OpenRTM_aist.CorbaNaming.CorbaNaming Class Reference

CORBA Naming Service helper class. More...

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

def __init__
def __del__
def isAlive
 Check on whether the root context is alive.
def unbind
 void unbind(const CosNaming.Name& name) throw(NotFound, CannotProceed, InvalidName);
def destroyRecursive
 Destroy the naming context recursively.
def clearAll
 Destroy all binding.
def toString
 Get string representation of given NameComponent.
def toName
 Get NameComponent from gien string name representation.
def toUrl
 Get URL representation from given addr and string_name.
def resolveStr
 Resolve from name of string representation and get object.
def bindOrResolve
 Bind of resolve the given name component.
def bindOrResolveContext
 Bind of resolve the given name component.
def getNameServer
 Get the name of naming server.
def getRootContext
 Get the root context.
def objIsNamingContext
 Whether the object is NamingContext.
def nameIsNamingContext
 Whether the given name component is NamingContext.
def subName
 Get subset of given name component.
def nameToString
 Get string representation of name component.
def getNameLength
 Get string length of the name component's string representation.
def split
 Split of string.

Detailed Description

CORBA Naming Service helper class.

This class is a wrapper class of CosNaming.NamingContext. Almost the same operations which CosNaming.NamingContext has are provided, and some operation allows string naming representation of context and object instead of CosNaming.Name.

The object of the class would connect to a CORBA naming server at the instantiation or immediately after instantiation. After that the object invokes operations to the root context of it. This class realizes forced binding to deep NamingContext, without binding intermediate NamingContexts explicitly.


Member Function Documentation

def OpenRTM_aist.CorbaNaming.CorbaNaming.__del__ (   self  ) 


def OpenRTM_aist.CorbaNaming.CorbaNaming.__init__ (   self,
  name_server = None 


def OpenRTM_aist.CorbaNaming.CorbaNaming.isAlive (   self  ) 

Check on whether the root context is alive.

Check on whether the root context is alive.

self bool CorbaNaming.isAlive()

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