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RTC::CorbaPort Class Reference

RT Conponent CORBA service/consumer Port. More...

#include <CorbaPort.h>

Inheritance diagram for RTC::CorbaPort:
Collaboration diagram for RTC::CorbaPort:

Public Member Functions

 CorbaPort (const char *name)
 ~CorbaPort () override
 Virtual destructor.
void init (coil::Properties &prop)
 Initializing properties.
bool registerProvider (const char *instance_name, const char *type_name, PortableServer::RefCountServantBase &provider)
 Register the provider.
bool registerConsumer (const char *instance_name, const char *type_name, CorbaConsumerBase &consumer)
 Register the consumer.
- Public Member Functions inherited from RTC::PortBase
 PortBase (const char *name="")
 ~PortBase () override
PortProfile * get_port_profile () override
 [CORBA interface] Get the PortProfile of the Port
const PortProfile & getPortProfile () const
 Get the PortProfile of the Port.
ConnectorProfileList * get_connector_profiles () override
 [CORBA interface] Get the ConnectorProfileList of the Port
ConnectorProfile * get_connector_profile (const char *connector_id) override
 [CORBA interface] Get the ConnectorProfile
ReturnCode_t connect (ConnectorProfile &connector_profile) override
 [CORBA interface] Connect the Port
ReturnCode_t notify_connect (ConnectorProfile &connector_profile) override
 [CORBA interface] Notify the Ports connection
ReturnCode_t disconnect (const char *connector_id) override
 [CORBA interface] Disconnect the Port
ReturnCode_t notify_disconnect (const char *connector_id) override
 [CORBA interface] Notify the Ports disconnection
ReturnCode_t disconnect_all () override
 [CORBA interface] Disconnect the All Ports
void setName (const char *name)
 Set the name of this Port.
const char * getName () const
 Get the name of this Port.
const PortProfile & getProfile () const
 Get the PortProfile of the Port.
void setPortRef (PortService_ptr port_ref)
 Set the object reference of this Port.
PortService_ptr getPortRef () const
 Get the object reference of this Port.
void setOwner (RTObject_ptr owner)
 Set the owner RTObject of the Port.
void setOnPublishInterfaces (ConnectionCallback *on_publish)
 Setting callback called on publish interfaces.
void setOnSubscribeInterfaces (ConnectionCallback *on_subscribe)
 Setting callback called on publish interfaces.
void setOnConnected (ConnectionCallback *on_connected)
 Setting callback called on connection established.
void setOnUnsubscribeInterfaces (ConnectionCallback *on_unsubscribe)
 Setting callback called on unsubscribe interfaces.
void setOnDisconnected (ConnectionCallback *on_disconnected)
 Setting callback called on disconnected.
void setOnConnectionLost (ConnectionCallback *on_connection_lost)
 Setting callback called on connection lost.
void setPortConnectListenerHolder (PortConnectListeners *portconnListeners)
 Setting PortConnectListener holder.
virtual DirectPortBasegetDirectPort ()

Protected Member Functions

ReturnCode_t publishInterfaces (ConnectorProfile &connector_profile) override
 Publish information about interfaces.
ReturnCode_t subscribeInterfaces (const ConnectorProfile &connector_profile) override
 Subscribe to interface.
void unsubscribeInterfaces (const ConnectorProfile &connector_profile) override
 Unsubscribe interfaces.
void activateInterfaces () override
 Activate all Port interfaces.
void deactivateInterfaces () override
 Deactivate all Port interfaces.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from RTC::PortBase
virtual ReturnCode_t connectNext (ConnectorProfile &connector_profile)
 Call notify_connect() of the next Port.
virtual ReturnCode_t disconnectNext (ConnectorProfile &cprof)
 Call notify_disconnect() of the next Port.
virtual void setConnectionLimit (int limit_value)
 Set the maximum number of connections.
virtual ReturnCode_t _publishInterfaces ()
 Publish interface information.
bool isExistingConnId (const char *id)
 Check whether the given id exists in stored ConnectorProfiles.
ConnectorProfile findConnProfile (const char *id)
 Find ConnectorProfile with id.
CORBA::Long findConnProfileIndex (const char *id)
 Find ConnectorProfile with id.
void updateConnectorProfile (const ConnectorProfile &connector_profile)
 Append or update the ConnectorProfile list.
bool eraseConnectorProfile (const char *id)
 Delete the ConnectorProfile.
bool appendInterface (const char *instance_name, const char *type_name, PortInterfacePolarity pol)
 Append an interface to the PortInterfaceProfile.
bool deleteInterface (const char *name, PortInterfacePolarity pol)
 Delete the interface registration from the PortInterfaceProfile.
template<class ValueType >
void addProperty (const char *key, ValueType value)
 Add NameValue data to PortProfile's properties.
void appendProperty (const char *key, const char *value)
 Append NameValue data to PortProfile's properties.
void updateConnectors ()
 Disconnect ports that doesn't exist.
bool checkPorts (::RTC::PortServiceList &ports)
 Existence of ports.
void onNotifyConnect (const char *portname, RTC::ConnectorProfile &profile)
void onNotifyDisconnect (const char *portname, RTC::ConnectorProfile &profile)
void onUnsubscribeInterfaces (const char *portname, RTC::ConnectorProfile &profile)
void onPublishInterfaces (const char *portname, RTC::ConnectorProfile &profile, ReturnCode_t ret)
void onConnectNextport (const char *portname, RTC::ConnectorProfile &profile, ReturnCode_t ret)
void onSubscribeInterfaces (const char *portname, RTC::ConnectorProfile &profile, ReturnCode_t ret)
void onConnected (const char *portname, RTC::ConnectorProfile &profile, ReturnCode_t ret)
void onDisconnectNextport (const char *portname, RTC::ConnectorProfile &profile, ReturnCode_t ret)
void onDisconnected (const char *portname, RTC::ConnectorProfile &profile, ReturnCode_t ret)
bool isExistingMarshalingType (coil::Properties &con_prop)
 Whether the specified serializer can be used.

Protected Attributes

coil::Properties m_properties
 Properties .
- Protected Attributes inherited from RTC::PortBase
coil::Properties m_properties
 Properties .
Logger rtclog
 Logger stream .
PortProfile m_profile
 PortProfile of the Port .
RTC::PortService_var m_objref
 Object Reference of the Port .
std::mutex m_profile_mutex
 Mutex of PortProfile .
std::mutex m_connectorsMutex
std::string m_ownerInstanceName = "unknown"
 Instance name .
int m_connectionLimit {-1}
 The maximum number of connections .
ConnectionCallbackm_onPublishInterfaces {nullptr}
 Callback functor objects.
ConnectionCallbackm_onSubscribeInterfaces {nullptr}
 Callback functor objects.
ConnectionCallbackm_onConnected {nullptr}
 Callback functor objects.
ConnectionCallbackm_onUnsubscribeInterfaces {nullptr}
 Callback functor objects.
ConnectionCallbackm_onDisconnected {nullptr}
 Callback functor objects.
ConnectionCallbackm_onConnectionLost {nullptr}
 Callback functor objects.
PortConnectListenersm_portconnListeners {nullptr}
 PortConnectListener holder.
DirectPortBasem_directport {nullptr}

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from RTC::PortBase
static bool isEmptyId (const ConnectorProfile &connector_profile)
 Check whether connector_id of ConnectorProfile is empty.
static std::string getUUID ()
 Generate the UUID.
static void setUUID (ConnectorProfile &connector_profile)
 Generate and set the UUID to the ConnectorProfile.

Detailed Description

RT Conponent CORBA service/consumer Port.

CorbaPort is an implementation of the Port of RT-Component's that provides user-defined CORBA Object Service and Consumer.

RT-Component can provide user-defined CORBA serivces, which is called RT-Serivce (Provider), through the Ports. RT-Component can also provide place-holder, which is called RT-Serivce Consumer, to use other RT-Component's service.

The CorbaPort can manage any number of Providers and Consumers, can associate Consumers with correspondent Providers when establishing connection among Ports.

Usually, CorbaPort is used like the following.

RTC::CorbaPort m_port0; // declaration of Port

MyService_impl m_mysvc0; // Serivce Provider that is provided by the Port
RTC::CorbaConsumer<YourService> m_cons0; // Consumer of the Port

// register Service Provider to the Port
m_port0.registerProvider("MyService0", "Generic", m_mysvc0);
// register Service Consumer to the Port
m_port0.registerConsumer("YourService0", "Generic", m_cons0 );

// after connect established

m_cons0->your_service_function(); // call a YourService's function

// in another component that is connected with the Port
m_cons1->my_service_function(); // call a MyService's function

Registering Service Provider by registerProvider(), it can be used from other RT-Components. Registering Service Consumer by registerConsumer(), other RT-Component's services can be used through the consumer object.

PortInterfaceProfile is a one of the profile information to store Provider interface and Consumer interface information. Tools or other RTCs should call one of the Port::connect() with an appropriate ConnectorProfile.

In addition, the instance name "*" declares a special type of instance.

When the name of the PROVIDED type interface that is the provider interface is "*", Provider interface's instance does not exist at the beginning of connection sequence. The instances will be created dynamically according to the consumer interface requirement at the connection sequence. Although the instance name does not exist at the beginning of connection sequence, the created providers shall publish its references to the ConnectorProfile with interface descriptor adequately in the interface publisher phase of the connection sequence.

If REQUIRED interface name that is Consumer interface name is "*", it shows that one Consumer interface is able to connect with multiple Provider interfaces. (This feature is not implemented.)

The following describes the rules that specify interface connection between ports.

The descriptor format of interfaces associated with Ports is declared as follows. Now some of interface properties are assumed as the followings.

  • RTC instance name: rtc_iname
  • Port name: port_name
  • Interface polarity: if_polarity
  • Interface type name: if_tname
  • INterface instance name: if_iname

The interface descriptors shall be declared as follows.


When PROVIDED that is Provider interface properties are the followings,

  • rtc_iname = MyComp0
  • port_name = myservice
  • if_polarity = provided
  • if_tname = echo_interface
  • if_iname = echo_interface2 the interface descriptor is here.


And, when REQUIRED that is Consumer interfaces properties are the followings,

  • rtc_iname = YourComp0
  • port_name = yourservice
  • if_polarity = required
  • if_tname = hoge_interface
  • if_iname = hoge_interface1

interface descriptor is as follows.


Specific instance name descriptors that are dynamically generated at the connection time are defined here.

  • <type_name>*: "Dynamically generated" instance descriptor.
  • <type_name>+: "Incrementally generated" instance descriptor.

When the "Dynamically generated" instance descriptor: "<type_name>*" is specified as interface descriptor that is required by consumers, the provider will generate a instance. If n consumers who demand a provider by the "<type_name>" descriptor exist, the following relation which processes the call from these consumers by one provider will be established.

consumer0 ]---<
consumer1 ]---<  O----[ provider0
consumer2 ]---<

On the other hand, when incremental generated type instance name descriptor "<type_name>+" is specified as the provider interface descriptor whom consumers demand, provider's instances are dynamically generated for the number of the descriptors "<type_name>+". When n consumers who demand a provider by the descriptor "<type_name>+" exist the following relations in which n providers process each call from the consumers will be established.

consumer0 ]---<  O----[ provider0
consumer1 ]---<  O----[ provider1
consumer2 ]---<  O----[ provider2

Describing the appropriate interface mapping specification in the ConnectorProfile::properties, selective connections between providers/consumers interface can be established at the time of connection. However, when different RTC instances of the same instance name exist in a connection, since an interface descriptor uniqueness cannot be guaranteed, this connection mapping rules cannot be used.

Here, assume that an interface descriptor is given as <if_desc0>, <if_desc1>, .... And assume that the key and the value of NVList in ConnectorProfile::properties are given as "key: value".

Now the case where the service ports of two components are connected is considered. When the service port of each component is the following,

  • rtc_iname: MyComp0
    port_name: mycomp_service
    • if_polarity: provided
      if_iname: echo0
      if_tname: Echo
    • if_polarity: required
      if_iname: add0
      if_tname: add
  • rtc_iname: YourComp0
    port_name: yourcomp_service
    • if_polarity: required
      if_iname: echo9
      if_tname: Echo
    • if_polarity: provided
      if_iname: add9
      if_tname: add
     MyComp0                                 YourComp0
    _______ mycomp_service   yourcomp_service ______
           |                                 |
         |~~~|---O echo0         echo9 >---|~~~|
         |   |---< add0          add9  O---|   |
          ~T~                               ~T~
           |                                 |

Assume that connection between echo0 (provider) of MyComp0 component and echo9 (consumer) of YourComp0 component, and add0 (consumer) of MyComp0 and add0 (provider) of YourComp0 is established. In this case, ConnectorProfile is set up as follows.

  name: any connector name
  connector_id: empty string
  ports[]: mycomp_service's reference, yourcomp_service's reference
    <add0>: <add9>
    <echo9>: <echo0>

Please note that <add0>, <add9>, <echo0> and <echo9> are the following.

<add0> is MyComp0.port.mycomp_service.required.add.add0
<add9> is YourComp0.port.yourcomp_service.provided.add.add9
<echo0> is MyComp0.port.mycomp_service.provided.echo.echo0
<echo9> is YourComp0.port.yourcomp_service.required.echo.echo9

In the connection process, the provider and the consumer of each port carries out the following process respectively in the virtual functions such as CorbaPort::publishInterfaces() and CorbaPort::subscribeInerfaces().

A provider sets its IOR string as a value and its interface descriptor as a key in the ConnectorProfile::properties in a publishInterfaces() function. Since this interface descriptor's uniqueness is guaranteed in the current connector, the key of NameValue in the ConnectorProfile::properties is unique.

[This functionalities are not implemented] The dynamically generated provider is processed according to the following procedure. The publishInterface() function scans dynamic instance descriptors such as "<type_name>*" and "<type_name>+" in the ConnectorProfile::properties. When the dynamic generation instance descriptor "<tupe_name>*" exists, one instance of provider is generated, and its descriptor and its IOR string are set to ConnectorProfile::properties as the key and the value respectively. Simultaneously, in the ConnectorProfile::properties, all the instance descriptor with the dynamic generation instance name "<type_name>*" will be replaced with newly generated instance descriptor.

When the incremental dynamic generation instance descriptor exists, providers are generated for the number of the descriptors, and its descriptor and its IOR string are set to ConnectorProfile::properties as the key and the value respectively. Simultaneously, in the ConnectorProfile::properties, all the instance descriptor with the dynamic generation instance name "<type_name>+" will be replaced with newly generated instance descriptor.

The providers do not perform particular operation in subscribeInterfaces() function.

The consumers do not perform particular operation in publisherInterfaces() function.

On the other hand, a consumer searches a key-value pair with the key of consumer interface descriptor, and if the pair exists, it obtains provider's descriptor from the value. The consumer searches again a key-value pair with the key of provider interface descriptor, and it obtains provider's reference and the reference is set as the consumer's service object. In addition, reserved string "nil" or "null" are used not to set specific provider.

If consumer's interface descriptors does not exists in the ConnectorProfile::properties, the consumer searches a provider with same type name and instance name, and its reference is set to the consumer. This rule is for only backward compatibility, and it is not recommended from version 1.0.

The correspondence of a provider versus a consumer does not need to be one to one, and the case of one provider to n-consumers and the case of m-providers to one consumer are allowed. The one provider to n-consumers case can be realized by the above mentioned methods. The one consumer to m-provider case can be specified to set the consumer descriptor and comma-separated provider descriptors into the key and the value respectively.

The following option is available to specify the strictness of interfaces connection.

port.connection.strictness: strict, best_effort

strict: The connection is established, if only all the specified consumers are set appropriate references and narrowed successfully.

best_effort: The connection is established without any errors, even if appropriate reference does not exist or reference narrowing fails.


Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ CorbaPort()

RTC::CorbaPort::CorbaPort ( const char * name)


In the ctor, a given name is set into PortBase, and the following property is added to the PortProfile::properties,

  • port.port_type: "CorbaPort"
nameThe name of Port

◆ ~CorbaPort()

RTC::CorbaPort::~CorbaPort ( )

Virtual destructor.

Member Function Documentation

◆ activateInterfaces()

void RTC::CorbaPort::activateInterfaces ( )

Activate all Port interfaces.

This operation activate all interfaces that is registered in the ports.

Implements RTC::PortBase.

◆ deactivateInterfaces()

void RTC::CorbaPort::deactivateInterfaces ( )

Deactivate all Port interfaces.

