OpenRTM_aist.RTObject.RTObject_impl Class Reference

Inheritance diagram for OpenRTM_aist.RTObject.RTObject_impl:
OpenRTM_aist.DataFlowComponentBase.DataFlowComponentBase OpenRTM_aist.PeriodicECSharedComposite.PeriodicECSharedComposite

List of all members.


class  deactivate_comps
class  ec_copy
class  ec_find
class  nv_name
class  svc_name

Public Member Functions

def __init__
def __del__
def initialize
 Initialize the RTC that realizes this interface.
def finalize
 Finalize the RTC for preparing it for destruction.
def exit
 Stop the RTC's execution context(s) and finalize it along with its contents.
def is_alive
 Confirm whether RTC is an Alive state or NOT.
def get_context
 [CORBA interface] Get ExecutionContextList.
def get_owned_contexts
 [CORBA interface] Get ExecutionContextList.
def get_participating_contexts
 [CORBA interface] Get participating ExecutionContextList.
def get_component_profile
 [RTObject CORBA interface] Get RTC's profile
def get_ports
 [RTObject CORBA interface] Get Ports
def attach_context
 [CORBA interface] Attach ExecutionContext.
def detach_context
 [CORBA interface] Attach ExecutionContext.
def on_initialize
 [ComponentAction CORBA interface] Initialize RTC
def on_finalize
 [ComponentAction CORBA interface] Finalize RTC
def on_startup
 [ComponentAction CORBA interface] StartUp RTC
def on_shutdown
 [ComponentAction CORBA interface] ShutDown RTC
def on_activated
 [ComponentAction CORBA interface] Activate RTC
def on_deactivated
 [ComponentAction CORBA interface] Deactivate RTC
def on_aborting
 [ComponentAction CORBA interface] Transition Error State
def on_error
 [ComponentAction CORBA interface] Error Processing of RTC
def on_reset
 [ComponentAction CORBA interface] Resetting RTC
def on_execute
 [DataFlowComponentAction CORBA interface] Primary Periodic Operation of RTC
def on_state_update
 [DataFlowComponentAction CORBA interface] Secondary Periodic Operation of RTC
def on_rate_changed
 [DataFlowComponentAction CORBA interface] Notify rate chenged
def get_owned_organizations
 [SDO interface] Getting Organizations
def get_sdo_id
 [SDO interface] Getting SDO ID
def get_sdo_type
 [SDO interface] Getting SDO type
def get_device_profile
 [SDO interface] Getting SDO DeviceProfile
def get_service_profiles
 [SDO interface] Getting SDO ServiceProfile
def get_service_profile
 [SDO interface] Getting Organizations
def get_sdo_service
 [SDO interface] Getting specified SDO Service's reference
def get_configuration
 [SDO interface] Getting Configuration object
def get_monitoring
 [SDO interface] Get Monitoring object
def get_organizations
 [SDO interface] Getting Organizations
def get_status_list
 [SDO interface] Get SDO Status
def get_status
 [SDO interface] Get SDO Status
def getInstanceName
 const char* getInstanceName()
def setInstanceName
 void setInstanceName(const char* instance_name);
def getTypeName
 const char* getTypeName()
def getDescription
 const char* getDescription()
def getVersion
 const char* getVersion()
def getVendor
 const char* getVendor()
def getCategory
 const char* getCategory()
def getNamingNames
 std.vector<std.string> getNamingNames();
def setObjRef
 void setObjRef(const RTObject_ptr rtobj);
def getObjRef
 RTObject_ptr getObjRef() const;.
def setProperties
 [local interface] Set RTC property
def getProperties
 [local interface] Get RTC property
def bindParameter
 template <typename vartype>=""> bool bindParameter(const char* param_name, VarType& var, const char* def_val, bool (*trans)(VarType&, const char*) = coil.stringTo)
def updateParameters
 void updateParameters(const char* config_set);
def registerPort
 [local interface] Register Port
def registerOutPort
 void registerOutPort(const char* name, OutPortBase& outport);
def removeInPort
 [local interface] Unregister InPort
def removeOutPort
 [local interface] Unregister OutPort
def deletePort
 [local interface] Unregister Port
def readAll
 Readout the value from All InPorts.
def writeAll
 The write() method of all OutPort is called.
def setReadAll
 Set whether to execute the readAll() method.
def setWriteAll
 Set whether to execute the writeAll() method.
def finalizePorts
 Unregister the All Portse.

