- 15:32 リビジョン 473 (openrtm-python): a bug about setLeve has been fixed.
- 15:31 リビジョン 472 (openrtm-python): a bug about nowait flag has been fixed.
- 11:51 リビジョン 471 (openrtm-python): PeriodicExecutionContext's sleep time calculation has been improved.
- Now execution time is measured and applied it to sleep time.
- 11:50 リビジョン 470 (openrtm-python): New option manager.auto_shutdown_duration has been added.
- RTC's configuration parameter can be given from rtc.conf and
-o option from command line arguments. - 11:42 リビジョン 469 (openrtm-python): The Time class had been deleted.
- 11:41 リビジョン 468 (openrtm-python): Added getTime method which return time when Time object was created.
- 13:57 リビジョン 467 (openrtm-python): Now, there is the rtc_handle in svnroot/rtc_handle.
- 13:52 リビジョン 466 (openrtm-python): update for 1.1.
- 12:20 リビジョン 465 (openrtm-python): First commit.
- The rtc_handle was implemented by Professor Takashi Suehiro
- 16:17 リビジョン 462 (openrtm-python): __init__.py files for distutils have been added.
- 14:51 リビジョン 461 (openrtm-python): document has been updated.
- 12:46 リビジョン 460 (openrtm-python): The bug of termination processing has been corrected.
- 11:05 リビジョン 459 (openrtm-python): encoding declaration has been added.
- 17:06 リビジョン 458 (openrtm-python): update for 1.1.0.
- 11:38 リビジョン 457 (openrtm-python): move from test to sdo.
- 11:38 リビジョン 456 (openrtm-python): move from test to sdo.
- 11:16 リビジョン 455 (openrtm-python): Some test programs for ComponentObserverConsumer have been added.
- -ComponentObserverProvider.py: Provider side (test for ComponentObserverConsumer).
-COCTestRTC.py: Sample component u...
- 18:45 リビジョン 454 (openrtm-python): The problem of "out of range" has been corrected in invoke() method.
- 18:41 リビジョン 453 (openrtm-python): PortConnectListenerHolder and PortConnectRetListenerHolder have been implemented.
- 18:39 リビジョン 452 (openrtm-python): The test case for ConnectionListener has been added.
- 16:56 リビジョン 451 (openrtm-python): Added test code related to Listener. refs #2033
- 16:13 リビジョン 450 (openrtm-python): Added necessary IDL files.
- 16:05 リビジョン 449 (openrtm-python): The test component for ComponentActionListener has been added.
- 16:03 リビジョン 448 (openrtm-python): manager.shutdown_on_nortcs option has been changed from YES to NO.
- 16:02 リビジョン 447 (openrtm-python): typo has been corrected.
- 11:09 リビジョン 446 (openrtm-python): -generator of original-data has been added.
- -using rtc_handle10_11.py
-auto-test for Composite has been added.
他の形式にエクスポート: Atom