This operation deactivate all interfaces that is registered in the ports.

Implements RTC::PortBase.

◆ init()

void RTC::CorbaPort::init ( coil::Properties & prop)

Initializing properties.

This operation initializes outport's properties. If a property "connection_limit" is set and appropriate value is set to this property value, the number of maximum connection is set as this value. If the property does not exist or invalid value is set to this property, the maximum number of connection will be set unlimited.

propproperties of the CorbaPort

◆ publishInterfaces()

ReturnCode_t RTC::CorbaPort::publishInterfaces ( ConnectorProfile & connector_profile)

Publish information about interfaces.

This operation publishes Provider interfaces information, which is owned by this port, to the other Ports via ConnectorProfile::properties. Now it is assumed RTC instance name and other information is as follows,

  • RTC instance name: rtc_iname
  • Port name: port_name
  • Interface polarity: if_polarity
  • Interface type name: if_tname
  • Interface instance name: if_iname

the following values are stored as the "name" and the "value" of the NameValue typee element in ConnectorProfile::properties.

  • name <rtc_iname>.port.<port_name>.provided.<if_tname>.<if_iname>
  • value IOR string value of interface reference

In addition, although the following NameValue values are also stored for the backward compatibility, this will be deleted in the future version.

  • name port.<if_tname>.<if_iname>
  • value IOR string value of interface reference

These values are stored in the ConnectorProfile::properties and are propagated to the other Ports. If the Consumer interface exists that requires this Provider interface, it will retrieve reference from the ConnectorProfile and utilize it.

connector_profileConnector profile
The return code of ReturnCode_t type

Implements RTC::PortBase.

◆ registerConsumer()

bool RTC::CorbaPort::registerConsumer ( const char * instance_name,
const char * type_name,
CorbaConsumerBase & consumer )

Register the consumer.

This operation registers a consumer, which is a service placeholder this port requires. These are associated internally with specified instance_name, type_name and Consumer itself to the argument as service's instance name and its type name associated with Consumer. The service Provider interface' references will be set automatically to the Consumer Interface object when connections are established, according to the rules that are described at the subscribeInterface() function's documentation.

instance_nameInstance name of the service Consumer requires
type_nameType name of the service Consumer requires
consumerCORBA service consumer
False would be returned if the same instance_name was registered

◆ registerProvider()

bool RTC::CorbaPort::registerProvider ( const char * instance_name,
const char * type_name,
PortableServer::RefCountServantBase & provider )

Register the provider.

This operation registers a servant, which is provided in this Port, to the Port. The servant is associated with "instance_name" and "type_name" as the instance name of the servant and as the type name of the servant. A given servant will be stored in the CorbaPort, and this is registered as RTC::PROVIDED interface into the PortInterfaceProfile.

instance_nameInstance name of servant
type_nameType name of the servant
providerCORBA servant
Return false if the same name of instance_name is already registered.

◆ subscribeInterfaces()

ReturnCode_t RTC::CorbaPort::subscribeInterfaces ( const ConnectorProfile & connector_profile)

Subscribe to interface.

Retrieve information associated with Provider matches Consumer owned by this port and set the object reference to Consumer.

Now, Consumer is registered as the following:

   instance_name = "PA10_0";
   type_name     = "Manipulator";
   polarity      = REQUIRED;

Find the object reference of Serivce Provider that is registered as the following of other ports:

   instance_name = "PA10_0";
   type_name     = "Manipulator";
   polarity      = PROVIDED;

and set to Consumer. In fact, find NameValue that is registered as the following to ConnectorProfile::properties:

NameValue = { "port.Manipulator.PA10_0": <Object reference> }

and set the object reference to Consumer.

connector_profileConnector profile
The return code of ReturnCode_t type

Implements RTC::PortBase.

◆ unsubscribeInterfaces()

void RTC::CorbaPort::unsubscribeInterfaces ( const ConnectorProfile & connector_profile)

Unsubscribe interfaces.

Release all Objects that was set in Consumer associated with the given ConnectorProfile.

connector_profileConnector profile

Implements RTC::PortBase.

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_properties

coil::Properties RTC::CorbaPort::m_properties

Properties .

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