OpenRTM-aist-Python 2.0.2
OpenRTM_aist.EventPort_pyfsm.EventInPort Class Reference


Inheritance diagram for OpenRTM_aist.EventPort_pyfsm.EventInPort:
OpenRTM_aist.InPortBase.InPortBase OpenRTM_aist.PortBase.PortBase OpenRTM_aist.DataPortStatus.DataPortStatus

Public Member Functions

 __init__ (self, name, fsm, bufsize=64, read_block=False, write_block=False, read_timeout=0, write_timeout=0)
 __del__ (self)
 name (self)
 init (self, prop)
- Public Member Functions inherited from OpenRTM_aist.InPortBase.InPortBase
 read (self)
 properties (self)
 connectors (self)
 getConnectorProfiles (self)
 getConnectorIds (self)
 getConnectorNames (self)
 getConnectorById (self, id)
 getConnectorByName (self, name)
 getConnectorProfileById (self, id)
 getConnectorProfileByName (self, name)
 connect (self, connector_profile)
 notify_connect (self, connector_profile)
 activateInterfaces (self)
 deactivateInterfaces (self)
 addConnectorDataListener (self, listener_type, listener)
 removeConnectorDataListener (self, listener_type, listener)
 addConnectorListener (self, listener_type, listener)
 removeConnectorListener (self, listener_type, listener)
 publishInterfaces (self, cprof)
 subscribeInterfaces (self, cprof)
 unsubscribeInterfaces (self, connector_profile)
 initProviders (self)
 initConsumers (self)
 createProvider (self, cprof, prop)
 createConsumer (self, cprof, prop)
 createConnector (self, cprof, prop, provider_=None, consumer_=None)
 createDuplexConnector (self, cprof, prop, provider_)
 getLocalOutPort (self, profile)
- Public Member Functions inherited from OpenRTM_aist.PortBase.PortBase
 exit (self)
 get_port_profile (self)
 getPortProfile (self)
 get_connector_profiles (self)
 get_connector_profile (self, connector_id)
 disconnect (self, connector_id)
 notify_disconnect (self, connector_id)
 disconnect_all (self)
 setName (self, name)
 getName (self)
 getProfile (self)
 setPortRef (self, port_ref)
 getPortRef (self)
 setOwner (self, owner)
 setOnPublishInterfaces (self, on_publish)
 setOnSubscribeInterfaces (self, on_subscribe)
 setOnConnected (self, on_connected)
 setOnUnsubscribeInterfaces (self, on_subscribe)
 setOnDisconnected (self, on_disconnected)
 setPortConnectListenerHolder (self, portconnListeners)
 connectNext (self, connector_profile)
 disconnectNext (self, connector_profile)
 setConnectionLimit (self, limit_value)
 isEmptyId (self, connector_profile)
 getUUID (self)
 setUUID (self, connector_profile)
 isExistingConnId (self, id_)
 findConnProfile (self, id_)
 findConnProfileIndex (self, id_)
 updateConnectorProfile (self, connector_profile)
 eraseConnectorProfile (self, id_)
 appendInterface (self, instance_name, type_name, pol)
 deleteInterface (self, name, pol)
 addProperty (self, key, value)
 appendProperty (self, key, value)
 updateConnectors (self)
 checkPorts (self, ports)
 isExistingMarshalingType (self, con_prop)
- Public Member Functions inherited from OpenRTM_aist.DataPortStatus.DataPortStatus
 toString (status)

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Attributes inherited from OpenRTM_aist.DataPortStatus.DataPortStatus
int PORT_OK = 0
- Protected Member Functions inherited from OpenRTM_aist.PortBase.PortBase
 _publishInterfaces (self)

Detailed Description

EventInPort template class

This is a template class that implements EventInPort. <T> is the type defined in BasicDataType.idl and must be the structure which has both Time type tm and type-T data as a member. EventInPort has a ring buffer internally, and stores the received data externally in this buffer one by one. The size of ring buffer can be specified according to the argument of constructor, though the default size is 64. Unread data and data which is already read are managed with the flag, and the data can be handled by the isNew(), write(), read(), isFull() and isEmpty() method etc.


Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ __init__()

OpenRTM_aist.EventPort_pyfsm.EventInPort.__init__ ( self,
bufsize = 64,
read_block = False,
write_block = False,
read_timeout = 0,
write_timeout = 0 )

A constructor.

constructor. This is bound to type-T variable given as a parameter.

nameA name of the EventInPort. This name is referred by
valuetype-T variable that is bound to this EventInPort.
bufsizeBuffer length of internal ring buffer of EventInPort (The default value:64)
read_blockFlag of reading block. When there are not unread data at reading data, set whether to block data until receiving the next data. (The default value:false)
write_blockFlag of writing block. If the buffer was full at writing data, set whether to block data until the buffer has space. (The default value:false)
read_timeoutData reading timeout time (millisecond) when not specifying read blocking. (The default value:0)
write_timeoutData writing timeout time (millisecond) when not specifying writing block. (The default value:0)

Reimplemented from OpenRTM_aist.InPortBase.InPortBase.

◆ __del__()

OpenRTM_aist.EventPort_pyfsm.EventInPort.__del__ ( self)



Reimplemented from OpenRTM_aist.InPortBase.InPortBase.

Member Function Documentation

◆ init()

OpenRTM_aist.EventPort_pyfsm.EventInPort.init ( self,
prop )

Initializing properties

This method initializes the port in the specified property.

propProperty for setting ports

void init(coil.Properties& prop);

Reimplemented from OpenRTM_aist.InPortBase.InPortBase.

◆ name() ( self)

Get port name

Get port name.

The port name

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: