[openrtm-beginners:00425] Re: (無題)

Geoffrey Biggs geoffrey.biggs @ aist.go.jp
2013年 4月 15日 (月) 21:28:09 JST

Ports can be added and removed at any time. I have used this a few times
to produce dynamically-reconfigurable components.

Remember that the changes won't show up in RTSystemEditor unless you
remove the component from the system and re-add it.


On 15/04/13 20:13, jaysicks.reg at gmail.com wrote:
> Hi, If I'm not mistaken onInitalize() is called from createComponent().
> Actually I'm trying to register ports based on user data. And I beleive I
> have to do that in the onInitialize() method at the latest. Thanks, Gabor

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