+ *
+ * @endif
+ */
+ string type_name;
+ /*!
+ * @if jp
+ * @brief
+ * @else
+ * @brief description
+ *
+ * @section Description
+ *
+ * This attribute shall briefly describe the target RTC for the
+ * benefit of a human operator.
+ *
+ * @endif
+ */
+ string description;
+ /*!
+ * @if jp
+ * @brief
+ * @else
+ * @brief version
+ *
+ * @section Description
+ *
+ * This attribute shall contain the version number of the target
+ * RTC class.
+ *
+ * @section Semantics
+ *
+ * The format of the version number is outside of the scope of
+ * this specification.
+ *
+ * @endif
+ */
+ string version;
+ /*!
+ * @if jp
+ * @brief
+ * @else
+ * @brief vendor
+ *
+ * @section Description
+ *
+ * The name of the individual or organization that produced the
+ * target RTC class.
+ *
+ * @endif
+ */
+ string vendor;
+ /*!
+ * @if jp
+ * @brief
+ * @else
+ * @brief category
+ *
+ * @section Description
+ *
+ * This attribute contains the name of a "category" or group to
+ * which the target RTC belongs.
+ *
+ *
+ * @endif
+ */
+ string category;
+ /*!
+ * @if jp
+ * @brief
+ * @else
+ * @brief port_profiles
+ *
+ * @section Description
+ *
+ * This attribute contains a list of PortProfiles that describe
+ * the ports of the target RTC.
+ *
+ * @section Semantics
+ *
+ * There shall be a one-to-one correspondence between the members
+ * of this list and the ports of the target RTC.
+ *
+ *
+ * @endif
+ */
+ PortProfileList port_profiles;
+ /*!
+ * @if jp
+ * @brief
+ * @else
+ * @brief parent
+ *
+ * @section Description
+ *
+ * This attribute contains a reference to the RTC that contains
+ * the target RTC instance. If the target RTC instance is not
+ * owned by any other RTC, this field stores a nil reference.
+ *
+ * @endif
+ */
+ RTObject parent;
+ /*!
+ * @if jp
+ * @brief
+ * @else
+ * @brief properties
+ *
+ * @section Description
+ *
+ * This attribute contains additional properties of the target RTC.
+ *
+ * @section Semantics
+ *
+ * This attribute provides implementations the opportunity to
+ * describe additional characteristics of a particular RTC that
+ * are otherwise outside of the scope of this specification.
+ *
+ * @endif
+ */
+ SDOPackage::NVList properties;
+ };
+ sequence<ComponentProfile> ComponentProfileList;
+ /*!
+ * @if jp
+ * @brief
+ * @else
+ * @brief PortService
+ *
+ * @section Description
+ *
+ * An instance of the PortService interface represents a port (i.e.,
+ * UML::Composite Structures::Ports::Port) of an RTC. It provides
+ * operations that allow it to be connected to and disconnected from
+ * other ports.
+ *
+ * @section Semantics
+ *
+ * A port service can support unidirectional or bidirectional
+ * communication. A port service may allow for a service-oriented
+ * connection, in which other connected ports, invoke methods on
+ * it. It may also allow for a data-centric connection, in which
+ * data values are streamed in or out. In either case, the
+ * connection is described by an instance of
+ * ConnectorProfile. However, the behavioral contracts of such
+ * connections are dependent on the interfaces exposed by the ports
+ * and are not described normatively by this specification.
+ *
+ * @endif
+ */
+ interface PortService
+ extends SDOPackage::SDOService
+ {
+ /*!
+ * @if jp
+ * @brief
+ * @else
+ * @brief get_port_profile
+ *
+ * @section Description
+ *
+ * This operation returns the PortProfile of the PortService.
+ *
+ * @endif
+ */
+ PortProfile get_port_profile();
+ /*!
+ * @if jp
+ * @brief
+ * @else
+ * @brief get_connector_profiles
+ *
+ * @section Description
+ *
+ * This operation returns a list of the ConnectorProfiles of the
+ * PortService.
+ *
+ * @endif
+ */
+ ConnectorProfileList get_connector_profiles();
+ /*!
+ * @if jp
+ * @brief
+ * @else
+ * @brief get_connector_profiles
+ *
+ * @section Description
+ *
+ * This operation returns a list of the ConnectorProfiles of the
+ * PortService.
+ *
+ * @endif
+ */
+ ConnectorProfile get_connector_profile( string connector_id);
+ /*!
+ * @if jp
+ * @brief
+ * @else
+ * @brief connect
+ *
+ * @section Description
+ *
+ * This operation establishes connection between this port and the
+ * peer ports according to given ConnectionProfile.
