RTM::Manager Interface Reference

import "Manager.idl";

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

RTC::ReturnCode_t load_module (in string pathname, in string initfunc)
 Loading a module.
RTC::ReturnCode_t unload_module (in string pathname)
 Unloading a module.
ModuleProfileList get_loadable_modules ()
 Getting loadable module profiles.
ModuleProfileList get_loaded_modules ()
 Getting loaded module profiles.
ModuleProfileList get_factory_profiles ()
 Getting component factory profiles.
RTC::RTObject create_component (in string module_name)
 Creating an RT-Component.
RTC::ReturnCode_t delete_component (in string instance_name)
 Deleting an RT-Component.
RTC::RTCList get_components ()
 Getting RT-Component list running on this manager.
RTC::ComponentProfileList get_component_profiles ()
 Getting RT-Component's profile list running on this manager.
ManagerProfile get_profile ()
 Getting this manager's profile.
NVList get_configuration ()
 Getting this manager's configuration.
RTC::ReturnCode_t set_configuration (in string name, in string value)
 Setting manager's configuration.
boolean is_master ()
 Whether this manager is master or not.
ManagerList get_master_managers ()
 Getting master managers.
RTC::ReturnCode_t add_master_manager (in Manager mgr)
 Getting a master manager.
RTC::ReturnCode_t remove_master_manager (in Manager mgr)
 Removing a master manager.
ManagerList get_slave_managers ()
 Getting slave managers.
RTC::ReturnCode_t add_slave_manager (in Manager mgr)
 Getting a slave manager.
RTC::ReturnCode_t remove_slave_manager (in Manager mgr)
 Removing a slave manager.
RTC::ReturnCode_t fork ()
RTC::ReturnCode_t shutdown ()
RTC::ReturnCode_t restart ()
Object get_service (in string name)

Member Function Documentation

RTC::ReturnCode_t RTM::Manager::load_module ( in string  pathname,
in string  initfunc 

Loading a module.

This operation loads a specified loadable module¡¢and perform initialization with the specified function.

pathname A path to a loading module.
initfunc Module initialization function.
The return code.

RTC::ReturnCode_t RTM::Manager::unload_module ( in string  pathname  ) 

Unloading a module.

This operation unloads a specified loadable module.

pathname A path to a loading module.
The return code.

ModuleProfileList RTM::Manager::get_loadable_modules (  ) 

Getting loadable module profiles.

This operation returns loadable module profiles.

A module profile list.

ModuleProfileList RTM::Manager::get_loaded_modules (  ) 

Getting loaded module profiles.

This operation returns loaded module profiles.

A module profile list.

ModuleProfileList RTM::Manager::get_factory_profiles (  ) 

Getting component factory profiles.

This operation returns component factory profiles from loaded RT-Component module factory profiles.

An RT-Component factory profile list.

RTC::RTObject RTM::Manager::create_component ( in string  module_name  ) 

Creating an RT-Component.

This operation creates RT-Component according to the string argument.

A created RT-Component

RTC::ReturnCode_t RTM::Manager::delete_component ( in string  instance_name  ) 

Deleting an RT-Component.

This operation delete an RT-Component according to the string argument.

Return code

RTC::RTCList RTM::Manager::get_components (  ) 

Getting RT-Component list running on this manager.

This operation returns RT-Component list running on this manager.

A list of RT-Components

RTC::ComponentProfileList RTM::Manager::get_component_profiles (  ) 

Getting RT-Component's profile list running on this manager.

This operation returns RT-Component's profile list running on this manager.

A list of RT-Components' profiles

ManagerProfile RTM::Manager::get_profile (  ) 

Getting this manager's profile.

This operation returns this manager's profile.

Manager's profile

NVList RTM::Manager::get_configuration (  ) 

Getting this manager's configuration.

This operation returns this manager's configuration.

Manager's configuration

RTC::ReturnCode_t RTM::Manager::set_configuration ( in string  name,
in string  value 

Setting manager's configuration.

This operation sets managers configuration.

name A configuration key name to be set
value A configuration value to be set
Return code

boolean RTM::Manager::is_master (  ) 

Whether this manager is master or not.

It returns "True" if this manager is a master, and it returns "False" in other cases.

A boolean value that means it is master or not.

ManagerList RTM::Manager::get_master_managers (  ) 

Getting master managers.

This operation returns master manager list if this manager is slave. If this manager is master, an empty sequence would be returned.

Master manager list

RTC::ReturnCode_t RTM::Manager::add_master_manager ( in Manager  mgr  ) 

Getting a master manager.

This operation add a master manager to this manager.

mgr A master manager

RTC::ReturnCode_t RTM::Manager::remove_master_manager ( in Manager  mgr  ) 

Removing a master manager.

This operation removes a master manager from this manager.

mgr A master manager

ManagerList RTM::Manager::get_slave_managers (  ) 

Getting slave managers.

This operation returns slave manager list if this manager is slave. If this manager is slave, an empty sequence would be returned.

Slave manager list

RTC::ReturnCode_t RTM::Manager::add_slave_manager ( in Manager  mgr  ) 

Getting a slave manager.

This operation add a slave manager to this manager.

mgr A slave manager

RTC::ReturnCode_t RTM::Manager::remove_slave_manager ( in Manager  mgr  ) 

Removing a slave manager.

This operation removes a slave manager from this manager.

mgr A slave manager

RTC::ReturnCode_t RTM::Manager::fork (  ) 

RTC::ReturnCode_t RTM::Manager::shutdown (  ) 

RTC::ReturnCode_t RTM::Manager::restart (  ) 

Object RTM::Manager::get_service ( in string  name  ) 

The documentation for this interface was generated from the following file:

Generated on Wed Jun 16 15:02:16 2010 for OpenRTM by  doxygen 1.5.5