- 00:28 バグ #2375: LTTSample Debug版での問題
- LogicalTimeTriggeredEC.dllをDebug版でビルドし、それをロードする事でECはアタッチされるようになる。
- 00:26 バグ #2375 (終了): LTTSample Debug版での問題
- LTTSampleのDebug版ではECがアタッチされない。
- 17:26 リビジョン 2333: New options have been added to the rtm-config.
- The rtm-config is created by configure AC_CONFiG_FILES macro.
New variables have been added to the openrtm-aist.pc.
r... - 12:42 リビジョン 2332: A bug in configure script to remove config_rtc.h's VERSION macro has been fixed.
- refs #2371
- 12:04 リビジョン 2331: New options have been added to the rtm-config.
- The rtm-config is created by configure AC_CONFiG_FILES macro.
New variables have been added to the openrtm-aist.pc.
r... - 00:51 リビジョン 2330: New options have been added to the rtm-config.
- The rtm-config is created by configure AC_CONFiG_FILES macro.
New variables have been added to the openrtm-aist.pc.
- 10:37 リビジョン 2328: [compat,header/impl,bugfix/format] A bug in SdoServiceAdmin::getServiceProviderProfiles() has been fixed. CORBA_SeqUtil's indentations have been modified. refs #2179
- 10:18 リビジョン 2327: [compat,header,format] Char-code changed Shift-JIS -> EUC
- 10:17 リビジョン 2326: [compat,impl/makefile,bigfix] RTPreemptEC has been updated for new ECBase. refs #2366
- 10:13 リビジョン 2325: [compat,makefile,bugfix] Bugs that vc10 related files are not re-distributed in dist-package have been fixed. refs #2364
- 13:37 リビジョン 2324: [compat,header/impl,bugfix] getStateString()'s bug was fixed. Log messages have been corrected.
- 11:01 リビジョン 2323: [compat,Makefile,temp] Build subdirs entry for rtpreempt, artlinux has been removed temporarily
- 10:58 リビジョン 2322: [compat,Makefile/scripts,bugfix] TriggerApp vcproj entry has been removed. TickApp.py has been updated. run.sh has been updated just to run TickApp.py.
- 03:52 リビジョン 2321: [compat,impl,bugfix] typo in logger.date_format option.
- 03:51 リビジョン 2320: [incompat,impl/header,bigfix] Mutex guard has been introduced to logical clock and adjusted clock class.
- 03:50 リビジョン 2319: [compat,impl,bugfix] bools filesystem lib API has been changed?
- 03:48 リビジョン 2318: [compat,makefile,func] Logicaltime triggered EC module has been introduced.
- 03:41 リビジョン 2317: [compat,script,func] Trigger application has been implemented.
- 03:41 リビジョン 2316: [compat,other,bugfix] rtc.conf has been updated.
- 03:40 リビジョン 2315: [compat,file,func] TriggerApp has been removed.
- 03:37 リビジョン 2314: [compat,impl/header,func] LTTSample component has been updated. It is modified in order to activate when RTC is started.
- 12:02 リビジョン 2313: [compat,impl/header,func] Initial version of LogicalTimeTriggeredEC has been implemented. refs #2304
- 11:55 リビジョン 2312: [compat,impl,func/doc] logger.clock_type option is introduced. refs #2361
- 11:48 リビジョン 2311: [incompat,impl/header,func/bugfix] Now Logger uses a clock from coil::ClockManager to get timestamp for logging. A bug that logger.date_format option has no effect has been fixed. refs #2358
- 11:09 リビジョン 2310: [incompat,impl/header,func] ClockManager class has been introduced. refs #2355
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