Detailed Description

Member Function Documentation

def OpenRTM_aist.RTObject.RTObject_impl.__del__ (   self  ) 
def OpenRTM_aist.RTObject.RTObject_impl.__init__ (   self,
  manager = None,
  orb = None,
  poa = None 


orb ORB
poa POA
def OpenRTM_aist.RTObject.RTObject_impl.attach_context (   self,

[CORBA interface] Attach ExecutionContext.

Inform this RTC that it is participating in the given execution context. Return a handle that represents the association of this RTC with the context. This operation is intended to be invoked by ExecutionContextOperations.add_component. It is not intended for use by other clients.

exec_context Prticipating ExecutionContext
ExecutionContext Handle

UniqueId attach_context(ExecutionContext_ptr exec_context)

def OpenRTM_aist.RTObject.RTObject_impl.deletePort (   self,

[local interface] Unregister Port

This operation unregisters a Port to be held by this RTC.

port Port which is unregistered in the RTC

void RTObject_impl.deletePort(PortBase& port)

def OpenRTM_aist.RTObject.RTObject_impl.detach_context (   self,

[CORBA interface] Attach ExecutionContext.

Inform this RTC that it is no longer participating in the given execution context. This operation is intended to be invoked by ExecutionContextOperations.remove_component. It is not intended for use by other clients. Constraints

  • This operation may not be invoked if this RTC is not already participating in the execution context. Such a call shall fail with ReturnCode_t.PRECONDITION_NOT_MET.
  • This operation may not be invoked if this RTC is Active in the indicated execution context. Otherwise, it shall fail with ReturnCode_t.PRECONDITION_NOT_MET.
ec_id Dettaching ExecutionContext Handle

ReturnCode_t detach_context(UniqueId exec_handle)

def OpenRTM_aist.RTObject.RTObject_impl.exit (   self  ) 

Stop the RTC's execution context(s) and finalize it along with its contents.

Any execution contexts for which the RTC is the owner shall be stopped. If the RTC participates in any execution contexts belonging to another RTC that contains it, directly or indirectly (i.e. the containing RTC is the owner of the ExecutionContext), it shall be deactivated in those contexts. After the RTC is no longer Active in any Running execution context, it and any RTCs contained transitively within it shall be finalized.


  • An RTC cannot be exited if it has not yet been initialized. Any attempt to exit an RTC that is in the Created state shall fail with ReturnCode_t.PRECONDITION_NOT_MET.
def OpenRTM_aist.RTObject.RTObject_impl.finalize (   self  ) 

Finalize the RTC for preparing it for destruction.

This invocation of this operation shall result in the invocation of the callback ComponentAction.on_finalize.


  • An RTC may not be finalized while it is participating in any execution context. It must first be removed with ExecutionContextOperations.remove_component. Otherwise, this operation shall fail with ReturnCode_t.PRECONDITION_NOT_MET.
  • An RTC may not be finalized while it is in the Created state. Any attempt to invoke this operation while in that state shall fail with ReturnCode_t.PRECONDITION_NOT_MET.
  • Application developers are not expected to call this operation directly; it exists for use by the RTC infrastructure.
def OpenRTM_aist.RTObject.RTObject_impl.finalizePorts (   self  ) 

Unregister the All Portse.

This operation deactivates the all Port and deletes the all Port's registrations in the RTC..

def OpenRTM_aist.RTObject.RTObject_impl.get_component_profile (   self  ) 

[RTObject CORBA interface] Get RTC's profile

This operation returns the ComponentProfile of the RTC


virtual ComponentProfile* get_component_profile()

def OpenRTM_aist.RTObject.RTObject_impl.get_configuration (   self  ) 

[SDO interface] Getting Configuration object

This operation returns an object implementing the Configuration interface. The Configuration interface is one of the interfaces that each SDO maintains. The interface is used to configure the attributes defined in DeviceProfile, ServiceProfile, and Organization. See OMG SDO specification Section 2.3.5, "Configuration Interface," on page 2-24 for more details about the Configuration interface.

The Configuration interface of an SDO.
InterfaceNotImplemented The target SDO has no Configuration interface.
SDONotExists if the target SDO does not exist.(This exception is mapped to CORBA standard system exception OBJECT_NOT_EXIST.)
NotAvailable The target SDO is reachable but cannot respond.
InternalError The target SDO cannot execute the operation completely due to some internal error.

virtual SDOPackage.Configuration_ptr get_configuration()

def OpenRTM_aist.RTObject.RTObject_impl.get_context (   self,

[CORBA interface] Get ExecutionContextList.

This operation returns a list of all execution contexts owned by this RTC.

ExecutionContext List

def get_contexts(self): execlist = [] OpenRTM_aist.CORBA_SeqUtil.for_each(self._execContexts, self.ec_copy(execlist)) return execlist

[CORBA interface] Get ExecutionContext.

Obtain a reference to the execution context represented by the given handle. The mapping from handle to context is specific to a particular RTC instance. The given handle must have been obtained by a previous call to attach_context on this RTC.

ec_id ExecutionContext handle

virtual ExecutionContext_ptr get_context(UniqueId exec_handle)

def OpenRTM_aist.RTObject.RTObject_impl.get_device_profile (   self  ) 

[SDO interface] Getting SDO DeviceProfile

This operation returns the DeviceProfile of the SDO. If the SDO does not represent any hardware device, then a DeviceProfile with empty values are returned. This operation throws SDOException with one of the following types.

The DeviceProfile of the SDO.
SDONotExists if the target SDO does not exist.(This exception is mapped to CORBA standard system exception OBJECT_NOT_EXIST.)
NotAvailable if the target SDO is reachable but cannot respond.
InternalError if the target SDO cannot execute the operation completely due to some internal error.

virtual SDOPackage.DeviceProfile* get_device_profile()

def OpenRTM_aist.RTObject.RTObject_impl.get_monitoring (   self  ) 

[SDO interface] Get Monitoring object

This operation returns an object implementing the Monitoring interface. The Monitoring interface is one of the interfaces that each SDO maintains. The interface is used to monitor the properties of an SDO. See OMG SDO specification Section 2.3.7, "Monitoring Interface," on page 2-35 for more details about the Monitoring interface.

The Monitoring interface of an SDO.
InterfaceNotImplemented The target SDO has no Configuration interface.
SDONotExists if the target SDO does not exist.(This exception is mapped to CORBA standard system exception OBJECT_NOT_EXIST.)
NotAvailable The target SDO is reachable but cannot respond.
InternalError The target SDO cannot execute the operation completely due to some internal error.

virtual SDOPackage.Monitoring_ptr get_monitoring()

def OpenRTM_aist.RTObject.RTObject_impl.get_organizations (   self  ) 

[SDO interface] Getting Organizations

An SDO belongs to zero or more organizations. If the SDO belongs to one or more organizations, this operation returns the list of organizations that the SDO belongs to. An empty list is returned if the SDO does not belong to any Organizations.

The list of Organizations that the SDO belong to.
SDONotExists if the target SDO does not exist.(This exception is mapped to CORBA standard system exception OBJECT_NOT_EXIST.)
NotAvailable The target SDO is reachable but cannot respond.
InternalError The target SDO cannot execute the operation completely due to some internal error.

virtual SDOPackage.OrganizationList* get_organizations()

def OpenRTM_aist.RTObject.RTObject_impl.get_owned_contexts (   self  ) 

[CORBA interface] Get ExecutionContextList.

This operation returns a list of all execution contexts owned by this RTC.

ExecutionContext List

virtual ExecutionContextList* get_owned_contexts()

def OpenRTM_aist.RTObject.RTObject_impl.get_owned_organizations (   self  ) 

[SDO interface] Getting Organizations

SDOSystemElement can be the owner of zero or more organizations. If the SDOSystemElement owns one or more Organizations, this operation returns the list of Organizations that the SDOSystemElement owns. If it does not own any Organization, it returns empty list.

Owned Organization List
SDONotExists if the target SDO does not exist.(This exception is mapped to CORBA standard system exception OBJECT_NOT_EXIST.)
NotAvailable if the target SDO is reachable but cannot respond.
InternalError if the target SDO cannot execute the operation completely due to some internal error.

virtual SDOPackage.OrganizationList* get_owned_organizations()

def OpenRTM_aist.RTObject.RTObject_impl.get_participating_contexts (   self  ) 

[CORBA interface] Get participating ExecutionContextList.

This operation returns a list of all execution contexts in which this RTC participates.

ExecutionContext List

virtual ExecutionContextList* get_participating_contexts()

def OpenRTM_aist.RTObject.RTObject_impl.get_ports (   self  ) 

[RTObject CORBA interface] Get Ports

This operation returns a list of the RTCs ports.


virtual PortServiceList* get_ports()

def OpenRTM_aist.RTObject.RTObject_impl.get_sdo_id (   self  ) 

[SDO interface] Getting SDO ID

This operation returns id of the SDO. This operation throws SDOException with one of the following types.

id of the SDO defined in the resource data model.
SDONotExists if the target SDO does not exist.(This exception is mapped to CORBA standard system exception OBJECT_NOT_EXIST.)
NotAvailable if the target SDO is reachable but cannot respond.
InternalError if the target SDO cannot execute the operation completely due to some internal error.

virtual char* get_sdo_id()

def OpenRTM_aist.RTObject.RTObject_impl.get_sdo_service (   self,

[SDO interface] Getting specified SDO Service's reference

This operation returns an object implementing an SDO's service that is identified by the identifier specified as an argument. Different services provided by an SDO are distinguished with different identifiers. See OMG SDO specification Section 2.2.8, "ServiceProfile," on page 2-12 for more details.

_id The identifier referring to one of the SDO Service
The object implementing the requested service.
InvalidParameter if argument ¡Èid¡É is null, or if the ServiceProfile that is specified by argument ¡Èid¡É does not exist.
SDONotExists if the target SDO does not exist.(This exception is mapped to CORBA standard system exception OBJECT_NOT_EXIST.)
NotAvailable If the target SDO is reachable but cannot respond.
InternalError If the target SDO cannot execute the operation completely due to some internal error.

virtual SDOPackage.SDOService_ptr get_sdo_service(const char* id)

def OpenRTM_aist.RTObject.RTObject_impl.get_sdo_type (   self  ) 

[SDO interface] Getting SDO type

This operation returns sdoType of the SDO. This operation throws SDOException with one of the following types.

Type of the SDO defined in the resource data model.
SDONotExists if the target SDO does not exist.(This exception is mapped to CORBA standard system exception OBJECT_NOT_EXIST.)
NotAvailable if the target SDO is reachable but cannot respond.
InternalError if the target SDO cannot execute the operation completely due to some internal error.

virtual char* get_sdo_type()

def OpenRTM_aist.RTObject.RTObject_impl.get_service_profile (   self,

[SDO interface] Getting Organizations

This operation returns the ServiceProfile that is specified by the argument "id."

_id The identifier referring to one of the ServiceProfiles.
The profile of the specified service.
InvalidParameter if the ServiceProfile that is specified by the argument 'id' does not exist or if 'id' is 'null.'
SDONotExists if the target SDO does not exist.(This exception is mapped to CORBA standard system exception OBJECT_NOT_EXIST.)
NotAvailable If the target SDO is reachable but cannot respond.
InternalError If the target SDO cannot execute the operation completely due to some internal error.

virtual SDOPackage.ServiceProfile* get_service_profile(const char* id)

def OpenRTM_aist.RTObject.RTObject_impl.get_service_profiles (   self  ) 

[SDO interface] Getting SDO ServiceProfile

This operation returns a list of ServiceProfiles that the SDO has. If the SDO does not provide any service, then an empty list is returned. This operation throws SDOException with one of the following types.

List of ServiceProfiles of all the services the SDO is providing.
SDONotExists if the target SDO does not exist.(This exception is mapped to CORBA standard system exception OBJECT_NOT_EXIST.)
NotAvailable if the target SDO is reachable but cannot respond.
InternalError if the target SDO cannot execute the operation completely due to some internal error.

virtual SDOPackage.ServiceProfileList* get_service_profiles()

def OpenRTM_aist.RTObject.RTObject_impl.get_status (   self,

[SDO interface] Get SDO Status

name One of the parameters defining the "status" of an SDO.
The value of the specified status parameter.
SDONotExists if the target SDO does not exist.(This exception is mapped to CORBA standard system exception OBJECT_NOT_EXIST.)
NotAvailable The target SDO is reachable but cannot respond.
InvalidParameter The parameter defined by "name" is null or does not exist.
InternalError The target SDO cannot execute the operation completely due to some internal error.

virtual CORBA.Any* get_status(const char* name)

def OpenRTM_aist.RTObject.RTObject_impl.get_status_list (   self  ) 

[SDO interface] Get SDO Status

This operation returns an NVlist describing the status of an SDO.

