OpenRTM_aist.ConnectorListener.ConnectorListener Class Reference

This class is abstract base class for listener classes that provides callbacks for various events in the data port's connectors. More...

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

def toString
 Convert ConnectorListenerType into the string.

Detailed Description

This class is abstract base class for listener classes that provides callbacks for various events in the data port's connectors.

This class manages one ore more instances of ConnectorListener class.

Member Function Documentation

def OpenRTM_aist.ConnectorListener.ConnectorListener.toString (   type  ) 

Convert ConnectorListenerType into the string.

Convert ConnectorListenerType into the string.

type The target ConnectorListenerType for transformation
Trnasformation result of string representation

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Generated on Thu Mar 10 16:01:38 2011 for OpenRTM-aist-1.0.0-Python by  doxygen 1.6.3