+ *
+ * @section Semantics
+ *
+ * A ConnectorProfile has a sequence of port references. This port
+ * invokes the notify_connect operation of one of the ports
+ * included in the sequence. It follows that the notification of
+ * connection is propagated by the notify_connect operation with
+ * ConnectorProfile. This operation returns ConnectorProfile
+ * return value and returns ReturnCode_t as return codes.
+ *
+ * @endif
+ */
+ ReturnCode_t connect( ConnectorProfile connector_profile);
+ /*!
+ * @if jp
+ * @brief
+ * @else
+ * @brief disconnect
+ *
+ * @section Description
+ *
+ * This operation destroys the connection between this port and
+ * its peer ports using the ID that was given when the connection
+ * was established.
+ *
+ * @section Semantics
+ *
+ * This port invokes the notify_disconnect operation of one of the
+ * ports included in the sequence of the ConnectorProfile stored
+ * when the connection was established. The notification of
+ * disconnection is propagated by the notify_disconnect operation.
+ *
+ * @endif
+ */
+ ReturnCode_t disconnect( string connector_id);
+ /*!
+ * @if jp
+ * @brief
+ * @else
+ * @brief disconnect_all
+ *
+ * @section Description
+ *
+ * This operation destroys all connection channels owned by the
+ * PortService.
+ *
+ * @endif
+ */
+ ReturnCode_t disconnect_all();
+ /*!
+ * @if jp
+ * @brief
+ * @else
+ * @brief notify_connect
+ *
+ * @section Description
+ *
+ * This operation notifies this PortService of the connection
+ * between its corresponding port and the other ports and
+ * propagates the given ConnectionProfile.
+ *
+ * @section Semantics
+ *
+ * A ConnectorProfile has a sequence of port references. This
+ * PortService stores the ConnectorProfile and invokes the
+ * notify_connect operation of the next PortService in the
+ * sequence. As ports are added to the connector, PortService
+ * references are added to the ConnectorProfile and provided to
+ * the caller. In this way, notification of connection is
+ * propagated with the ConnectorProfile.
+ *
+ * @endif
+ */
+ ReturnCode_t notify_connect( ConnectorProfile connector_profile);
+ /*!
+ * @if jp
+ * @brief
+ * @else
+ * @brief notify_disconnect
+ *
+ * @section Description
+ *
+ * This operation notifies a PortService of a disconnection
+ * between its corresponding port and the other ports. The
+ * disconnected connector is identified by the given ID, which was
+ * given when the connection was established.
+ *
+ * @section Semantics
+ *
+ * This port invokes the notify_disconnect operation of the next
+ * PortService in the sequence of the ConnectorProfile that was
+ * stored when the connection was established. As ports are
+ * disconnected, PortService references are removed from the
+ * ConnectorProfile. In this way, the notification of
+ * disconnection is propagated by the notify_disconnect operation.
+ *
+ * @endif
+ */
+ ReturnCode_t notify_disconnect( string connector_id);
+ };
+ /*!
+ * @if jp
+ * @brief
+ * @else
+ * @brief ExecutionContextService
+ *
+ * @section Description
+ *
+ * An ExecutionContextService exposes an ExecutionContext as an SDO
+ * service such that the context may be controlled remotely.
+ *
+ * @section Semantics
+ *
+ * Depending on the implementation, this interface may itself be an
+ * execution context (that is, it may be passed to the operations of
+ * ComponentAction) or it may represent a remote execution context
+ * that is not of type ExecutionContextService. @endif
+ */
+ interface ExecutionContextService
+ extends ExecutionContext, SDOPackage::SDOService
+ {
+ /*!
+ * @if jp
+ * @brief
+ * @else
+ * @brief get_profile
+ *
+ * @section Description
+ *
+ * This operation provides a profile "descriptor" for the
+ * execution context.
+ *
+ * @endif
+ */
+ ExecutionContextProfile get_profile();
+ };
+ sequence<ExecutionContextService>
+ ExecutionContextServiceList;
+ /*!
+ * @if jp
+ * @brief
+ * @else
+ * @brief RTObject
+ *
+ * @section Description
+ *
+ * The RTObject interface defines the operations that all SDO-based
+ * RTCs must provide. It is required by the rtComponent stereotype.
+ *
+ * @endif
+ */
+ interface RTObject
+ extends LightweightRTObject, SDOPackage::SDO
+ {
+ /*!
+ * @if jp
+ * @brief
+ * @else
+ * @brief get_component_profile
+ *
+ * @section Description
+ *
+ * This operation returns the ComponentProfile of the RTC.
+ *
+ * @endif
+ */
+ ComponentProfile get_component_profile();
+ /*!
+ * @if jp
+ * @brief
+ * @else
+ * @brief get_ports
+ *
+ * @section Description
+ *
+ * This operation returns a list of the RTCs ports.
+ *
+ * @endif
+ */
+ PortServiceList get_ports();
+ };
+#endif // RTC_IDL
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