The actual status of an SDO.
SDONotExists if the target SDO does not exist.(This exception is mapped to CORBA standard system exception OBJECT_NOT_EXIST.)
NotAvailable The target SDO is reachable but cannot respond.
InternalError The target SDO cannot execute the operation completely due to some internal error.

virtual SDOPackage.NVList* get_status_list()

def OpenRTM_aist.RTObject.RTObject_impl.getProperties (   self  ) 

[local interface] Get RTC property

This operation returns the properties of the RTC. Empty property would be returned, if RTC has no property.

Property for RTC.

coil.Properties& getProperties();

def OpenRTM_aist.RTObject.RTObject_impl.initialize (   self  ) 

Initialize the RTC that realizes this interface.

The invocation of this operation shall result in the invocation of the callback ComponentAction.on_initialize.


  • An RTC may be initialized only while it is in the Created state. Any attempt to invoke this operation while in another state shall fail with ReturnCode_t.PRECONDITION_NOT_MET.
  • Application developers are not expected to call this operation directly; it exists for use by the RTC infrastructure.
def OpenRTM_aist.RTObject.RTObject_impl.is_alive (   self,

Confirm whether RTC is an Alive state or NOT.

A component is alive or not regardless of the execution context from which it is observed. However, whether or not it is Active, Inactive, or in Error is dependent on the execution context(s) in which it is running. That is, it may be Active in one context but Inactive in another. Therefore, this operation shall report whether this RTC is either Active, Inactive or in Error; which of those states a component is in with respect to a particular context may be queried from the context itself.

Result of Alive state confirmation

virtual CORBA.Boolean is_alive(ExecutionContext_ptr exec_context)

def OpenRTM_aist.RTObject.RTObject_impl.on_aborting (   self,

[ComponentAction CORBA interface] Transition Error State

The RTC is transitioning from the Active state to the Error state in some execution context. This callback is invoked only a single time for time that the RTC transitions into the Error state from another state. This behavior is in contrast to that of on_error.

def OpenRTM_aist.RTObject.RTObject_impl.on_activated (   self,

[ComponentAction CORBA interface] Activate RTC

The RTC has been activated in the given execution context.

def OpenRTM_aist.RTObject.RTObject_impl.on_deactivated (   self,

[ComponentAction CORBA interface] Deactivate RTC

The RTC has been deactivated in the given execution context.

def OpenRTM_aist.RTObject.RTObject_impl.on_error (   self,

[ComponentAction CORBA interface] Error Processing of RTC

The RTC remains in the Error state. If the RTC is in the Error state relative to some execution context when it would otherwise be invoked from that context (according to the context¡Çs ExecutionKind), this callback shall be invoked instead. For example,

  • If the ExecutionKind is PERIODIC, this operation shall be invoked in sorted order at the rate of the context instead of DataFlowComponentAction.on_execute and on_state_update.
  • If the ExecutionKind is EVENT_DRIVEN, this operation shall be invoked whenever FsmParticipantAction.on_action would otherwise have been invoked.
def OpenRTM_aist.RTObject.RTObject_impl.on_execute (   self,

[DataFlowComponentAction CORBA interface] Primary Periodic Operation of RTC

This operation will be invoked periodically at the rate of the given execution context as long as the following conditions hold:

  • The RTC is Active.
  • The given execution context is Running This callback occurs during the first execution pass.


  • The execution context of the given context shall be PERIODIC.
def OpenRTM_aist.RTObject.RTObject_impl.on_finalize (   self  ) 

[ComponentAction CORBA interface] Finalize RTC

The RTC is being destroyed. Any final RTC-specific tear-down logic should be performed here.

def OpenRTM_aist.RTObject.RTObject_impl.on_initialize (   self  ) 

[ComponentAction CORBA interface] Initialize RTC

The RTC has been initialized and entered the Alive state. Any RTC-specific initialization logic should be performed here.

def OpenRTM_aist.RTObject.RTObject_impl.on_rate_changed (   self,

[DataFlowComponentAction CORBA interface] Notify rate chenged

This operation is a notification that the rate of the indicated execution context has changed.


  • The execution context of the given context shall be PERIODIC.
def OpenRTM_aist.RTObject.RTObject_impl.on_reset (   self,

[ComponentAction CORBA interface] Resetting RTC

The RTC is in the Error state. An attempt is being made to recover it such that it can return to the Inactive state. If the RTC was successfully recovered and can safely return to the Inactive state, this method shall complete with ReturnCode_t.OK. Any other result shall indicate that the RTC should remain in the Error state.

def OpenRTM_aist.RTObject.RTObject_impl.on_shutdown (   self,

[ComponentAction CORBA interface] ShutDown RTC

The given execution context, in which the RTC is participating, has transitioned from Running to Stopped.

def OpenRTM_aist.RTObject.RTObject_impl.on_startup (   self,

[ComponentAction CORBA interface] StartUp RTC

The given execution context, in which the RTC is participating, has transitioned from Stopped to Running.

def OpenRTM_aist.RTObject.RTObject_impl.on_state_update (   self,

[DataFlowComponentAction CORBA interface] Secondary Periodic Operation of RTC

This operation will be invoked periodically at the rate of the given execution context as long as the following conditions hold:

  • The RTC is Active.
  • The given execution context is Running This callback occurs during the second execution pass.


  • The execution context of the given context shall be PERIODIC.
def OpenRTM_aist.RTObject.RTObject_impl.readAll (   self  ) 

Readout the value from All InPorts.

This operation read the value from all InPort registered in the RTC.

result (Successful:true, Failed:false)

bool readAll();

def OpenRTM_aist.RTObject.RTObject_impl.registerPort (   self,

[local interface] Register Port

This operation registers a Port to be held by this RTC. In order to enable access to the Port from outside of RTC, the Port must be registered by this operation. The Port that is registered by this operation would be identified by in the inside of RTC. Therefore, the Port should have unique in the RTC. The registering Port would be activated properly, and the reference and the object reference would be stored in lists in RTC.

port Port which is registered in the RTC

void registerPort(PortBase& port);

def OpenRTM_aist.RTObject.RTObject_impl.removeInPort (   self,

[local interface] Unregister InPort

This operation unregisters a InPort held by this RTC.

port Port which is unregistered
Unregister result (Successful:true, Failed:false)

bool removeInPort(InPortBase& port);

def OpenRTM_aist.RTObject.RTObject_impl.removeOutPort (   self,

[local interface] Unregister OutPort

This operation unregisters a OutPort held by this RTC.

port Port which is unregistered
Unregister result (Successful:true, Failed:false)

bool removeOutPort(OutPortBase& port);

def OpenRTM_aist.RTObject.RTObject_impl.setProperties (   self,

[local interface] Set RTC property

This operation sets the properties to the RTC. The given property values should include information for ComponentProfile. Generally, this operation is designed to be called from Manager, when RTC is initialized

prop Property for RTC.

void setProperties(const coil.Properties& prop);

def OpenRTM_aist.RTObject.RTObject_impl.setReadAll (   self,
  read = True,
  completion = False 

Set whether to execute the readAll() method.

Set whether to execute the readAll() method.

read(default:true) (readAll() is called:true, readAll() isn't called:false)
completion(default:false) All calls are completed.:true, If one is False, return false.:false

void setReadAll(bool read=true, bool completion=false);

def OpenRTM_aist.RTObject.RTObject_impl.setWriteAll (   self,
  write = True,
  completion = False 

Set whether to execute the writeAll() method.

Set whether to execute the writeAll() method.

write(default:true) (writeAll() is called:true, writeAll() isn't called:false)
completion(default:false) All OutPort.write() calls are completed.:true, If one OutPort.write() is False, return false.:false

void setWriteAll(bool write=true, bool completion=false);

def OpenRTM_aist.RTObject.RTObject_impl.writeAll (   self  ) 

The write() method of all OutPort is called.

This operation call the write() method of all OutPort registered in the RTC.

result (Successful:true, Failed:false)

bool writeAll();

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